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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    enough fictious islands ....

    I think there should be much better textures insteado of just green with some trees, the old BIS buildings placed like 5 in a village, ohh some roads. A fuelstation and a church! Every map is filled with little towns and small stuff! And most of the maps use the same standard buildings. Imo maps that are good have much more then just some buildings. Much more work has been done like placement of stuff like fences, doors, green stuff, the more infrastructure you have the more stress for pc but the better the gaming experience gets because its more real. And am I the only one that things its strange that there are only like 2 good iraq maps.... Mia Iraz and Badahur... Najaf map will be about the city only but imo will be really elite! Lots of stuff placed REALLY well together forming lots of small alleys, and walkways, little coridors and places to hide or shoot from, lots of rooftop acces, lots of spots to give surpressive fire from... But its not done yet. But I would like to see more maps with larger city's in the middle east, which for example could also be used as Iran for that matter.... And about Eastern europe I think we've had enough of that because basicly Nogova looks allot like that! And so do all other maps that use the nogova models... Another thing many maps dont have, is a proper well made airport that looks like its operational. Nooo 100ft tall buildings directly next to the runway, no hangar directly connected to runway... And for military airbases its even worse because there CAMOFLAGE is really a big issue but most airbases in ofp have just a single chainlink fence. No guardposts, and also no camoflage like shelter area in the woods.... This goes for all sorts of complex, like a industrial zone many times its just 1 little factory, or has anybody seen decent shops like a supermarket... Realisme isnt far enough in ofp because that isnt "cool" because making a building that sells food isnt as cool as making a new m4 pack! Im not trying to tell anybody what to do, just commenting and sharing meh view on it all. And yes I do make maps!
  2. -HUNTER-

    poll for the upcomming suprise

    I was just thinking about what ground vehicle hasnt been done yet... Does it have 6 wheels!?  haha no seriously I choose more 3d detail, because yes its heavier to load but prettier to see. But after reading the first post I would like to use the   option! And also choose make it 50/50 better.
  3. -HUNTER-

    North devon terrain

    25% done man thats cool so its only getting better and better, looking at the pictures its allready good so where will it end. Super Uber Cool map!
  4. -HUNTER-

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    I didnt mean to talk bad about the MPIV apache! Neither about this model. I meant to say if you'd merge the MPIV cockpit with this model, you'd have the ultimate apache imo! The bright green MFD's look very nice both when viewing inside the cockpit from commander view, or when your actually flying the helo.. I still will use the other pack because the only dutch apache out there is also fron MPIV!
  5. -HUNTER-

    North devon terrain

    OMG your really doing some excellent work on the map dude! Lots of really realistic looking pictures. I also like the buildings on the picture with the helipad texture. Unlike other ofp airbases this one actually looks like a military instalation! Which I like allot about this map because I like the flying part of ofp! Are you also makeing the welcome signs at the gate? And are there many good ground textures? Because those textures could also be used on other maps to make airbases MUCH better
  6. -HUNTER-

    Which Non-BIS Islands

    Excellent aproach and take off on the main airport! Ive been watching multiple aircraft land and its just like real life really!
  7. -HUNTER-

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    haha pretty good or totally shot to shit! You are going to make some nice damaged models?? I like the textures, but arent they a bit to light for maps like Najaf?
  8. -HUNTER-

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    I dont want to be a bitch or anything but the cockpit of the other pack looks much better the instruments and especially the 2 green displays. I must say now when you see the changes this model looks much more like real apache! it looks meaner! Like a big fat flying insect waiting to eat you.
  9. -HUNTER-

    Generic Middle Eastern Rebels 1.2

    Opflash.org mirror Excellent addon! Ive used these guys many times allready, but now even more of em will end up
  10. -HUNTER-

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    Your making a new M4 pack? Keep it up with the good work, and a nice NAH-64D would be really sweet!!!
  11. -HUNTER-

    Bell Police Pack

    back doors of and both sides a dude sitting elite with minimi
  12. -HUNTER-

    Project '85

    luckily! But using the old jeeps is a nice idea they look cool, and I allways get the feeling in those old BIS ones with the canvas roof, and the large antenna... Was there a similiar purpose vehicle before the Bradley, I think not but if somebody knows the answer please inform me.
  13. -HUNTER-

    Bahadur released

    really elite island, the airbases are a REALLY GOOD STEP but the runway textures combined with the roads are not good imo... and maybee some taxiways conected to other taxiways so you dont have to taxi across another runway because then the airtraffic cannot land and taxi at the same time! The shelters diagonally placed to the runway is really good! I dont mind the roads at taxiways, but maybee you could then loose some of the real taxiways and put roads in the place, so you only have the roads and the runway! The rest of the island is very nice indeed! This emoticon should also be with "APPROVED!!"
  14. -HUNTER-

    arabic objects

    Those shops look nice but a little bit new, and maybee a bit to colourfull, you could also make the walls more grey like and dirty... Whoa this stuff is very nice for middle eastern theme islands!!!
  15. -HUNTER-

    SAM Site Ranges

    There is lots of talk about the sam systems, and their radar and the engagement ranges but there should also be a nice solution like a good working HARM missile?.... maybee with realistic capabilities like the lockon when radar of enemy vehicle is turned on, like in static mode or something... talk>>>
  16. -HUNTER-


    I would like smarter AI, and I dont mean smarter when they are advancing towards your positions but when they are driving in convoy or flying with multiple helo's together... Multiple gunner on Helos! Waves at sea Caravans Sailboats that work toilets Volcano's Waterfalls
  17. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    yeah as if the BIS one would be as elite as this model that your making!
  18. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    tested all the different weapons and I must say that the MP5 tac. is really cool! Also I like the Aimpoint scopes you can see thrue em now! I also like the M249PARA but Im changing the sounds on it though... The M16A4's are nice aswell! Gives some contrast against all the m4's! I think the MP5tac and the M16 will be used the most, and the M249PARA!
  19. damn man these units rock! I used the chemical dudes as SAS CT squad yesterday! Elite! They go nicely together with the MH-60K
  20. -HUNTER-

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Guess this will be another day at the virtual shooting range! 200 new guns!
  21. -HUNTER-

    SAM Site Ranges

    If there will be highly upgraded radar systems, could somebody make that F-117 addon really stealthy? On maps like tonal and Mia Iraz <50 isnt that hard, its allot of fun! Makes it more real when things fly by very fast!
  22. -HUNTER-

    SAM Site Ranges

    I wanted to post yesterday but decided to wait a day and see what happens.. Personally I would like the idea of SAM's engaging at longer ranges and for OFP even BVR. I think that the radar systems should be able to allmost view the entire map aerospace, and lock targets but only fire when within a certain range. BUUT the radar system should report the targets as soon as they come into view and radarlock. If you then put a dude who is on your squad in the radar control room it can give you real time information about incoming aircraft. And for instance you could then sprint to your QRA waiting Fighter and scramble to intercept. You will then be airborne when the fighter or bomber comes into range of the SAM's and they will fire or not depending on your commands... Maybee for radar stuff something like a mapview with ALL flying aircraft and then you could use IFF kinda stuff to check out the airspace. It would give you a whole new area for missions involving AAA>> EDIT, maybee not the map view, but a radarscreen kinda view, with the thing turning and such.. I would think something like 20k for radar view, and engagements at 8! With the larger sam missiles, you could then get a locked on alarm in the cockpit and then you turn on the ECM and drop chaff and flares and bail down to the floor!
  23. -HUNTER-

    What apache pack next?

    big size difference in the "cheeks" also behind the wings... And some electronic gadgets and pods on the tail. And offcourse the usual antenna here and there...
  24. -HUNTER-

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    I did have some lag but not unlike all the other addons that cause lag. I think its the rotor! And doesnt it turn a bit slow? It looks nice though but IMO it could turn a bit faster...
  25. -HUNTER-

    Semper Fidelis

    yes but I would love a GR-7 because of the way it looks! Also I am building RAF Laarbruch... and need aircraft for the nr 3 and 4 sqns... edit whoaah a T-10 double seater GR-7 would be elite! But thats waay to much work probally... But with the GR-7 it would be small modifications to the nose and different paint basicly Non the less the AV-8 looks mighty fine, cannot wait to try it out! Whoaah and I just remembered about the USMC carrier!