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Everything posted by 76

  1. 76

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    What a wank, thats YOUR truth Drew, no one elses so don't speak of it as if its what everyone believes because it ain't. Don't like persistent campers/snipers... no one does but it makes you a farrrrr better player trying to avoid or sneak up on them and the satisfaction for it is nothing you'll find in coop... Seems to me you just cant cut the mustard and get pwned on PvP hence why you hate it so much. There is a ton of PvP players getting a half-arsed fix for their PvP needs from CTI or they just play boring coop to get by etc but they'd love a dedicated real PvP server to hang out on. So dont think PvP players are only a tiny section of this community, they just don't really have anywhere else to go Sure there are tards that will always be tards but this weak ass generation has to learn to TAKE THE GOOD WITH THE BAD. True, I just see a serious lack of tolerance toward new players and to me that is a definitely a form of elitism. Its a hard game to master and I'm more than happy to be TK'd a few times etc while someone learns, releases some frustrations from the steep learning curve and eventually grows and becomes a respected/quality member of the ArmA community. Can you elitists see that no new blood = a dead community sooner or later.... but you elitists don't seem to care about cutting off your noses to spite ya face.... thats what I consider NOOB. +1 Bloody spot on, and anyway... who the f'k said PvP players wanted it dumbed down??? cause they are not speaking for me.
  2. 76

    Kneeling of opening map

    omfg..... you press 'M' to exit map..... then ALL you have to do is press 'W'. And if thats to much do AS I said before, press 'C' (or whatever button you use to stand up) WHILE in map and when you exit the map you have your gun raised, not so hard ah.... This is such an non issue. +1
  3. 76

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Sorry, there is defiantly elitist there.
  4. 76

    Kicked od game

    oh sorry mrjolla, not the battleye.exe.... there is none lol.... :j: at self Been awhile since this problem was last around, it was a problem for quite a few people (and myself). If you didn't run the armaoa.exe as admin you couldn't join any servers. But if you say you've already ticked the 'Run this program as administrator' then ehhh I'm unsure of your problem. do you have patch 1.59 installed? you said you had 1.57... might be the prob. Will investigate some more for ya :) edit: any reason why you run in 'Windows XP' compatibility mode?, try un-ticking that and see if that helps... Battleye Update ArmA OA & RFT Patch 1.59 Latest stable beta patch build 79600 Also open windows firewall and delete all ArmA2, ArmAOA etc entries and run the game, when you select multiplayer alt-tab and windows firewall should have a pop-up asking if you want to allow ArmAOA access or similar. bedtime for me, I'll see how you went tomorrow :) Good Luck mrjolla If you do run custom faces or sounds you will get an error so you should know if thats ya prob.... sleep.
  5. 76

    Kicked od game

    ummm.... hellllooooooo.... I just posted the fix...............................................
  6. Advertise your PvP Server Here Anyone who has info on Player vs. Player servers and when they play, types of missions, player numbers, server location etc etc please post here... thanks :) I'll start, Cerberus5 Days: Most nights but Friday and Saturday Nights are busiest Times: 7pm - 12/2am Requirements: None Ping Limit: None Game Modes: AAS, C&H, CTI, DM, SC, VIP... Rules: Play anyway you like just 'Respect other Players' Players: 30+ weekends nights (10+ week nights) Location: Chicago USA Admins: Always (when populated), no less than 4 at any one time Web Site: http://cerberus5.proboards.com/index.cgi Just filter 'C5' in the gamespy browser :)
  7. C'mon :) I know there is f'all PvP servers out there but there is more than just C5... If you know of or run a dedicated PvP server I'd love to see you post it here :)
  8. 76

    Kneeling of opening map

    Actually you can move.... when I play PvP and check the map by pressing 'M' I straight away press 'C' so when I return to the game from the map I'm standing and ready to run. And I think its fine the way it is, you're lucky you don't have to put up with animations showing you pull ya map out, unfolding it to read, then fold it up again before you step off. As someone said... whats the big deal? just press 'W' and ya off......
  9. 76

    Kicked od game

    Run the game as ADMINISTRATOR.... Right click .exe, select 'properties', then 'compatibility mode' and tick "run as Administrator' do the same for your battleye.exe SOLVED :) oh and... piss off elitist... dont need your shit here. You where noob once too, like I and every f'k one was.
  10. Hmm, I haven't seen a cheat for a long time... thought they'd all moved on... But then I rarely play Coop and cheats do no real damage to a PvP games so they wouldn't bother... Don't think that's legal.... either way you're lowering yourself to their standard
  11. Its the nature of the beast, try be more tactful in your tank ie infantry support etc
  12. 76

    ArmA2 for free!

    You came from the same place these so called CoD kiddies came from and now look at you... a quality member of the armaverse. You have to take the good with the bad... because if no one came here from these 'kiddie' games and decided (like you) they loved this game and stuck around.... there would be no ArmA community. sry, have to tell the truth, elitists suck.
  13. 76

    DM Mappack

    Thank you [TcB]-Psycho- Will play it soon :)
  14. 76

    CLY PVP missions (beta)

    ... DUDE! would you stop please.... all these kick arse missions and not enough PvP servers to play them... I'm yet to play most of your missions which I think is really f'kin sad, is there not one server owner in Australia that has the balls to run a dedi PvP server? Qwertz of Armacalypse offered to buy and house a server for me to run... but 60+ hours a week working and I just don't have the time :( /end rant... sorry THANK YOU Celery, I love your work.... I'll try get Cowboy to upload them :)
  15. 76

    CLY PVP missions (beta)

    Awesome, thanks Celery. Just wish coop players could see past their arse... er AI.
  16. 76

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Where am I demanding stuff? did you read my post mate? pretty sure I was defending public servers... I'll defend clan and any other server too... just happened we're talking about PvP ones... right?! When someone narrow sighted person tries to claim all public servers are full of morons who TK etc etc blah bla blah, I'm bloody well going to correct them. So anyway wtf are you having a go at me for?
  17. 76

    Confused beginner

    Offer still stands.
  18. No. Warfare is not PvP... 30 players with 10 ai each = 300 ai, plus the ai 'resistance' in towns... Only pure PvP... game modes like Warfare needs no help, nor does coop... this is in a vain attempt to raise the profile of PvP in ArmA 2.
  19. UTC -06:00 100% agree, whats that got to do with C5 and PvP I admit I've been playing crCRI Proman 4.21 there at night EST time which is the early hours of the morning in America, so there is no issue there and only for maybe 2 hours. edit: Should add that high pings are not an issue on the C5 server, as in you won't be kicked for it.
  20. 76

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Closed/private communities are definitely NOT the way forward... Free, Open and Public is the way forward, closed/exclusive mens clubs have produced nothing but for its members. HEY Bob.... I only EVER play on public server... I'm not a member of a fucking clan and lots of ppl are the same, so its all I/we have. But where the fuck do you get off basically calling every public server shit and full of TK'ing "morons". Don't be such an asshole. Are you actually trying to discredit public servers, which my little winy friend is trying to discredit BI. Back the fuck up mate. Oh... and let me proof this for you... "Except for BF2 is primitive IMO compared to A2 and doesn't offer anythink even close to what I get out of this game. PS. before you say "ohhh ban stick blah blah" I know what I'm doing and the consequences.
  21. Its the weekend... ArmA 2 fun
  22. 76

    Confused beginner

    His wife for one entire evening.. Muh..ha...ha...haaaaaaaaaaa :)
  23. 76

    User mission requests!

    It's all I've got, not really what ya looking for... sorry. http://www.4shared.com/file/UX9QHQkF/trng16_cqb_course_05utes.html http://www.4shared.com/file/52k7YTEt/trng08_driveall_usmc_v2chernar.html There would be some clans out there with great training missions... be really nice for them to share;)
  24. After me. I've downloaded and played nearly every release that scores 8.5 or higher over a few reviewers... mass effect 2 has been the only one I have completed... well spent more than 2 hours with. Will always and only really ever be ArmAverse for me.