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Everything posted by 1in1class

  1. 1in1class

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    Nice thank ya i just did not see any thing about an ammo box on the info page thanks.
  2. 1in1class

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    Vary nice work:bounce3: Any chance of having an ammo box? This would be vary nice to have.
  3. Keep it going love the sounds. Cant wait to see it in ArmA 2 your work was just great in ArmA 1 its going to be vary nice in ArmA 2.
  4. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    Is there an reason why i dont have AA launcher with the AA unit?
  5. 1in1class

    BWMod release thread

    G3 guns are a little bugged, the units shoots on single mode and all is good when ya reload you see the clip disappears like it should but when you put it in to an different fire mode the clipe does not disapper when reloading and for burst and full you have to reload it even if the single is already loaded.
  6. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    My AA units does not have an AA launcher. Vary nice job on the units keep it up.
  7. 1in1class

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    NZXSHADOWS you have done an vary nice job on you HMMWVs in ArmA and your work for ArmA 2 is just lovely keep it up cant wait to use them upper armor HMMWV and im seeing your trucks now also. Keep it going cant wait to see the HMMWVs and Trucks:bounce3:
  8. 1in1class

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Vary nice work on this guys keep it up.
  9. 1in1class

    BWMod release thread

    Wow vary nice top mod right here keep it going love the work guys keep it up:bounce3:
  10. 1in1class

    2nd Rangers Multicam

    Vary nice job. Be nice to have an long range squad with big back packs, thats what they do this days. They fight it out in the mountains.
  11. O wow vary nice mod here, keep it coming.
  12. 1in1class

    ArmA2:OHMOD Preview

    Wow wow and wow:bounce3: Cant wait to get this mod in ArmA 2. Keep it up:bounce3:
  13. 1in1class

    Favorite weapon.

    Where the MP5?
  14. 1in1class

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Wow love this mod loved it in ArmA 1 and yet love it in ArmA 2. Keep it up guys:bounce3:
  15. 1in1class

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Wow the units are vary nice:butbut: Could we see an new modle of an fighter pilot unit with your mask?
  16. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    Ya more classes are vary much well met, are there any tank crew in the making or chopper pilots?
  17. 1in1class

    MH-53E addon released

    Main rotor blade looks off, in ArmA 2 helo main rotor blades kind of left up as you start it up. In this addon here the main blade is just staying flat and in the middle of the rotor it wobles like crazy. Could we see in the next update new main rotor blades? In this pic you will see the main rotor arch up as all the other choppers in ArmA 2 do. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ec/CH-53_Super_Stallion.jpg Also they have an top cover on the main rotor.
  18. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    Think maybe would could see some in IBA. Mostly used in US Army this day in age.
  19. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    Yes you are right about the helmets the army use the MICH and ACH helmets mainly the ACH kinda got use to them PASGT ones:biggrin_o: but there is no Cameron McDonld's uppper body armor so i dont know if Binkowski is useing CM textures, i dont see any upper body armor nor the velcro patch of CM textures talking about the interceptor body armor its in two parts deltoid wich is upper arm and axillary the under arm of the armor. Here is an link with more info. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/interceptor.htm
  20. 1in1class

    US Army 2009 Units

    Vary nice units. Keep up that good work, iv been looking at there helmets and they look vary different then the USMC vanilla BIS ones. They are much tighter like an bowl and kind of like an brit helmet in front just looks weird. Patch on the right arm the velcro one sages down to far it should be less saggy. CameronMcDonald made some vary good units vary well made the upper body armor was just awsome could get some tips on them about patch and upper armor for your units.
  21. 1in1class


    Vary nice Chopper nice work. Iv got an Bug though i cant close the weapon bay doors when i do click on close bay doors the gunner opens them back up, gunner keeps the weapon bay doors open at all times.
  22. 1in1class

    MH-53E addon released

    Main rotor blade is still vary funny looking. Vary nice MH 53 but that main rotor looks still vary wobbley it just dont look right. Good work and keep it up.
  23. Units are looking vary well done. Nice work:bounce3: Body gear and all looking good keep it up.
  24. 1in1class

    US Desert Vehicles (WIP)

    Nice skins. Where the Humvees at? Have not seen any pic of the Humvees, plz say that your doing them also:butbut: