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Everything posted by .pablo.

  1. .pablo.

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    yeah, i find shooting real guns at targets pretty boring; hunting was more exciting, but as jesse ventura once said: "Until you hunted man, you haven't hunted yet." so, paintball/airsoft/ofp it is!
  2. .pablo.

    Sinews of War - The New Resistance Campaign

    that reminds me; we did find a couple SOW bugs in mission 3: -- i got a "cannot load mission, missing addons: editorupdate102.pbo" error at the start, even though i had the addon in my WGL folder; what upgrade did you use to make the mission? (WG5.0 uses gen. barron's) -- i only had 10k but was able to buy the 20k mercs (brought my money to -$10k) -- silenced weapons should be more expensive -- it would be cool if purchased weapons werent' given to the player until the next mission (to simulate the delay in getting the weapons) -- my position showed up with an HQ marker, but twiggy had no marker (idk if that's intentional) -- the radio orders i give to my mercenaries are all local to my machine, no one else can read them (idk if that is intended or not) -- twiggy wasn't able to recruit the recruits, only i was... -- it would be cool if you could pass other variables through the savegame as well; so, for example, you could: -be prevented from playing mission 2 until you have finished mission 1, or... -prevent a player from playing a mission over again if he's already completed it, or... -make a dynamic campaign that changes the starting conditions of each mission based on how the player performed in the previous missions, or... -make a "survival" campaign where each player at the beginning is allotted 1 "life" and then their health is tracked via variable, preventing "dead" players from playing later missions (you could save their name or game id along with their weapons/health)
  3. .pablo.

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    that's what i figured... i just played the WAH demo mission and WOW, the textures look a million times better -- there weren't any markers in the briefing (which caused a broken link) -- the first sentence in the briefing reads something like "we need you to take out as many vehicles this morning, blah blah blah." you might want to add "as possible" in there... -- the radio transmissions during the mission are REALLY cool, and sound great -- the first (but not the last ) time i was shot down and survived the crash, i died as soon as i got out of the crashed heli. on another attempt this didn't happen to me. -- having the gunner say "hellfire launched" is really cool!...but the sound clip usually plays at least a second (usually more) after i launch the hellfire (idk if this is on purpose or not). -- both times i crashed, the wreck bounced around a bit before settling down... -- my gunner said something like "the tail rotor's gone!" but the heli wasn't spinning out (but i admit my knowledge of what's realistic is limited to seeing the movie "black hawk down" ) -- i noticed the mfds seems to still be on for the pilot in the heli wreck (as a texture, though) idk what's realistic though... whoops, read that as "changes in 1.2" there is no longer any doubt in my mind that you guys have created the best ah64 pack around, this is truly amazing work.
  4. .pablo.

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    awesome job with 1.3! -- would you happen to have a changelog for 1.3? i noticed that you have seperated the pilots into a seperate addon, but idk what else has changed... -- can you add a link to the online manual to the first page of this thread? again, great work, and i'm looking forward to the oh-58s!
  5. .pablo.

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    same here... it worked for me in the demo mission, just not the introduction mission... my comments/bug report: -- awesome job with the new HS system! -- i think you're focusing too much on the negatives when introducing the new system, especially in the training mission (don't focus on the player having to learn a new system, focus on it being immersive and realistic). it really isn't that hard to learn the new system! -- i think the "alert sound" played when specific things happen (player changes from hands to shout, enemy spotted, etc.) is unnecessary (and, imo, detracts from the immersion) -- the new voices are great! i had the same problem as crassus, though, when telling my men to get into the chinook wasn't playing the "Move Out" soundclip. -- if it wouldn't add that a much bigger filesize, i'd add a new sound for disembarking, "Get Down" sounds strange; actually, i think it would be good enough if you just used the "Move Out" sound clip again. -- the training mission is great! i love it how learning each part of the system logically advances the mission (learning to call your troops allows you to move to the heli, learning to put your guys on the heli allows you to go to the arty area, etc.) -- the chinook flipped over when we disembarked, it was really funny seeing the ai flying sideways across the ground, though it makes me wish ofp simulated rotor damage... -- the smoke barrage was very laggy for me, i'd use the UA or WGL smoke barrages... -- i'd add a big black transparent marker to cover the malden map for the demo mission (as used in the ww2 "pathfinders" mission), as i got pretty bad night-blindness while checking it... -- i got an "enemy spotted!" notice that pointed behind me ~60m, even though i had left my squad back ~200m behind the enemy lines, and the enemy that had been spotted must have been on the other side of a hill i was on... -- i think i know why the demo mission is so hard...the ai arty/soldiers are too accurate!! after reading about how difficult it was, i decided to do my own "spec ops" recon/destruction mission before bringing in my troops. i destroyed the bmp at houdan, then snuck out to the SSW (after ~5 retries due to the extremely accurate mg fire), and destroyed the bmp that somehow knew where i was and was stalking me. the whole time i had to keep moving to stop from getting arty called on me, even though i was out of the LOS of any enemy soldier. i then hid in a forest more than 200-300m SSW of houdan, with no ai soldier within my LOS, and had an arty barrage called on me out of nowhere! i'd tweak the ai's arty usage, and use JAM soldiers/machineguns (are there JAM m2s?); this would be a sweet mission to convert to WG5.0/UA...:drooling:... now i'm off to test the new RCP! edit: got done playing some RCP, here are a few notes: -- you should use the voice-sounds you use for the arty comms in RCP for the HSCS. -- i'm not completely sure about this, but i think that my guys didn't heal in RCP until i had given them the command with a hand signal (ie, it didn't work when i shouted it). this might just be my imagination, though, because they did go into the circular formation when i shouted the command. on both occasions, though, i didn't get the status report. -- the ai are still running through the jungle ! i've argued this before, and i'm gonna argue it again: have the ai walk through the jungle!!! i have new reasons this time: -i was the one to get sanct to make those patrol anims, specifically because of your point about walking in safe mode looking unrealistic. well, now they exist, so that's no longer an issue! -using an addon that prevents a player from running through the woods in perfect formation, and then having the ai do it, is just -even assuming that a person didn't have sanct's anims, i still think walking with rifles slung is more realistic: -the VC/NVA were not exactly part of a modern fighting machine; i think it is perfectly reasonable to assume that they would be less strict about such things as "proper form" when walking through the jungle. -i don't remember where i read this, but i specifically remember hearing about SF units that, while doing recon, saw NVA soldiers (the "pros" on that side) walking around/going on patrols with their rifles slung on their backs. here are some quotes i found on google that support my claim that the VC/NVA went on patrols with their rifles slung (unfortunatetly i couldn't find my original source): here's the link here's the link and yes, i know i'm way too obsessed about this minor point.
  6. .pablo.

    Sinews of War - The New Resistance Campaign

    it's a lot of fun! we encountered some bugs relating to the transfer to WG's weapons/units, but IT.Q is doing a great job of fixing them (you can find an AAR with screenshots for mission 2 here).
  7. .pablo.

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    yes!!!! i've been waiting for this for a long time...
  8. .pablo.

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    the very day i get my new computer! this is gonna be fun...
  9. .pablo.

    Equinox and the Solstice

    i did some experimenting, and came up with some stuff: -- i'm the sun doesn't seem to pass through that point at any date or time... -- i very much doubt that there is any significance to the stones (other than for decoration), but that's just my guess... -- they modelled the curvature of the earth?
  10. .pablo.

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    does this deal include free trial accounts?
  11. .pablo.

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    although i never ended up getting an AEG (never found anyone near me who played), the Tokyo Marui AK-47 had the highest reviews i have seen: http://www.neasg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=318 you can pick it up at the WGC shop for $252 (including battery and charger), which is about as cheap as an AEG is gonna get.
  12. .pablo.

    Internet cutting out when rebooting

    when your internet isn't working i would try unplugging the modem (or turning it off) and then turning it back on while the computer is on. it's worked for me occasionally.
  13. .pablo.

    Sinews of War - The New Resistance Campaign

    IT.Q (Q on these forums) has converted the SOW NRC to Wargames 5.0! you can find it here.
  14. .pablo.

    Internet cutting out when rebooting

    i don't get it; you're saying that whenever you unplug your computer, the internet doesn't work at all? how are you posting this message then? does it start working after a while?
  15. .pablo.

    A brand new real life mission

    my point was that there is a good way to say something and a bad way to say something; how would you like it if you took your mother to the hospital, and an hour later the doctor comes to you in the waiting room and just says, "hey, you're mom's dead. can you fill out these forms for me?" it may seem like a completely different situation but the same rule applies: there is a nice way to say something, and a not-so-nice way to say something. and yes, i understand the irony of breaking this rule myself when responding to your first post.
  16. .pablo.

    Anjou 1939-44 V3.0

    but before/during the war (late 30s/early 40s) is different from after the war (late 40s/early 50s), as during the war metal was in short supply. just looked at some of the screenshots in that thread; the french villa-esque building is incredible!
  17. i don't know if kegetys reads this or not, but dxdll's ability to turn itself off when the player is viewing the map doesn't work with WGL 5.0. any idea of what may be causing the problem?
  18. .pablo.

    Anjou 1939-44 V3.0

    ah, i see; you should get your ww2ec buddies to help you out! i just did a quick search and they are making some amazing ww2 era buildings: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=8731
  19. .pablo.

    SAM Site Ranges

    awesome work, i'm definitely looking forward to these! my vote is that you should use the 3-5k ranges from your mp games; make SAMs useful, but not so weak or so powerful that no one will want to use them...
  20. .pablo.


    it uses the same effect, but if i remember correctly, ofp still draws things everything up to your view distance, even if you can't see that far due to fog. but that's kind of off-topic... what would you change? this is a very interesting idea, i've never thought about it before...
  21. .pablo.

    Anjou 1939-44 V3.0

    amazing pics (i love the one of the huge town), but is it realistic to have metal baracken buildings for a 1940's setting?
  22. .pablo.

    A brand new real life mission

    here's a tip: if you're going to ask someone if you can borrow something they've spent 2 years working on, don't make a list of everything you don't like about it, especially if it's only based on "a few time spent on". it's just not polite. anyway, unfortunately my 1ghz processor wasn't able to run this mission at more than 3 frames per second, so after ~ 5 minutes i just gave up...i'm getting a new laptop in a few weeks, though, so hopefully i'll be able to try this out then...at least i got to read the briefing (which was fantastic). good work j-man!
  23. .pablo.

    Mount & Blade: PC RPG.

    great game!
  24. .pablo.

    A brand new real life mission

    awesome!! playing now... btw, i think you broke some kind of record with the number of addons required for just one mission (174mb )