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Posts posted by 1212PDMCDMPPM

  1. Excellent mission !

    One question: after clearing a city, can you miss the objective if you die too much/are wiped during the counter attack ?

    Yesterday, I manage to get the teleport flag in a city (so after clearing and being able to kill the counter attack after numerous respawn smile_o.gif ) but the objective was not completed.

    What I've done wrong ?



  2. This mission is really excellent. Sadly, the two times I tried to play it online it suddenly stopped. I don't know if there's a timer or some kind of maximum life that can be used but I'd really like that such system to me removed if they are in place.

    For all, give it a try, it's really a nice mission !!


  3. As everyone has said already Vista is shite for gaming.  However if you must use it, turn all the fancy pretty gubbins off (aero interface, sidebar, everything) and if possible alt+tab out of game in order to close down explorer as well.  And definitely don't be running any 'security' programs.

    And stop the Windows search service.

    I noticed a real boost in the time it took to display textures while turning it off.

    It's sad that I get the same performance from a new Vista installation without antivirus on a defragmented Raptor than my old XP installation, on a old fragmented hard drive.


  4. Early in the game (before having access to the AV8s) there is only one possible method of destruction, and that is fighting your way in through an assault, put a satchel down and then back off and blow it.

    Are you sure ?

    In older version of Evolution, we were able to destroy radiotower with anything. Vulcan are just brillant to do this kind of job but a lucky/expert AT user can do it to.

    Of course, killing it from 500m with a Vulcan has nothing to do with stealth...  tounge2.gif


  5. Like other people in this forum, I really like playing missions with some kind of revive script.

    Unfortunately, it's not that easy to find missions with such a script so I'm starting this thread to advertise this type of respawn in missions.

    City Take Ortego:


    City Take Paraiso:


    Feel free to add links to mission you like.


    PS: for those who are looking for a revive script, you can have a look here:


  6. Thx. I'll test it soon.

    One question: did you implement some kind of tolerance to detect clearing town..Etc ?

    Something like : you just need to kill 95% of the soldiers to consider an area secure ?

    It's so frustrating to have to spend a lot of time to find a lone soldier hidden or stuck somewhere.



  7. And who says you can't take ammo from fallen AI? I do that all the time, works perfectly.

    I tried it at least two times in KP CTI and both time the M136 ammo disappeared on the corpse but did not appear in my gear (and future corpse rofl.gif ).


  8. GranQ,

    thanks for the feedback.

    To summarize the different points:

    - M136: it's abonormal for the human player to get one ammo and not being able to get more on fallen soldier while the AI soldier get 3 shots.

    You should sacrifice realism over fun here and give 3 shots to the human player too.

    - vehicule spam: I'm pretty sure BIS pathfinding is causing some errors but I feel that the AI is spamming vehicule creation. Could you prevent the AI to buy vehicule if the spawning zone is not clear of friendly vehicule ?

    - premature end of game: what is the condition ? what is the limit of negative budget you can go before losing ?

    - upkeep cost: it really should be stated in the descritpion of the vehicule/soldier

    - documentation: the briefing is far too small to descrive everything. Also the place to describe the different play options (i.e. server parameters) is not the briefing but on your web page.

    Another question: are the vehicule at the main base respawnable ?



  9. GranQ,

    Yesterday I tried the addon, and only, version.

    One improvement would be more documentations about what the different options are doing ("coop AI west", "disabled"...etc). I've seen AI in all version I've tested (including AI disabled). Also you should write somewhere we need to stick to the flag to get the menu, or near the 4 vehicules when we are at the main west base. I looked nearly 20 minutes to understand that... smile_o.gif

    I also notice some major vehicule spamming from both AI side at east and west corazol (I was the only human player in my test game).

    Another weird thing: I buy a AT soldier, he gets at least 4 ammo for the M136. I'm buying the AT kit, I only get one ammo without the ability to get the ammo from fallen soldier.

    Can't we take ammo in the field ? Can you make sure the AT kit has more than one rocket ?

    Also, is there a negative value of money were we lose ? I specified a 3h game but it was finished far before 3h of gameplay. The "3h" are in ArmA time and not in real life time ?

    This mission has some great potential but either it needs a better doc or more time investment to get use to it.

    The upkeep cost for everything would be really nice for example. I'm also assuming a destroyed toy (or soldier) doesn't have an upkeep cost.

    Thx for this mission !


  10. @ May 16 2007,10:06)]Another alternitive is to leave an ai in the truck and it will not respawn.

    But it will use the fuel of the truck as the engine will be on.

    That's why I asked trucks to have infinite "internal" fuel.

    May be there's a way to tell the AI to turn off the engine... Anyway, easier logistics is welcome, especially with AI that can't cross a bridge properly.


  11. think i should do a addons free version to promote this mission more?

    I guess it's a yes. At the moment, using addon in a mission is a sure way for it not to be played.

    Addon control is so cumbersome that most don't touch it, myself included.

    I want to be able to activate/deactivate them directly in the game and that the server will stream them if somebody is missing one when joining.


  12. dx10, like dual core support, is never going to happen.

    Why are you saying that ? We'll see a lot of titles supporting both DX9 and 10 this year.

    ArmA could be one of them.

