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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    AI Runways

    depends on the planes most of the times. also sometimes fighters go on QRA which means Quick reaction alert and they tend to taxi allot faster! And then you have the occasional single flight going to for a mission, but you also have peak hours when they send out multiple aircraft. I would say they taxi a bit further away from eachother...>>> I dont know if you could line 2 up the runway at the same time??
  2. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    sound is nice to but I got a small texture bug on the end of the barrel with the lapua and that is just the model I want for meh missions. I await the shelter/hangar pack because the beta hangar doensnt work in wrptool. The larger hangars do work but I need those shelters to work because I cannot adjust the trees arround it for camo.
  3. -HUNTER-

    arabic objects

    very nice objects so far dude how about some small shops like you can see in video from iraq like in part of falluhjah they have smallshops on both sides of the street. Like 1 building with 4 stores in a row inside it. Or well a market but not 1 stall but some together with more fruits and other stuff. Bigger market maybee. Some more random shit for on the streets. Also like several big piles of dirt and debris from houses that have been blown to crap. Maybee some smaller piles that you could place against damaged buildings either from other packs or this pack. Camel facilities meaning basicly stuff for camels and ppl who use em. Eh also maybee human made roadblocks or stuff like that. Maybee some bigger buildings like hotel, burned out cars with doors open, other wrecks like trucks, or a shot up car with holes allover and blood maybee on the ground. Some ideas and suggestions no matter if its all nothing but still keep up teh uber work!
  4. -HUNTER-

    Strategic Bomber pack: B-52 + Tu95

    84 bombs, (correct internal load) released in a 14 bomb burst, each bomb dropped 0.5 sec between each other. whoah ok, I think Ill make some new nam missions when this is in!
  5. -HUNTER-

    MIA Iraz

    Dude this map is the best target range ever!!! For flying stuff that is! really nice work! with not many buildings still get the "feeling" that your in a place like iraq. I like the highway with the bridges allot! Ill build some stuff on the map for personal use I think. Like a new airbase for starters! Elite
  6. -HUNTER-

    Spetsnaz Mod work in progress

    are you guys going to use the old bis sound or have you also got new upgraded sound>? the bis sound is allmost like a chainsaw
  7. -HUNTER-

    MIA Iraz

    mirror from opflash.org MIA Iraz public
  8. -HUNTER-

    The Biggest OFP Question Of All

    An Najaf (old city of Najaf) map made by GOON! http://forums.opflashpoint.org/viewtopic.php?p=189130#189130 WARNING!!! LARGE AMOUNT OF SCREENSHOTS!! so 56K will have a hard time... not all super nice pictures but its also what you see in the picture not just a nice picture but what is happening and or the buildings and scenery!!!
  9. -HUNTER-

    Infantry Transport Unload

    ooh this is very nice indeed, yesterday evening it took like atleast 2 minutes before a fully loaded Mi-26 chopper finished insertion and all the soldiers were out and about. thank you this will improve many missions because now you could actually use the Mi-26 in combat situation just behind teh front! cool
  10. -HUNTER-

    Strategic Bomber pack: B-52 + Tu95

    YES! I 100% agree I have the same trouble find proper place landing and taxing teh mighty russian cargoplane. I kinda am waiting on the RSKL shelters and then I could finish the airbase im building. I'll send it over when its done! [/ot] so will there be a way to drop all those suckers at the same time to actually get a carpet? how many bombs can it take, I read like 110 somewhere MK82 500lb bombs! that would be awesome, man that would be good for nam missions!
  11. -HUNTER-

    Patriot launcher in progress

    yeah but if you have a small island you could set up fighters distance away, and then when they come into range of the radarsystem they are passed on to you via teh radio! You could have a person in your squad sitting in the radarvehicle! you then give permission to fire on the certain target and the patriot is fired. So you would have real time early warning so to speak! Which would be really nice to have in ofp! maybee somebody has something like a scud rocket piloted by AI so not the launched one from scud launcher but like a drone aircraft... For missions involving nice cutscenes and mission scenes like the scud attacks in the Gulf war. Also nice to test and prove that the system (radar and patriot launcher(s) works ok!
  12. -HUNTER-

    dust stick on moving stuff ON islands?

    cant you do it like with the fuel or something... like Fuel is low statement but then ahh never mind just an idea...
  13. -HUNTER-

    Patriot launcher in progress

    full pack with support vehicles so also the radar?   cuz a real working radar unit would be REALLY handy, especially with a long range radar system you could be warned by radio for incoming aircraft!  I didnt think about the mcar stuff when I posted teh other post. But the sollution is simple really, 1 thats static and 1 in "transport mode" connected to tractor. dude you make l337 addons!!  edit  http://www.afsouth.nato.int/operati....G_2.JPG Â
  14. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    EXCELLENT PICTURES GUYS!!!! the whole page is filled with elite shots! The RHS dudes in the grass 1st is really elite, and I like the apache allot! ps. When I go check these pictures I get allot of new mission ideas!!
  15. -HUNTER-

    Patriot launcher in progress

    dude  OMFG Im going to say that but nothing about SF laser crapsors! Damn this thing is looking super uber elite! I mean it really looks sharp and well made just like real life really. Now... I do have some questions! Are you thinking about also making a truck to go infront of it? And then use the brilliant trailer addon as example for scripts and stuff? Or not make a truck because many countrys use different vehicles but the trailer is the same. But maybee like a premade script so it would be easy to make a truck for this addon? Also are you going to make the radar that comes allong with a patriot batt? So you could operate these babies in groups? Somewhat like the uplink script in the tunguska? will it fit inside teh C-130!  Thank you for keeping the OFP realisme nuts happy!  Goes off to run arround the house a few times!
  16. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    woow nice screenshot!!! and allready version D, how many versions will there be??? not complaining because every version works out bugs and add new things! Which is good offcourse!
  17. -HUNTER-

    Optica Observation Plane

    WOAAH! YESSS excellent! banana's for you man! This is a very nice addon and I can use this REALLY well! So thank you for this amazing aircraft!
  18. -HUNTER-

    LSR Addons

    isnt it also possible to wear the eyepiece underneath the sunvisor? Because the space between the visor and the helmet is kinda large...
  19. -HUNTER-

    Isle of Lod�ve

    I work for Opflashpoint.org as newsposter but I wanted to mention to you to make some nice large Villa's! With nice gardens and such. Also maybee some ruins like the other maps, and some cool landscapeing like mountains with a small mountain pass thrue it. Also a large beach with boulevards maybee... most islands represent a community that is poor, maybee you could make it like its a very rich island!
  20. -HUNTER-


    rgr that still going to check though! Since I have not seen it! Cool I have this game for like 3 years now and have still not found all the cool spots in the maps!
  21. -HUNTER-

    Mercedes 600SEL Limousine

    Elite work! Looking really fine maybee silent could help you out with tinted windows... and maybee you could like add some fancy rims!
  22. -HUNTER-


    Dude are you serious! *sends BB SAS recon team to investigate!*
  23. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    a mirror for update .0b.rar"]http://www.opflash.org/news/2005/Addons/BLEED1[1].0b.rar
  24. Excellent dude! Yeah make it like a bit longer to fit lets say another door between the front and rear doors! That size so about 6.5! Could you also do tinted windows?
  25. -HUNTER-

    Updated Mercedes 600SEL

    hmmz was just thinking about different cars, and how about the worlds fastest car! Thrust FSC! Â Â WOOOOSSSHHHHH!!! 1070KMPH thinks about AI driving it across Nogova! Â