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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    YAAAAY! Every addon you guys are making is soo worth waiting for. Wheter is be the harrier, or the hercules, or the lynx, or the merlin, or the AAA and radar systems, or the "test island II" or the tornado... Ahh man its endless, every project is super! Thanks again to the RKSL team, you guys arent getting paid, so I guess we cannot say thank you enough!
  2. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    Have you guys thought about or looked at the lighting system in ARMA? I was thinking about sitting in the back of the hercules at night waiting for para drop. And envisioned the red cabin lighting... But in OFP there was this thing with the cabin light, also lighting up the outside of the aircraft, so If it was on the ground the lighting would also light up the surrounding terrain. Have you guys allready checked out if that has improved? This question actually combined with the next one. Is it going to be possible to turn on and off cockpit lighting? With instruments lighting up? This goes for all of the addons really? Aircraft cockpits and even dashboards of some of the more expensive cars look cool with all the different lights and colours and buttons and switches. (im a button addict... the more buttons and switches an object has, the cooler it is! )
  3. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    In arma there is this bug with switching positions while moveing in the big speedboat... And Ive fallen overboard several times, luckily we can swim in ARMA now, but mastermind had to turn arround with the boat. A bug but funny realistic. Anyway Ive never had it with the blackhawk but I havent been in the gunner seat(s) that much. I dont exactly know if the system is similiar to the speedboat, but wouldnt flying at high speed interupt the switchover to the other seat? Oh that is great, does it slowdown fast enough by itself, or do you have some system like reverse thrust? (starts to wonder if the hercules actually has such a system) @ me?
  4. -HUNTER-

    ArmA 2

    please, please, please, please, pleeeasee Make the vehicles like 2009!!!!! And dont mismatch army/marine corps vehicles I know it will be fixed as soon as the tools are out, but come on, you guys know military stuff as good as the community??? Still it looks
  5. -HUNTER-

    ArmA 2

    please, please, please, please, pleeeasee Make the vehicles like 2009!!!!! And dont mismatch army/marine corps vehicles I know it will be fixed as soon as the tools are out, but come on, you guys know military stuff as good as the community??? Still it looks
  6. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    To add up to various subjects of the last few pages. I also live near to a Dutch airforce base, the biggest one with 3 sqns F-16. They have been night flying yesterday evening and I went there to check it out. You dont see much, only if the aircraft are on the ground you can see because of the lights. But when they take off the thing you do see is the huuuge flame coming out of the back. And allready confirmed by rock that he's going to make proper afterburners thats really something thats going to add to the experience of flying in ofp. That airbase is 20km to the west of where I live. 20km to the east there is former RAF Laarbruch. Where 2 sqns of Harriers were stationed. Also something really awesome to see them hover, doing short take offs and all that sort of stuff. The base is allmost completly surrounded by woods and thinking of OFP/ARMA using harriers with a good VTOL system is really worth the effort if you can take off from a road out of the woods... At RAF Laarbruch there were many visits of Tornados from RAF Bruggen. Which was good fun to watch because of the noise, their flying skills, and you never knew when some tornados were about to do a low level pass over the runway. Ive been checking out the Tornados myself at a base visit at RAF Bruggen, and we were told allot of stuff about what the pilot and wso do while they are flying. Again, the pilot/copilot is something that will be awesome in OFP/ARMA. And I hope and Im joined by many that these projects will be released asap. BUT! Im allmost certain that all the folks working on the extremely cool addons are working as hard as they can as is permitted by their daily lives. Cash also needs to keep flowing so to speak. And I think they will release their news when they have anything worth showing. Its pointless to keep on asking everyday, because its not going to happen. So I just keep silent and keep checking for news everyday. So, any news?? J/K!!!
  7. -HUNTER-

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Would absoluuutly love metal brass dropping on the 50cal humvee! After you have fired, there are allot of clips from which you could rip the sound... In every video where you hear it fired from close, you hear the thing firing, and then the metal sounds from the ejected brass hitting the metal of the humvee... Its kinda awesome really...
  8. -HUNTER-


    Maybee change the camo on the barrel so It doesnt match the camo on the rest of the weapon. Well dont change the colour, but just make it so this is one of the barrels in the bag, that hasnt been sprayed together with this weapon... Still I dont think its as cool as barrel without cam.
  9. -HUNTER-

    M240 with wooden stock

    Yeah I agree, it looks allot more like a MAG right now. great work!
  10. -HUNTER-


    I would remove the camoflage of the barrel though! Great work! But the barrels are switched many times...
  11. -HUNTER-

    Armed Assault videos

    I would buy a laptop and make some cool videos as time killer for when your in the sandbox. Probally you guys are allready trained for everything but dont forget that ARMA is not just a game. It can be used as a sim for various things also. IED and VBIED attacks, convoy ambushes, etc etc etc Anyway good luck over there! May the force be with you!
  12. -HUNTER-

    Aircraft Rudders

    I dont know what this topic is about. No really, I know there are some small bugs with the rudder, but with helicopters your not supposed to use the tailrotor at higher speeds anyway. If you cant hit the targets and need to use the tailrotor to change direction, you've not started your run properly. And need to take more distance. If you take more distance you can just use the stick to change direction. Line up with your target before your there, and then make slight adjustments, or dont fire at all and go arround for another pass. If you cannot get the crosshairs on target you shouldnt fire and just go for another run. If you still want to get the enemy fast, do the high speed turn. Press Z for a while till you hear the engine sound change, pull back on the stick and use tailrotor to left side for instance. Because your braking the tailrotor will eventually get enough airflow to turn the aircraft, you will turn directly 180 and do another run. Otherwise just bug out and return from another route. By the way, most targets should be taken out from a stand off distance with hellfires anyway. Just pop up and masking and your ok. Also the tailrotor of the blackhawk, cobra, mi-8/mi-17, just wouldnt have the needed power to turn the helicopter when flying at higher speeds. Because of the speed forwards the whole aircraft with all its weight needs to be changed, the tailrotor is configured to give you optimal power but its simply not enough when flying at high speed. Because the airflow is still going backwards because your moving forwards at high speed. Therefor you need to slow down in order to get proper tail rotor control. I think the people who are complaining the hardest should instead of bitching in this topic, open their editor and fly some more. I have NO problem what so ever with the current flight model, its very easy to do every turn, attack run, high speed landing etc without any difficulties or lack of realisme. Just learn to fly! And for fixed wing aircraft, the flight model was fucked in OFP allready and has improved with arma but still is fucked basicly, but everybody knows it. OFP and ARMA arent flight sims so get over it. Besides this, addons that will be released when the tools are out, will change everything probally.
  13. -HUNTER-

    Does supressive fire work in ArmA game?

    Yeah, but its either hes a sharpshooter or he goes thrue all his mags. Because I believe you can set that, so that he fires more rounds each time. Forgot which things to change though. It was possible in ofp. But real covering fire it hard to do, but there are substitutes offcourse.
  14. -HUNTER-

    Does supressive fire work in ArmA game?

    When I cannot handle a large group heading towards me, I shoot allot of rounds at the enemy. So they go into combat mode and lay down and just try to act tactical. In that time I get the hell out and find me another spot with more cover to attack them from. Most of the time half or even the whole group will lay down first. I think it should be done so that when the AI is getting more then a certain amount of bullets shot at them they should be "surpressed" and either try to retreat, or just be fixed at their position.
  15. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    I would just settle for this Link! Proper afterburners, or should I say reheat. While I was searching for the right picture, I found this picture. I thought maybee it might come in handy, because of the "skin"... THE small click
  16. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    Yes, I understand that, it wouldnt really matter, but also think about ammocrates. I think it would allow more realisme. Because 1 crate can never ever contain 400 weapons and the ammo. AT rockets for instance max 2 in 1 crate. Rifles how many would fit into a crate, 5, 6? But I really am amazed with the work, and the future posibilities this has opened for the whole range of addons.
  17. Hello, I would like to know if anybody is working on a editor update which would get the concrete blast barrier in the editor? Also is anybody making hesco's those would be nice for building some bigger realistic bases.. Thanks!
  18. -HUNTER-

    Walls arround a base

    something like this? yeah dude exactly! Any idea when youll be releasing this?
  19. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    @UNN How about some of the ammo crates, well the boxes actually stacked ontop of eachother. If Im not mistaken, you could have 3 stacks of 4 boxes that would allmost fit on 1 pallet. Atleast in OFP they did! Ooh that were the days, my giant warehouse with pallets with drums, and pallets with ammo crates stacked to the roof. It was fun when mapfact made the explosive oil drums.
  20. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    Because for the sake of realisme some people might want to play supply convoy. They could load up what they need at base in their supply hangar. And set out. But also for coop missions you could use the containers first as cargo and or use special modded containers like bunker sleeping units, or command and control units. So many options are now open, that is great work! Thanks!
  21. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    Yeah, so how did the trainrides go? The Cesna looks awesome aswell. Sooo many great addons by just 1 team! and @UNN So would it be possible add stuff to a (example) sea container, and then also put the whole container onto the back of a truck? How far could you go with that? Would it be possible to load objects onto other objects and then also load that object onto another? Stuff > Pallet > Container > Truck/Ship Edit FINALLY Ive found a decent version of 3DSmax... Goes off to build a sea container!
  22. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    Far beyond awesome that is! Thinks about loading and unload stuff from "other" vehicles. cough C-130 cough But this truck alone would be awesome to have in EVO! Uber repair truck!
  23. -HUNTER-

    EditorUpdate 1.02 by LowFly

    Ah great work! Ive been missing allot of those object... I hope the blast barriers are in the pack... Goes off to unpack it and look and see!
  24. -HUNTER-

    RKSL Studios

    OOOWOW! That is Awesome man! The Tornado looks really good indeed, cannot wait till I get to fly in it... I really really hope you can get the MP idea working. That would be fully sick to have pilot and weapons officer working together dropping laserguided pwnage on unsuspecting enemy, while VCB marches forward for the win. And the Merlin and Lynx both look really promising. Cannot wait to give those a proper try out. Especially the Lynx with aerobatics. you also have PM!
  25. -HUNTER-


    All three versions? Looking great, but I love the short barrel version of the weapon over the rifle version.