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Everything posted by 169th_Ice

  1. 169th_Ice


    As it says No bugs that I know of. If by chance as commander not being able to build after respawning. Go back to the soldier selection selection screen and rejoin. It will then work. ACE-ICED-Warfare-01.Sara
  2. 169th_Ice


    Based on Rommel's version with a few changes Airlift for bothsides Faster Fast Travel Resistance AI upgrades: Smarter, more weapons and armour $2500 starting money, $800 starting suppply money for commander Revised Spawn Locations Aircraft Factories can build Jets there are no AI supply trucks. So Remember to build up the supply values of your towns. Enjoy: Download here: Warfare_32-V112-ICED-V14.Sara
  3. As us server admins know there are good mods and bad mods. Bad mods and or Addons can cause latency, Server crashes or give Griefers the ability to hack a game and ruin the enjoyment for everyone else playing. = No fun and frustration for all. Objective of this thread. Create a list of Problem mods or Addons that should be blocked from dedicated servers. So, if you as a server admin know of any please post them here with their CfgPatches classname if you know it so it can easily be added to the dooacsDisabledPatches script. (see here). In the post should be the types(s) of problems each mod/addon causes. Whether it be: Hack Lag Server Crash Cheat I will then edit this post and update the list accordingly. Feel free to discuss the validity of each one in this thread. Below is a List from the SA-Gaming Site the I am using. Feel free to add comments on each one. Thanks goes to Doolittle and Aussie Dave for their work so far. Blocked Mods: XAM all of them SLX Mod ECS Mod Compact Fix for ArmA Fight For Nogova (FFN) Mod Morsa's Any Gear by 5133p39 PROPER World mod PROPER World Xtra Mods GDT ModHelicopter GDT Mod TOW GDT Mod Hellfire GDT Mod Satchel Ice's dooacsDisabledPatches:
  4. 169th_Ice


    Version 14 hits the top three Not Bad http://stats.swec.se/game/statistics
  5. 169th_Ice


    13 - 14 Changes added 4000m view distance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Common\Init\Init_CommonCnstants.sqf ;Range at which commander must be from the HQ to use it. CONSTRUCTIONRANGE = 200 to 150 ;Max units that a player can own. MAXPLAYERTEAMSIZE = 18 to 24 ;Distance (meters) that can be scrolled from center on construction screen. CONSTRUCTIONSCROLLDISTANCE = 200 to 250 ;Time until an abandoned vehicle is removed. Â Set to 0 to never remove them. ABANDONEDVEHICLETIME = 2400 ;Meters per second for fast travel. FASTTRAVELSPEED = 150 RESISTANCEINACTIVETIME = 300 t0 600 DEFENSEINACTIVETIME = 300 to 600 SIDESTARTINGDISTANCE = 4000 to 5000 LARGEDEFENSESUPPLIES = 70 AIPURCHASERANGE = 300 to 500 AIDEFENDLOCATIONRANGE = 250 to 300 AIREINFORCERANGE = 300 to 500 AIPATROLRANGE = 150 to 250
  6. 169th_Ice

    Best Warfare for Single Player

    A mod that made AI walk on the side of the road would be better.
  7. 169th_Ice


    It worked fine. Hard to get a crowd these days though :-( Warfare_32-V112-ICED-V14.Sara
  8. 169th_Ice


    Lookng for clients to join my server "Ice's BIG Server" today / tonight. Testing version 14
  9. Yesterday I was playing Arma on my Server (169th Panthers High Performance Server 100MB) and bought a Harrier which to my amazement had 600 GBU's and 600 TOW missiles. What sort of hack or Mod could do this? I am blocking this list of mods: Blocked Mods: XAM all of them SLX Mod ECS Mod Compact Fix for ArmA Fight For Nogova (FFN) Mod Morsa's Any Gear by 5133p39 PROPER World mod PROPER World Xtra Mods GDT ModHelicopter GDT Mod TOW GDT Mod Hellfire GDT Mod Satchel As seen in this thread using Doolittles DAACS
  10. 169th_Ice

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    It will be a cheaters Hack, not a innocent mod. Especially not a sound mod lol.. to stop the hackers get DOOAcs.. its very good. thats if you like to use mods on your server that is without the hassle of server signatures Read my post.. I am Usings Doolittles anti cheat system.
  11. 169th_Ice

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    So, no one knows what mod or hack caused this ?
  12. 169th_Ice

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    From what I can gather this seems to be a common issue for nVidia 7800 and 8800 users. Symptom: Playing Arma and it freezes for approximately 5 seconds, theres a Flicker then there's gawry corruptions of graphics. The only way out is to ALT F4. As you do this a magnified image of some graphic out of the game, be it a tree or a tank track or a face image. allways different. If you try to start the game again without a reboot, its extremely slow to load and the title screen text will corrupt and animate with Cyrilics. The only solution is to reboot and start again. For me, i can play one full version of Arma without a crash. If, however i start or join another session u can be sure i will get the dreaded lock-up again. Is this issue recognised by BI, is there a solution? for 1.14?
  13. 169th_Ice

    Wafare Tournament

    169th are interested. You can post details in our forums if you like: http://169thpanthers.com.au
  14. 169th_Ice


    Version 13 now available for download in the initial post. No bugs
  15. 169th_Ice

    Dedicated Server - Log

    Is there a way to havew the dedicated server activity to write and save to a log on the fly? sometimes "Arma Stops repsonding" and the server window goes blank. Id like to keep the log to see what mods are being used when players join.
  16. 169th_Ice

    Dedicated Server - Log

    What about the ability to save the chatlog ?
  17. Ok, well sorry about that Aussie i thought you and Aussie Dave were the same. If you look here, you might see why. http://www.gamingsa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5802
  18. they do dave. Hence the creditation in the initial post :-)
  19. 169th_Ice

    Dedicated Server - Log

    Good stuff. thanks !
  20. 169th_Ice

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    I just upgraded from 8800GTX to AMP edition 280 with 1 GIG RAM. Still same problem. Random freezes / Hard Reboot. this is as close as ive gotten to finding the cause http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=293078
  21. 169th_Ice

    DAnti-Cheat System

    I couldnt find a thread that listed blocked mods and or addons. so I made one here
  22. 169th_Ice

    DAnti-Cheat System

    Thank guys for your help. Server has had no crashes and good crowds since getting DooAcs to run properly.
  23. 169th_Ice

    DAnti-Cheat System

    Thanks for your help. Makes sense now. Quite a job to have to download all the mods you want to block and extract the config.cpp file. Also maybe a rewrite of the instructions that come with DooACs so others dont miss the instructions from January. Now to get this straight, please bare with me. Example: Ive extracted the pbo's from Compact Fix for Arma and each pbo has a name there are lots in this instance.. ZGB_Collisions, ZGB_DeathCam, ZGB_Flares, ZGB_Flares_Settings, ZGB_Grid, ZGB_Grid_QG, ZGB_Horn, ZGB_Horn_QG, Â ZGB_Radar_GPS, CALanguage, ZGB_Magazines, ZGB_MES, ZGB_Pontoons, ZGB_RACS_Faces, ZGB_Seatbelts, ZGB_SLA_Faces, ZGB_Vehicles, ZGB_VLD, ZGB_VNV, ZGB_WarfareSoundFix, ZGB_Weapons So, i am assuming for each one there is an entry. so it should look like..
  24. 169th_Ice

    DAnti-Cheat System

    thanks, whats with the Atari? do i create a new directory here? or do i just place in my Arma directory which would be E:\Program files/Arma  ? Ive followed the instructions using the extended Eventhandlers. and moving the files into what I belive is the correct folders. (Addons and Arma root directory) Using the config above, i should not be able to join using the HIFIFX mod, but i still am able to join. i get a "DOOACS PASS" If someone could quote their working dooacsconfig.sqf file with all the unwanted mods/hacks, id appreciate it.
  25. 169th_Ice

    DAnti-Cheat System

    I'm doing something wrong :-( My procedure: Download Dooacs6.zip Download DOO.bikey Create an @DooACS folder in server ARMA Directory, insert dooacs.pbo nd dooacs.pbo.doo.bisign. add to keys folder "DOO.bikey" Insert into arma root directory dooacsconfig.sqf Add to server Exe target line: "E:\Vista Program Files\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -config=server.cfg  -profiles=E:\aaserver\Profile -mod=@DooAcs Edit dooacsconfig.sqf like the following and test if it will kick me whilst using the HIFIFX mod. so please Someone help me work this out. TIA