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Everything posted by .pablo.

  1. .pablo.

    OFP server admins...I need help.

    ^my thoughts exactly^ for WGL co-op I check the Zeus server between 2000-0100 GMT: address: zeus.gotf.net port: 2500 for FDF co-op you can sometimes find people on the Zeus server, but the CiA server is much more reliable, every wednesday and sunday from around 2000-0100 GMT: address: ofp.ciahome.net port: 2302 password: ciafdf
  2. .pablo.

    Skye Island

    i'm pretty sure island lag is created by the number of objects that have to be drawn. the only way to fix your problem, therefore, would be to reduce the number of objects in certain areas where you experience heavy lag. this is just a guess though, as i don't know when/where you are getting the lag.
  3. i use the shorter one (damage, getpos, setpos, getdir)
  4. .pablo.

    OFp is now off my harddrive

    Do you want to have RHS tanks replace their default counterparts? (ie do you want all BIS T72s in missions replaced by RHS T72s?) That would require using a special config that replaces the units (i don't have Y2k3 so idk if it does that, I think it does though). In this case I would make an @RHS folder if I were you, though you would probably have to make the custom config yourself, which looks like a pain in the butt (i've never tried it myself). If you just want the tanks available to use in the mission editor or in a mission that specifically uses RHS tanks, then I would suggest just making an @RHS folder.
  5. .pablo.

    Revenge of the Sith -no thread yet?

    i thought it was weird when palpatine basically disfigured himself by using his lightning against windu's lightsaber. then one of my friends told me he did it on purpose so that anakin would help him and in the process complete his transition to the dark side. then i thought it was weird that palpatine would put himself on the line like that (disfiguring himself) just to get anakin's help. then, after windu dies, anakin randomly bows before palpatine and palpatine randomly puts his hood on as if he knows he's disfigured. the list of things that made me raise an eyebrow while watching this film is just huge.
  6. .pablo.

    Revenge of the Sith -no thread yet?

    <warning: opinion ahead> i thought the movie was too fast paced, had too many scenes, and had too little stormtroopers (and they shouldn't have been taking their helmets off). i think lucas sacrificed consistency in order to make what he thought would be a "better" version of the star wars universe, but all he's doing is annoying the people that grew to love the universe he portrayed in the first 3 films (ex: two hands on the lightsaber, no acrobatic fights, stupid faceless stormtroopers, a darth vader that is actually intimidating).
  7. .pablo.

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    video? things are going to get pretty hectic if every person to make a better anim has to release his own pack. I think you should let people "donate" better anims to be included in new versions of your anim pack, of course giving credit in the readme and everything else that goes with a collaborative effort. Just a suggestion.
  8. .pablo.

    OFp is now off my harddrive

    trust me, it is not worth the effort of tracking down each individual addon for mods like Y2k3; just d/l the whole pack and keep each one in a seperate mod folder. mod folders: [im]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-5/1010891/ofpdirectory.jpg[/img]>100kb I had a pile of shortcuts for my different mods until I found out about Kegetys' OFP Launcher, an absolute must for anyone with lots of mods: http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/flashpoint/launcher218.zip
  9. .pablo.

    settings for video option

    gamma correction should change the way the colors look in-game, just mess around with it until you get something you like. the fps bar adjusts how many objects can be drawn on-screen at once; i'm not sure, but i think that moving it to the left decreases the amount of objects (increasing your fps), and moving the bar to the right increases the amount of objects (decreasing your fps). Â again, just mess around with it to find a good balance of fps and prettiness.
  10. .pablo.

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    does anyone know why they split?
  11. .pablo.


    just watched them: deepwater2: i liked the cinematography, i just thought the song was a little too cheesy deepwater1: i couldn't see much, i suggest using nvgs, and the music was even more out of place than in the other video other than that they looked good, and i'll be sure to check out your mission when it comes out!
  12. i just discovered that dxdll is not compatible with teamspeak overlay; if you want teamspeak overlay to work (to see who is talking on teamspeak), you will need to move your d3d8.dll file out of the OFP directory (i just put it in my dxdll folder). this makes me wonder: is there any way dxdll could be enabled like other mods, through adding it to the -mod= list in an executable?
  13. .pablo.

    Where is cops and robbers?

    yeah that's where i saw it running
  14. .pablo.

    Where is cops and robbers?

    possibly because the mod teams stopped coming out with new versions
  15. .pablo.

    Where is cops and robbers?

    the link i had in my favorites is http://www.mavnex.com/index.php, but it looks like the website isn't up anymore; you could also try the Crime City mod, which can be found here: http://crimecity.web1000.com/. I actually saw a crime city game up a few days ago, so you should be able to get a game going if you find a server that has it. edit: i just looked at the CC website again and it looks like their downloads section isn't there anymore; you'll have to search google or something to d/l it.
  16. .pablo.

    Where is cops and robbers?

    the link i had in my favorites is http://www.mavnex.com/index.php, but it looks like the website isn't up anymore; you could also try the Crime City mod, which can be found here: http://crimecity.web1000.com/. I actually saw a crime city game up a few days ago, so you should be able to get a game going if you find a server that has it. edit: i just looked at the CC website again and it looks like their downloads section isn't there anymore; you'll have to search google or something to d/l it.
  17. .pablo.

    CiA co-op night

    mission 3: ^Faithless forgets to read the server rules^ ^clearing the town hall^ overall i had a fun time, and i'll try to make it sunday (if i can remember)
  18. .pablo.

    CiA co-op night

    isn't that an oxymoron? (edit: i just played a pvp co-op and i have to say its a bunch of fun if you get serious players) anyway, here are the pictures i saved from wednesday: edit: they don't seem to be showing up for me now, so here's a link to an album with all the pics: http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?folder_id=1328609 mission 1: ^just after leaving the boat^ ^clearing the airfield^ mission 2: ^approaching the first town^ ^travelling to the second town^ ^attacking reinforcements^ ^destroying enemy trucks in the second town^
  19. i generally open up a briefing that i liked in another mission, and then work off of it in notepad.
  20. .pablo.

    What do you guys use to create mission briefings?

    i generally open up a briefing that i liked in another mission, and then work off of it in notepad.
  21. .pablo.

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    actually i bet that anim would be perfect the civil war mod that just gave me a great idea; since the civilian side is the only side that ever really needs to conceal pistols, you can make it so that the civie side uses the 1.7 handgun version and the rest of the sides use the 1.7 patrol version. also: sanctuary, i might have asked this already (i don't really remember), but I was wondering if you would consider making the "crouch-ready" anims that normally apply only to units in "aware" mode apply to units in "danger" mode as well.
  22. these units look absolutely amazing... just...wow.
  23. I was just curious if anyone knew what happens when more than one config.bin is run when OFP starts (does one take priority, do both run, etc). In my case, I'm trying to run WGL and Gen. Barron's AI fix at the same time, but I don't really know how to verify that they both are working. Any ideas?
  24. .pablo.

    more than one config.bin?

    BTW, thanks for the link, I'll try that now. Regards. @CERO. he wrote that in reference to over-writing your original config.bin; what i'm trying to figure out is how ofp decides which configs have priority when they are being called from multiple mods. tomislav -- how did you figure that out? i'll have to test it, but it would make sense if that was how it worked.
  25. .pablo.

    more than one config.bin?
