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Everything posted by 1in1class

  1. Dont know to much about ATI but since you got that 9400 GT you should stick with the Nvidia cards, till you can get an better vid card. Its up to you about how to go with ATI or Nvidia. Im sure you will like the better prefromence by getting an new card, but dont think you will be gettin top peak of FPS by getting an 400 or 500 series Nividia card. Thats someting BIS needs to do on there part in the game.
  2. My issue is that i got mixed Takistan units in with my Russian units. On the other part this -exThreads=3 and doing stuff to the CFG should not be done on the user's part just to get the game playing. This game has its system Requirements on the back of the box. If you meat them specs you should be able to play the game for what it is. All should be moveing forward with patches not steps back as 1.55 did. But i think my issue with the mixed units is because of me going back to patch 1.54, but i dont know that cause i never test it in 1.55.
  3. 1in1class

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    On that note, most issues are already out by people. Lets just say the big one is LOD's and the 1.55 patch itself:sly:
  4. 1in1class

    PMC DLC and Helicopters...

    Ya they got this DLC twisted up, as they should be working on patch to fix the game. Just check this post http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109932&page=11 Saying that first comes DLC then the major fix for the OA, ArmA 2, BAF so on......... Thats an bad way to go.
  5. With that 9400 GT its at an minimum requirement. Gots an 260 GTX and i get about 30 FPS in OA about the same in ArmA 2. Nividia is in the 5s now. Should update to an new card but as i said with an 260 GTX i get about 30 with good settings not too bad. As you look in the forums FPS is not at an peak in ArmA 2, OA.
  6. 1in1class

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Here ya goods on the news for the 1.57 fixs! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109932&page=11 Saying that no good fix till 1.57! Only some little fix just for the DLC of PMC!
  7. 1in1class

    Patch 1.55 Issues

    Say what! get an quick no fix minor just for the DLC of the release PMC! Yet the big issues for you to be able to play the game will not be fix till 1.57! Put aside the DLC and get the issues fixed for the game.
  8. Yha 1.55 did an bad number on OA all around, i went back to 1.54 by reinstalling OA. Now i got an issue with my Russian units being mixed up with Takistan units. I did not test that out when i updated to 1.55 patch so i dont know if its my fault for going back to 1.54 or not, i still got 1.08 for ArmA 2 and 1.01 for BAF and the Russian units show up in ArmA 2 though. Iv said this on some post befor but most people dont have this issue as i think its cause i went back to 1.54 and got the new patches for ArmA 2 and BAF going. Realy dont think ill be touching that 1.55 patch or any of the beta patches till LOD's are fixe and what not. Should not have to go and touch your CFG file or do this -exThreads=3 and so on... to get OA or ArmA 2 playing right, patches should fix issues and not take you back 10 steps as the back of the box gots the specs for the system Requirements to run this game.
  9. Could somebody make an replacement pack for the vanilla Russian units? Iv got an issue in OA that my Russian units are mixed up with Takistan units. I used an replacement pack for the Russian side and it worked but that replacement pack was in digital camo and not the vanilla Russian units, just would like to have the vanilla Russian units.
  10. 1in1class

    A10 and radar

    If the A10 gots an flare system it should have an missle alert system. As for the player flying it, the missles that are launch dont hit it. Its different if the AI is flying as you can hit it. Issue on the A10 is that the radar/missle alert system does not work. When player is flying the A10 with out useing the flare system the missles from AI still dont hit it.
  11. 1in1class

    A10 and radar

    I gots the same issue about the A10 even when the missle is inbound it does not hit the A10. Dont get the red warning on radar nor does the missles hit it, its like the A10 is one big shaft to missles.
  12. 1in1class

    PvPscene Tweaks

    Nice work guys. AH-1 Cobra now has HUD, nice work all around.
  13. Thank ya. About the reinstalling of the BAF, since i installed back to 1.54 should i reinstall BAF as i dont see the launch exe in the BAF folder. I only got the desktop launch.
  14. Iv went back to 1.54 patch by reinstalling OA, i did have the 1.55 patch that updated BAF to 1.01 and ArmA 2 to 1.08. Now that i reinstalled OA to 1.54 do i have to reinstall BAF also? Iv bought BAF as an DLC when it came out i dont know what the difference is on the BAF lite and the DLC of BAF. Im asking cause i was going to reinstall BAF because im getting mixed Takistan units in with my Russian units. Main question is do i got to reinstall BAF and ArmA 2 back to the other patches as i had it befor i dl the 1.55 patch?
  15. Yhaa thanks for the help on this though. I did befor dl the 1.55 patch and seen how bad it was so i reinstalled back to 1.54 but i only uninstalled OA would i have to uninstall BAF too? When i start the game on OA shortcut on my desktop its as the same as BAF shortcut. I can only launch BAF at the desktop shortcut, there is not an exe launch in the ArmA 2 folder for the BAF.
  16. Iv just now notice that when i was making an mission on Chernarus with Russian units that there were mixed units of the Takisan units in with them. This is on vanilla units, only a few vanilla Russian units are in the vanilla uniform most are Takisan uniforms. Units that are mixed up in the Russian side are Rifleman, Grenadier, Automatic Riflemen, and Marksman. All them units are Takisan units instead of being Russian.
  17. Im launching it in BAF, but iv not tryed out launching it from OA. Ill give that an go hope it works. Thank you for your help in this issue, if you can or know how i to get an replacement pack for the vanilla Russian units that would be nice also. Thank you. Yha i gave it an try with launching it from OA and still got the same issue. If somebody could do an replacement pack for the vanilla Russian units that would work i just dont know why im getting this issue with mix units.
  18. ArmA OA with 1.54 patch i also have BAF, thanks for looking into this.
  19. Anybody have this issue? Is there an way to get an replacement for the vanilla units so that i could get them?
  20. You guys came an long way with this mod and it shows, keep the goods going. Realy nice work guys.
  21. Patch 1.55 is an issue and its very well seen. This game has its system requirements post on its box or what not, so no GURU or any other bs should be toped up with MAJORITY got it working. All who have the system requirements should be able to play ArmA OA as for what it is. Iv went back to patch 1.54 and its the first time that iv went back on an patch on the series all the way from OFP! 1.55 realy has issues with its LOD's and other issues as well. BI went 10 steps back on this new patch for OA. Lets just hope they move up 20 steps to get the LOD's issue and others fixed.
  22. Dont think there is as its the patch issue. I went back to 1.54 that would the best way.
  23. To recreate it, just copy the following text into the file and save it to the above path: // Uncomment to enable replacement of ACE2 @ACEX_SM sounds //#define CSM2_ACEX_SM // Uncomment to enable replacement of Operation Arrowhead sounds #define CSM2_OA Where do i put this at? It says into the file but what file, how do i do this? Thanks for the help if Guttersnipe got it going hope i can too. I just need to know where to put that info and how to recreate it. Or if you could this would be very nice, give me that file with that in it so i could just put it in my userconfig file. So you do have to have the CSM2 userconfig from the ArmA 2 one to get the OA and BAF running right? Ahhh i see, thank you for the info and i got it working also. Thanks for the help Protegimus.
  24. K i went back to 1.54, now do i just dl the CSM2OA and run the mod? Or do i have to dl the CSM2 one first? CSM2OA should work just as it is with out any other dl right? Ahh its one of the other patches thats doing this to the CSM2OA and CSM2BAF mod. Im still getting the same issue as i did when i dl the new patches!
  25. What is the best way to go back to the 1.54 patch? System restore or just uninstall the OA? I got BAF also so would i have to uninstall that too?