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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    Invasion of Holland 1940

    Cool idea, only I dont like to get uber pwned by germans all the time while playing Dutch troops!
  2. -HUNTER-

    We need more planes?

    Just checking... You did see the SFP mod aircraft???
  3. -HUNTER-

    Iraq National Guard SF

    Those units looks awesome... How about a Iraqi camoed Humvee with PKM in the turret??? They use awesome paintscemes on their humvees... edit
  4. -HUNTER-

    Destructable buildings/walls/etc

    Dude you make awesome stuff!
  5. -HUNTER-

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Any news on the other project? I would like to see the rapier and firecontrol stuff working... Like step by step, enemy aircraft aproaches, radar picks it up, plane comes in range, rapiers are targeted, and eventually fired... I think that is also a really cool addon. And offcourse the harrier and its brand new weapon package would be cool to see. Maybee you could do a layout pic with the harrier in the background and then all the different weapons nicely placed in front of it, as you see often on airshows... Keep up the good work dude!
  6. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    WOOHHOOOWWW! SABR! That desert texture is INSANE!
  7. -HUNTER-

    Marine One and VIP Pack

  8. Yes thats what I ment, in 1985 they could have been used, to provide fire support for the troops on the island. How cool would that be. Thats something else then 155mm's!
  9. -HUNTER-

    Marine One and VIP Pack

    BAAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH! GWB's face looks strange in OFP! Guess he will be shot many times now... Anyway how about also including Howard from Oz And Balkenende (<omg) from The Netherlands
  10. -HUNTER-

    Tornado Request!

    Shit! WTH, I didnt know that and Ive got nearly all cool addons... omg Its a bit small though, I was thinking more in the lines of something like a cat. F4 tornado... Big one... With dark clouds and stuff... This will do for little tornado though...
  11. -HUNTER-

    Tornado Request!

    since this thread is here allready, would it be possible in OFP to create a nature tornado? Never seen such a thing, and with the smoke thingy's such a thing could be made right?
  12. -HUNTER-

    X-4 Helicopter (BETA)

    Thats exactly what I though about it... Its like a ladycopter!
  13. -HUNTER-

    Falklands mod progress

    Those models are really great work. however I cannot resist mentioning I really cant wait for the RKSL harpoon addon! No offense but these look awesome, and the cooler they look the cooler it will be to blow them out of the water! Excellent work man!
  14. -HUNTER-


    WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHA HAHAH AHAAAAH H HAAAAAAHAHHAAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA OMG HAAbahahhHHHHAahahAHAHhAHA~! This is just too much guys! Now this is the start of a revolution for suuure! When will the LMAOtank be released? All hail the great roflcopter!
  15. -HUNTER-

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    any pics of the NEGEV??? going to make some awesome missions with the new troops! And Hez is going to get their arse handed to them.
  16. -HUNTER-

    The 3 Cs of Addons

    So like how high poly are you talking about, arround 10000 somewhere or ? Im only a noob at creating addons, how ever im working on several project, and 1 includes a high poly model from DS but not from the pack... But im only texturing it. yet, gotta learn O2 more. I started to learn how to create islands.
  17. -HUNTER-

    OFP Navy - Frigates

    Wouldnt it be possible to use a trigger with a certain radius to give the ship that radius. For use with other islands aswell... ? Im no genious in those things... Also Im going to try putting the fighter on Actual so that the ship knows about the fighter before it comes in range...? And the settings for the CIWS weapon, could you change the values for accuracy of that weapon? And maybee give it a bit more engagement range? Not much but just a bit. And also if a fighter flies on the other side of the island, the missile does need to actually reach the fighter. So if there's a mountain in between nothing will happen. And so you'll have to fly low! Im currently testing ALLOT of different setups to find out pro's and con's so to speak... Also maybee the explosion of the missile could be changed? More damage radius... But I think I can figure out what to change in the config to try that... I love these ships they are very nice, and I would love them to shoot down enemy aircraft, thinks about Falklands style stuff... Ive actually not tried attacking the ship myself Just realized that.. OMG * runs of to blow the ship to shit...
  18. -HUNTER-

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    I think they are still working on it. But addons dont progress fast, unless the ppl making them are workaholics. And most of the ppl here have a normal live aswell! A wip shot would be cool, but I doubt it will point out many new updates. Stuff takes time, something Im discovering right now! Texturing something good takes time, lots and lots of time!
  19. -HUNTER-

    The 3 Cs of Addons

    We forgot map making guidelines or well, I dont know how big maps will get for ARMA. And how building guidelines will be. But maps will have several different models... A small step for addon makers, a giant step for opflash kind! Also I feel soo small between you modder guys and girl! But were talking allot about the way it is right now, but its just the future and ARMA is were we need to go towards. And seeing the things that go on right now therefor such guidelines would work...
  20. -HUNTER-

    The 3 Cs of Addons

    Ahh cool so you will make that uber cool M4 addon in the pack!? Nooh I also understand what your trying to say, and I understand why you were saying it. But these models will be for the new platform called ARMA from which we all dont know the performance. Maybee such models will work perfectly, and its also about what kind of missions you want to play, large full on assaults with 100 soldiers would be harder then a SF group doing SF insertions and whatnot. Besides if you read that ARMA will support 1000s of soldiers and vehicles moving about, certainly such weapons will be doable for gameplay. And if you see that the SUV runs perfectly in OFP! Seriously its the same as having 3 other vehicle addons. And actually it might even runs easier then having three others because OFP needs to calculate 1 vehicle moving, but ok thats another point. But the set of guidelines I prefer to say over Rules would be a very good idea. The idea of getting standardized addons to match certain rules and or catagories... And now is the time to try to implement something like this. Im still not sure how and what as most of you guys. And well to be honest im more player then creator, but still I think getting a general guideline out will be a good idea. You can manage addons like that, and also ppl can check in which section they should download addons. Or something... This is a very interesting thread imo! Finally some good talking about the world of OFP and upcoming ARMA. And @pathy We dont have the right, but we can still do it. Even though if it were to keep things organised. But then again, you guys, pro modders are in my opinion to put down guidelines and or rules. But it has to be done in conjunction with the other modders and highly skilled ppl. And eventually in conjunction with players. You guys make the addons we play arround with. So if you guys implement a set of guidelines that would be reasonable ppl could follow them. Think allong the lines of JAM, getting a standard for addons instead of only ammo. And you mentioned that it is ingraned in ppl's mind that high poly models are better, but then again you could say its ingrained in your mind that its not that way. And you are right for OFP! But for ARMA that doesnt go. Because we dont know the specs for that yet. EDIT OMG 2 other ppl just posted the same ideas but allot better written! I agree completly with RKSL on this. And that what he brings up was the same thing I was thinking about.
  21. A self propelled APC! *hahaah are there any non self propelled apc's??? No, but I also would much rather see a North Korean style mod. And wasnt there allready another Chinese mod working on several projects, including weapons and vehicles?? Well anyway going to be interesting to see what you guys come up with!
  22. -HUNTER-

    The 3 Cs of Addons

    I think the class system would be a good idea since now we dont have ARMA yet. If we sort out stuff like this right now its done before we start it up. Think about the JAM initiative. Its now used by many addonmakers. Thats IMO a very good idea. And maybee start classing them into how heavy it will be for the pc. And also we dont know exactly what the performance will be for ARMA. You conclusions as this model is to high poly to run properly are a bit early I would think. Maybee you could load up 100 of those things and play arround and have fun. We all have seen the past 5 years with all the millions of addons released. I myself have probally kept atleast 80% of the addons that got released. But I also agree that it should be up to the ppl them selves to create addons what they like. But I also dont see the point in having 10 versions of the M4 while only a few are actually used by many ppl because those are the best. I understand that if somebody wants to learn how to model with making a M4 weapon its ok offcourse. But If your really putting in hours to create such a weapon while others have been there and done that. Is a bit useless imho. The ppl who play arround with OFP wont really feel the need for "another" m4 addon. And still use the other versions, and then all the work is for nothing, ppl will mention that to the creator and he wont have his work apreciated as it should. But some ppl here say that high poly models dont work ingame. But why dont they work ingame? Because you guys think so, or because nobody wants them? Because I myself would want to have the best quality weapons I dont give a flying F about FPS. I overload the system daily with uber high load missions and whatnot. But simply saying it wont work is a bit stupid. Because we've have that situation with the blackhawks, with fastroping, with moving inside a vehicle flying, with trailers, with lots and lots of engine limitations that simple have been broken. And that didnt happen because ppl simply said it wasnt doable... Gnat made a light version of the SUV DS released. It runs PERFECTLY not more then two other vehicles on my pc. And I dont have a uber pc. But I wanted to test out how it would run before I came to conclusions. And It seems many ppl here, who have the talent in creating super addons simple wave it away, ooh too high poly, naah wont work. It might not work for OFP but these models are made for ARMA! And to think we have like 4 months before release (I think! now is a good time to start looking at stuff that will run with ARMA. Because if you see the maps and read the stuff like 100 sq km maps well I think a weapon like those in the pack definatly will be working well with the newer engine. ps. finally a really interesting topic, its been ages!
  23. I think these models are THE best. Yes they are high poly. But GNAT made the SUV in a light version. And basicly I tested it out and OFP handles it PERFECTLY! No troubles at all... If you have a fairly up to date pc it can handle that stuff without major problems. Many ppl here are going about like its uber uuber heavy in OFP. But yes If you place 20 of these vehicles, but you can take in account the models are heavier then the regular ones, but still have cool missions. Or just models to play arround with on the range and whatnot. And well Im kinda asking you PRO addon maker guys out there to please do something with this pack. I myself are not skilled enough to create a working addon out of these models. But Ive seen many of them and think they deserve a place in OFP and or ARMA! I think ARMA will handle this stuff easily. So if you start now with a mod project in weapons, by the time ARMA comes out we'd have awesome weapons right away!
  24. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    SGT. ACE That was awesome! I laughed soo hard when I saw that picture!
  25. -HUNTER-

    Musical instruments

    Ooh this is a great addon! Going to try this out with the Biker/rocker dudes! Maybee somebody could also make like a speakers table. << A high table on which the president of Nogova can lay his papers while giving a speach... with a large bundle of different mics ontop of the table... And a republic of nogova sign on the front. I dont know why I think of this right now but the microphone got my thinking...