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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Al Amiriya

    Link In this screenshot you will see a bit of editor work. But the walls are the standard BIS walls. Some addonmakers are working on these types of walls.
  2. -HUNTER-

    Al Amiriya

    OOOWW YES!!! This is looking VERY cool! More desert maps, with middle eastern theme is good! edit Concrete blast walls?
  3. -HUNTER-

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    @Franze Some thoughts I had reading these comments! Good idea! Perhaps a little beep sound if you hit stall speed? Wouldnt having a second pilot take allot of stress of the first pilot if they fly longer missions, and also with targetting weapons... Perhaps you could animate the flap section on the folding parts of the wings so that they return to 0 when the wings are folded? Is that even possible? @Franze are you doing starting up sounds later on? Would love to have a jet engine reving up sound. Same goes for when you turn the engine off. Peeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww.... No because then I cant taxi to the runway the cool way... No seriously I think they are able to move all the flight surfaces while taxing in real life. Even if it were to just check if they are working. (Or wave people goodbye before you take off full burner)
  4. -HUNTER-

    Patching problem

    Yeahh! Thanks! It works!
  5. -HUNTER-

    Patching problem

    Sorry for the digging of older thread, but ive just found out Ive got this problem aswell. Havent upgraded for months, and decided to find a proper thread for this. Finally Ive decided to upgrade with the beta patches. And I was still at 1.08 because this was running stable. But due to the VCB server being upgraded to 1.12 I had to go along and upgrade. So I downloaded first 1.08>1.09 patch and the other 1.11 and 1.12 patches... And started to patch 1.08 to 1.09... Then I get the error that my arma is still at 1.07 instead of 1.08. Ok, so I try uninstalling QC and installing it again, it gives an error that version 1.08 is allready installed, so there I get confirmation 1.08 is the current version. But I cannot upgrade to 1.09 and then go onto 1.11 and 1.12 because Im kinda stuck with 109 patch saying im still at 107 and I basicly need to upgrade to 108 meaning buying QC but Ive allready done that months ago... So im stuck right now. Any ideas?
  6. -HUNTER-

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Just a quick question. Why arent there any rocket pods in the inventory? Ive got a book about NAS Fallon in which you see many older A/C hornets carrying them. Isnt it possible for the Super Hornets to also carry rocket pods?
  7. -HUNTER-

    Spanish army mod pack 2

    The insurgents look very good indeed. May I suggest you make the blood textures on them extra good... Ive got the feeling I will see them pwned and dead quite often...
  8. -HUNTER-

    ArmA Addon request thread

    After just watching this video of an ambush on US soldiers. I cannot help think that the sounds in this video and the volume of the weapons, but must importantly the sound the SAW makes in this video is fucking awesome. Too bad we cannot have it like this video in arma. (non graphic) Click Ambush on US soldiers on Foot, liveleak. (very good video btw)
  9. -HUNTER-

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Any mod you want to talk to. Preferably the one you got the box from, but any other will do too. Edit: You received that box around a month ago... forget about a fast removal and ask again in ~6 months. sparks50 This has been discussed not long ago, few months maybe. And we decided to leave it as it is. I doubt things will change just a few months later. Sigh... Learning how to quote sometimes helps Yeah for the first time I done something seriously against the rules in 5 years. First time I do something really wrong, get slammed right away. Bit harsh I found that.
  10. -HUNTER-

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    With which moderator do I need to talk when I want my uuugly WL thingy removed. Ive still got some time on it though.
  11. -HUNTER-

    AK47 vs M16

    Since it said M16 I take it the M16A4 with all the gadgets is also good.
  12. Two wrongs, Astanid. Besides, BIS is more proactive when it comes to copyrights now. Gosh, I wonder how that all got started? I'm not sure what you mean. That there were a few other "things" involving copyrights if im not mistaken. Which we wont discuss here!!! <<<!!!
  13. -HUNTER-

    Project: UK Forces

    *sigh* possibly a sign of a misspent youth, but take one aluminium can, a can opener, and some plasters just in case, and proceed to cut the top and bottom off... then cut along the length of the can somewhere inconspicuous - roll out flat and scan. Oi, I did post the emoticons behind it for obviously naieve comment. ---- Even though this model is something really simple. (the can) Im still curious as to why you prefer the actual can. Because of the shape of it and the metal parts top and bottom? Because the images on the can and the bottle are the same. This is kinda serious question about texturing actually. Im still very much a noob at editing, and when I finally find the tools needed I will start with something uber simple as a soda can. So thats also why im asking. So you just make the model just like the can and then only stick on the texture and make it to fit and your done right>? Three images, top, bottom, and the whole side?
  14. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack

    If im not mistaken all the stuff people are making for arma is easily ported over to arma2. If not ready to go right from the start. So anything that gets made right now will last longer then perhaps you think it will.
  15. -HUNTER-

    Leopard 2 A6

    Both the Danes and Canadians have Leopard 2A5/6 in Afghanistan to provide infantry with direct fire support on ops. Oh yeah I forgot the canadians, only thought about their Leo1's... The danes got nice camoflage on it aswell, and those desert style camoflage netting you also see on some snatch rovers. Forgot the name. First time Ive seen a Leo in desert flavour. The Netherlands has decided it would look too agressive if we used our Leo's in Afghanistan, and besides that the areas were in are a bit tank unfriendly. Ive seen the leopard many times on the back of trailers, and a few times driving about in the mud. Lovely sound the engines make. < I hope the sounds will be allmost accurate. There was a OFP leopard addon which had awesome sounds for the engine. I believe the SFP mod one had it, Ive forgotten tbh.
  16. -HUNTER-

    Leopard 2 A6

    Will Dutch versions be made too? GOOD question, that would be awesome, allthought the machine guns would need changing from MG3 to FN MAG. It will go together well with the Foxtrot. @Marekmodel Very nice! It will be nice to have the Leopard tank ingame especially if it looks very well made. The tank isnt really battle proven yet, which is too bad because it can and will kick ass if it does im sure of that, the danes got A6's in Afghanistan right now. But its more as back up I believe. Keep up the good work!
  17. Two wrongs, Astanid. Besides, BIS is more proactive when it comes to copyrights now. Gosh, I wonder how that all got started? At first I was uber excited that people released a vulcan bomber for ARMA. A half hour after my first flight with it, I enthusiastically wanted to talk to others about this addon and I got confronted with the facts. Which made me because If somebody actually earns money with this addon, its not supposed to be ripped. BUT Atleast he is aware of this, and hopefully (I doubt it though) he will get permission from microsoft. Is this addon made by microsoft themselves? Carefully whispers that I dont have FSX. Because personally even if this was a grey box with this cockpit in it. It would have been enough for me to be flying this for hours on end. However Im not too sure how the arma engine will handle this kind of uber elite cockpits with all the buttons and levers and switches and gadgets actually modelled. If all those MFD's will also be working that is great. *Questions himself about why he hasnt bought FSX, decided to go to the stores tomorrow.
  18. -HUNTER-

    Project: UK Forces

    Yes sure, offcourse you should have it to work perfectly, but I was only thinking is that at all possible? With the jerrycans? I was just about to say that we dont get that over here, and I do want to go to the UK this summer holiday. But its still some time to go. Yes but its kinda hard to scan the entire can in 3d. But with the plastic wrapper arround the bottle, you can pull that off easily. (Ive got this habbit of tearing the wrappers from the bottles, whenever I have a 0.5L. They are only glued together at the ends.) And you'd have a perfect "texture" to put onto the virtually made can. edit You've got to be F..... kidding me, is that shit Dutch! I didnt know that! With SISI which is allready very bad I must admit, it gets even worse, you can buy that without bubbles. So then it gets even closer to piss.
  19. -HUNTER-

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    The upgraded flight characteristics are an definate improvement over the 0.15 ones. Very nice you changed that a bit. Its a little bit less nervous. However there still is some strange behaviour with sharp turns and then climbing. Moving quickly over three axis... But its getting there for sure! Could you provide my allittle information about the AGM84 because Ive not figured out why it doenst arrive at the target many times. What is the max distance you put into the config, and what is the best suggested release speed and altitude? The AGM154 is F...... awesome really I think that is awesome having a stand off distance near to 8000. Can that weapon also be armed with another warhead in RL??? Because I dont allways need the bomblets crapping the whole area. But just a solid hit direct on target with the stand off distance. Havent got anything else that will fly that far. Also the 2000lb weapons are nice to really drop the bomb. Very cool addon, cant wait for the next upgrade. edit I had my canopy fly off when I was taxiing. I wanted to do the "cool" taxi to the runway, and close canopy there. And I didnt even taxi that fast but the canopy flew of. As if it had broken of its hinges due to the wind. Did you actually implement that? Or is it uber coincidence..? At the time I was like Did that just happen. And I sat there for a bit, and turned arround to get the other jet.
  20. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Oh its going to be ALLOT of range time when this pack gets released. Ive spend three hours when the last pack was released. Sooo many weapons and just 1 set of hands! Any wip shots perhaps? Doesnt really matter which of the 92304823409823 weapons you would like to show. Keep up the work, this will be extremely welcome for many many people. Especially the cooler weapons like many of the HK's and also im looking forward to the machine guns.
  21. -HUNTER-

    Project: UK Forces

    I was just going to mention that. If you have that stuff in bottles, you can easily take of the plastic wrap thats arround the bottle. --- Isnt there a possibility of like making realistic jerrycans with fuel? So you could like refuel the thing, by "using" the fuel thats in the extra storage. You would have to stop and turn off the engine etc and the option would come up if your near to the jerrycans? Kinda like the just released F/A-18 with the extra fuel tanks which give you more fuel. Yes I know those are directly connected to the fuel supply. So you would have to actually refuel. Especially for long range patrol stuff that could be cool. Perhaps you could refuel one jeep with the jerrycans from another one? Just an idea I had today while I was at the petrol station.
  22. -HUNTER-

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Very nice map your making there. Finally some FLAT terrain, a bit more like where I live. The Netherlands Isnt there also a big ass German luftwaffe base somewhere near to this map. And this map is going to be great for all sorts of missions, ranging from WWII stuff to Cold war tank battles. Keep it up! Perhaps you can make an extra addon with the little road reflectors they have in germany. If you put that next to the roads, im sure it will look like germany instantly.
  23. DUUDE!!! That looks awesome, is that ARMA, looks like VBS more then ARMA. That screenshot alone gives me 120932 mission ideas. Keep this look and feel if you ask me. Perhaps you can add certain places on the buildings where you can shoot from good cover, but still maintaining a good angle on things. Also think about making ledges at good height so machine gunners look like theyve got their bipod on the wall. Thats basicly the right angle aswell.
  24. -HUNTER-

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Right, Ive just read thrue the whole topic and nobody mentioned it I think. But Ive had my canopy fly off while taxiing. I was taxiing to the runway with the canopy open, and I wasnt going that fast, and the canopy flew off as if it had actually broken off. Did you implement that? That was really cool, I slammed the brakes and sat there thinking did that just happen? Then turned arround to get the other jet, with canopy firmly closed I tried again.
  25. Cool there are three of these now. Are you doing weapons also? And how about SASRRAR dude or something, anyway with auscam I mean?