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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Improved Skorpion?

    woow check those anims! Where are those "Gangster" style anims from? thats cool!
  2. -HUNTER-

    Semper Fidelis

    man that would be really good, you can mix up the different types in missions which is nice for realisme and you get to do different things... Can you post some desert camo pics?
  3. -HUNTER-

    Antonov-124 1.2

    does the an124 have reverse trust in real life??? Cuz just place a AN124 on the military platform on Mapfact Nogova... Now try to turn this baby onto the runway, the turning circle has improved. But the OFP plane still needs a 100 meter turning circle.. The real plane can really turn on the dime because the front wheels turn to allmost 90 degrees! So you would get the forklift effect but other way arround! I saw it just an hour ago! I still cannot move this baby across any airbase, airfield... Except meh own field but that has a 5 mile runway! and very large taxiways. I love this plane please make it turn faster ON THE GROUND, not in the air... If you cannot change the first without affecting the last, then maybee you could implement reverse trust so we can reverse in turns a bit and then you can manouvere on all the fields!
  4. -HUNTER-


    or just chuck a truck full with explosives that can either be timed detonation or remote control or damaged! you could have the IED pack expansion with Suicide attack vehicles, either park em allong the road, or put a insurgent in which explodes either by being shot to shit by the guards, or because the time has ran out so by blocking the car you would have safed the base!
  5. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    belgian pilots are the best! RIP for the ppl on board!
  6. -HUNTER-

    Antonov-124 1.2

    AHH COOL! Yeah I cannot try it till tommorow I cannot wait though cuz I love this plane, together with the also very large Mi-26!!!
  7. -HUNTER-

    retextured retextured HTTV

    Yes man please do continue we need SF vehicles! How are we ever going to PWN those middle eastern soldiers on Afghan island version ELITE!
  8. -HUNTER-

    LSR Addons

    maybee you can also make a PARA minimi with EXTENDED legs! all the para minimi's have them folded in, yes that for running and such, but the other " normal" minimi has got them extended but it can fold em up to.... The para minimi looks elite when the bipod is out! Ive checked it out up close on a army demonstation day!
  9. -HUNTER-

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Have you changed the turning circle? Do you still need the entire map to turn arround on the ground? Cuz you can land or take off, but not land and takeoff again because you cannot turn the thing arround! Â Â The real thing can turn its front wheels to allmost 90 degrees in order for it to actually operate and be able to move arround on the smaller airbases! Maybee you could change this so I can land, drop off a small army, and most importantly get the heck out of there! Â Dont get meh wrong here I like the model but with this tweak its more usable!
  10. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    That plane is soo elite, but man your really pulling back on the stick there ahah didnt it instantly stall on ya? And, too bad this thing cannot move properly on the ground, cuz you can either take off or land, but not land and take off again, cuz you need the whole map to turn arround! While the real one can allmost turn its front wheels 90 degrees in order to operate at european airfields which arent that big... A Dutch AF base nearby to where I live is being visited allot by these monsters carrying stuff from the F-16 squadron to their operational areas...
  11. -HUNTER-


    I have used a trigger across the road to detonate the nr1 BIG IED! there were two and its in the pictures above, and I just made 1 of the 2 setdammage 1 and KABOOOOOOOMMMMM! Haha I tried shooting it, nice!
  12. -HUNTER-


    http://img.photobucket.com/albums....739.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums....741.jpg US army patrol gets it!
  13. -HUNTER-

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    yes I still had some troubles with MOUT, BUT I do like the small new tweaks like the commander sights really nice... And the machine gun is much more powerfull, but the MG that you fire is the 7.62. But when your not outside I think you fire the gun that is next to the main gun, and isnt that a 50cal??? I can hear you guys going what's he on about.... Like SIG's tanks had! 1 50cal next to the turret and the 762 fictional on the roof... So maybee you guys could implement the normal 50cal till the commander gun starts working.? Good update guys! BTW the green one looks nice!
  14. -HUNTER-

    retextured retextured HTTV

    cant you make the cargo anim hat hes sitting on the rear with his feet kinda outside the car.. like they are sitting in a helo, but feet on the bumber or something... but watching backwards so you could give him a machine gun aswell. And maybee you could make something like they are hanging on the side of the car standing on something like a side bull bar...?
  15. The unimogs and the pucara are elite guys! I like those the best, the whole pack is good though! But the new mogs, and the Pucara light attack plane are really great!
  16. -HUNTER-

    CIA Operator Teaser Pack

    Now all we need is a matching black Navigator truck!
  17. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    woow I didnt have textures on that little quad... EDIT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK OMG that water, I hope that isnt really OFP water cuz then Im passing out..
  18. -HUNTER-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Private Security Contractors in Iraq US special forces, E&S weapon pack(modded), Tonali isle
  19. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    allthough there is a old photo on that site, cuz they sure aint using the 7.62 guns anymore cuz they are to weak... Ill pm you with 2 links for movies showing the extreme power of the minigun onboard... I think most modern versions operate 1 or 2 miniguns like 20 or 25mm, 1 40mm bofors and a 105 howitser!
  20. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    hahah thats funny I wanted to post this some time ago but I thought ppl would think Im nagging cuz there are allready some middle eastern versions, Ive seen a Saudie AF C-130 in england once, we had to find a dictionary to read the regristration! anyway that picture of the model you posted I wanted to post some times ago! And Ive been reading something about a minigun from bas, ehh jaguar you are aware that the spectre has 25mm miniguns not 7.62mm!
  21. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    too bad we dont have a real Switserland island for the swissmod! some islands can really get a right setting, most are just some hills some towns a base, and the basics... that dont give you the impression you are in a certain place, which is the great difference in OFP against other games! I cannot wait to see Lizardia on that note!
  22. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    wooow dudes thank you both! Elite model cannot do without elite textures! Now the model finds it textures and will be happy forever!
  23. -HUNTER-

    retextured retextured HTTV

    yeah this looks nice, make the dude sit in the ride with his right foot up like that! you will also stay in your seat much better..
  24. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    The monkey picture was exactly how I looked when I saw the screenshots! Really good work jag!
  25. -HUNTER-


    yeah well I do check them.... hmmz sorry again... I do pay attention to it though! Does anybody know of a script for making smoke trails behind a aircraft... Yellow smoke trails in particular, I dont understand how to implement smoke to a aircraft, Ive checked the several Draken's but cannot seem to find out how they did it. and Im really not good with O2. Im working on a aircraft retexture and I would also want to make a solo display version of that aircraft... can anybody help meh?