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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. Rocco

    plane thrust with joystick?

    The whole physic in flying is wrong, the faster you are, the tighter curves you can fly in ArmA, that´s not realistic, i hope they fixed it in ArmA II, dont think that we will ever get a realistic flight feeling in ArmA.
  2. I´d like to see servers managed by BIS instead of lots of private crap servers (ok, by now we have really good servers), but in the beginning of ArmA, servers were horrible, regarding stability etc. What happens to the console ArmA II gamers, don´t tell me that they will be on the same servers as PC gamers. What will happen to view distance, ingame chat, Squad.xml, mods etc? Can I, as i private server owner stop console gamers from joining my server?
  3. Rocco

    plane thrust with joystick?

    so any chance to get a 0% - 100% smooth throttle into the game?
  4. Rocco

    xr server

    Benny is working on a 40 player map of warfare 16 BLUFOR 16 OPFOR and 8 RACS, he´s working on his edit every day, BIS should recruit them!
  5. Rocco

    RUSSIAN Armor pack 5.0

    This is from other pack,but from this you should be able to make replacement.Of course you have to change requiredAddons and model= for stuff from marijus config. thx a bunch, hamis, i´m trying to get into it to figure out how it works! your help is much appreciated!
  6. Rocco

    Warfare v1.1 RBT

    It´s a fanastic edit of the warfare mod, i just hope more servers would load it, XR is always full! cant wait to play the avgani version!
  7. Rocco

    RUSSIAN Armor pack 5.0

    looks great, what about a replacement pack? i wish i knew how to make one.
  8. Rocco

    Warfare 1.1[@]x_[Victor N+S]

    great idea, hope some servers run this mission, but so far i didnt see one, i´d like to test this mission, if you need me, send me a PM please.
  9. i love his entertaining way of writing things and his work of course, so in Jonnys words: "Fuck me, those units are awesome!" EDIT: replacement anyone?
  10. Rocco

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    exactly, the jet sounds needs to be more stunning, louder, rumbling whatever, but HIFI sounds are the best out there, i love you work! cant wait for the new tank sounds, keep it coming!
  11. Rocco

    Captured Depos and Structures.

    it should take 10 min+ to build those sandbags ingame and they should be limited, let´s say 5m around the camp. and i agree that you´ve been kicked/banned, using exploits intentionally doesnt need a warning.
  12. Rocco

    View Distance

    It´s very annoying to play this great map with a VD of like 2km, is it possible to change it somewhere ingame or is it strightly server controlled and if so why?
  13. Rocco

    The HEADBUG that permanently breaks a slot

    i think its not the "true" headbug, if it happens to you next time, try double tabbing ALT key. this fixes it for me, usually happens after switching weapons, i.e. semi, auto, grenade...
  14. Rocco

    multiplayer crashes

    yup, player named Fiund is one of those lowlifes, crashed the server, when we caught him invulnerable...
  15. Rocco

    1st Infantry Division

    what about the squad.xml badge on the arm, does it show now? the old version didnt. thx for the answer.
  16. ok, opteryx... i think you work for BIS and working on ARMA2 right? The detail of the landscape is just too awesome for ARMA! Freaking nice work!
  17. Rocco

    Where's Everyone Gone?

    most servers are still 1.08. 1.12 is buggy, especially the texture laoding is horrible.
  18. Rocco

    Texture lag - Dev question

    EDIT: nvm its in the ECS local.hpp sorry but where can i force local terrain grid? how to do it?
  19. Rocco

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Amazing vids... this one is also very impressive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eD_Lo61rAw&feature=related And regarding engine-sounds, the A10 has the greatest engine sound when she passes by... and (around the end) really nice videos, i like this one too
  20. Rocco

    SLX MOD public release

    i really like q11_recoils, how can i use them with SLX? thx
  21. Rocco

    Texture lag - Dev question

    like to know hat also, the texture loading speed is horrible!
  22. Rocco

    SLX MOD public release

    Isnt the recoil pretty ridiculous? its way too much imo!
  23. Rocco

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    great soundmod, here are my suggestions: * engine sounds (humwee, truck etc needs to be a little louder) * breathing sound is missing when running or aiming, holding breath * no gear noise when running other then that, its awesome so far!
  24. Rocco

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Can we get a youtube or even better http://www.vimeo.com/ link please?