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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-


    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v453/manhunter2004/dxdshot1110309250.jpg >100kb my driver was drunk! Not really a stunt except for it would not move anymore cuz the wheels are in the air...
  2. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    what is the entire list of models? cuz your also doing a swedish C130H30 and also the picture above there was a RAF C130H30... so I guess those versions are coming later? Cool man, I think many maany people will use this addon! Since we havent had a large hercules typ plane that looks elite before! Para drops resupply missions, halo, all those things! Many mission makers will like this im sure, well atleast im loving this addon allready! cannot wait to actually see it! keep it up man really elite work!
  3. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    it sure would be usefull in certain missions! and mang just think we would have the biggest conventional bomb in OFP!
  4. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    yeaaahh and put a MOAB inside!
  5. -HUNTER-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    2 Mirage 2000D fighters from French airforce taxi back to the platform after landing on Nogova Int. Mirage 2000D fighters return from missions over Nogova. 2 USAF F-16C fighters take off for training sorties over the life fire range on eastern nogova! Ofpr Mirage 2000D, the new F-16! Mapfact Nogova!
  6. -HUNTER-


    baaah sandy rocks there is a very high peak ontop there is a little base, drive of the top with a cesna, and GLIDE down!
  7. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    MOAB, DAISYCUTTER??? Nice work man, the shapes look very real!
  8. -HUNTER-


    the brand new blowup 2000 the new television with all the modern options. You also get a remote control, you get dolby surround sound 12.34, aaand you get the all new home entertainment hype the tv that actually blows up during war movies for the real entertainment! sorry I had to! Great addon, used it many times now! I still like the bomb the best! How ever no 155mm shell though?
  9. -HUNTER-


    omg this is a good idea, how about inverted under the bridge? and there is another bridge aswell!
  10. -HUNTER-

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    no just go slow and think maybee you've forgotten something... You just driving up hill, change the gearing and your fine!
  11. -HUNTER-

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    then we stick it in the back of a truck, the point I wanted to make is we have a koiwa spotter helicopter flying arround and id ing targets. And then being able to share that information with the ground mobile command center. That shared battlefield information with also the Abrams tank commander and the apache pilot. Just the system how it would work not about the particular addons used. I also knew about the topic in which ppl are arguing about the M557 and well therefor I said it, if its more real in the back of a truck or humvee well then thats the best option.. In multiplayer for us gamers and for the more serious people who play this sim it would be a step into a new eehh chapter... the more real the better, cuz you allready lack sooo many things from real life, and for the other ppl no its not a game its a battlefield simulator! Â
  12. -HUNTER-

    Whaddup with all that fuel ?

    very true but how about we use the slider in the menu!  if you need a mission in which you need to tank you get some gas, if you dont you put more in the tank... Also I have this H2 addon and that thing does really drink! I had to find me a gas station on Nogova and actually ran out of gas before I could reach one!... lucky for meh I was testing on a busy   road! ppl tend to stop much easier when you are aiming a MG at them!  Â
  13. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    ehh nice pics with the family maybee you also like that big american truck... the bikers.... a cafee .... nice pics!
  14. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    the gazelle has such good sounds on it, its JUST LIKE REALLIFE! Too bad they didnt do a unarmed version though!
  15. -HUNTER-

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    what you said about ppl not useing addons corretly with all the functions is because these particular addons dont have any special functions in the game soo far... Â I mean I would love to go MP with this KOIWA with 2 ppl on Teamspeak, it would be ABSOLUTLY elite COOP game! and about the hover, yes I suppose auto hover will do... I fly with stick so its not that hard to hover and maintain cover and do the masking and stuff. BTW: Is it doable to make something so the pilot view from like inside him is returned to the old setting... I dont know if you guys know what i mean, which the pilot view you could turn it to the right for instance and it would stay looking that way.. after 1.96 I think it changed and now it automatically auto centers itself! Â Â Kinda annoying when you want to look down to the side for a while to see if you lining up on something or if there isnt a tree somewhere.. there is a video somewhere in which the US army's apache pilots demontrate their technique to ehh chop off treetops! yeah they crashed after some serious tree clipping on low level
  16. -HUNTER-

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    maybee you could ask Earl or Suchey if you can use their M16M203 looking really sweet, I love the bergen! The beards, and the oakleys!
  17. maybee its an idea to also incorperate some songs that are played on all the different insurgent propaganda videos... I wouldnt know what they are saying maybee ace can understand some of it? They have like 2 particular songs they like to edit under the videos... And maybee make a chant that suddenly stops!
  18. -HUNTER-

    M65 A1 DualArms

    how about Powered_Suit yes this addon looks nice, does it actually walk???
  19. -HUNTER-

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    And this would exactly be totally elite for OFP since you do have the option to go low and sneak and peak between trees. Maybee you could get in touch with Kyle who is working on a Apache helicopter with multiple nice functions that are new. Maybee you could develop something that allows sharing of data.. you could then take that even further and incorperate the M577 command vehicle from CBT " with updated electronics  " and M1A2 SEP Mbt and let the sharing begin!  OMG this idea would get OFP into digital age sorta...  But anyway basicly if you can have a gunner shooting out the side door, you could also mount something up the mast. And like the HEUY that can also still fire its FFAR's while having the gunner position on the side! The Koiwa doesnt have anything like a moveing turret. Couldnt you make a like invisible miniscule gun that doesnt really fire?  The hellfires can still be locked from either the outside or on the scope. Be sure to make something so the pilot autohovers totally still like the BAS helo with the fastrope script!!! Then you have perfect still view, and give it allot of zoom so you can actually see stuff far away!! I hope this helps in someway, and good luck I like flying the apache between the trees, but the Koiwa would be eliteness to the fullest..  "
  20. -HUNTER-

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    where is the USS tarawa at right now then?? Cuz I would die (several times) for a nice helo carrier...
  21. -HUNTER-

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    where is the USS tarawa at right now then?? Cuz I would die (several times) for a nice helo carrier...
  22. -HUNTER-

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    why cant Placebo just say yes or no!
  23. -HUNTER-

    K Rail

    I cannot remember the addonmaker and it was soo long ago that I downloaded these... Ive tried to search my addon folder but there is too much in there but I cannot find it...
  24. -HUNTER-

    Mapfact discussion thread

    I just had an idea for a addon for the objects pack... as base defensive walls nowadays they use big metal sheets and fill them with sand and rubble... I dont exactly know what they are called but you see them allot in Iraq and afghanistan... http://www.nldetirak.nl/fotopag....n01.jpg http://www.nldetirak.nl/fotopag....n02.jpg these things I mean, how do you call such a thing? they are used allot in iraq and afghanistan!
  25. -HUNTER-

    K Rail

    yes there is a pack with lots of these things in em!!! I cannot rememeber what pack it was exactly... go look over on ofp.info they have it for sure!!!