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Everything posted by //relic//

  1. //relic//

    3 americans killed in yemen

    Athiesm is the absence of spiritual beliefs - how is that an anachronism? Â Are you saying that the modern thing to do is believe in the fairies at the bottom of the garden? No, religion isn't a justification. Â There is not a whit of evidence to suggest any gods exist, just the misguided mindset of humanity. Â If I created my own god tomorrow and swore to serve it, then committed a crime in it's name, would it be a valid defence? Â I think not - and yet my god would be equally as real as yours (?). As quoted countless times before, as Rich Jeni said on religious war </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend. <span id='postcolor'>
  2. //relic//

    3 americans killed in yemen

    What's the fight about? Religion is an anachronism and isn't a justification for violence under any pretexts
  3. //relic//

    Boycott creative, they suck!

    The Hercules uses inferior DAC's and DSP chips (Cmedia?) AFAIK
  4. //relic//

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    You don't need to put silicon lube on the magazine, and you should be using a light grease for the slide rail rather than silicon. Silicon is for the inner barrel and should be applied sparingly. You shouldn't fire it empty You don't need to hold back the hammer Tokyo Marui (best for AEG's) don't sell outside of Japan, so unless you live there, you can't buy direct. Wargamer's shop is my choice of retailer. www.airsoftzone.com - Best airsoft forums on the net, you'll find out everything you need to know there.
  5. //relic//

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Caught Nice letter from customs in the mail *shrug*
  6. //relic//

    Is the geforce 4 ti4200 good enough for ofp?

    When I get my 2400+, 512 corsair XMS3200, Epox 8rda+ and Ti4600 later this week I'll tell ya how it goes Should be able to crank it all up and run smoothly, especially since I'll be running the 2400+ at 2400mhz with FSB/RAM at 200mhz
  7. //relic//

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    I live in Australia, and due to the knee-jerk reaction that always accompanies shootings & the lack of a constitutional right, you can only get semi-auto rifles and handguns (currently trying to ban all handguns). You can't get airsoft either which is really gay. Fortunately I don't care for the law on airsoft and imported a TM M4a1 with a systema 450 upgrade kit, beefy battery, and metal upper/lower receivers. I also imported a few handguns like TM desert eagle, 92F's, some G-18C's and a p228. Seriously some of the best fun I ever had, but I could never just legally go and play somewhere with my friends and simulate paramilitary skirmishes It makes you wonder about the quality of Aust Customs tho when you consider 12 mainly steel weapons were imported (out of 13 attempted) and not caught