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Everything posted by -Total-

  1. I have tried the game on different monitors with the same computer. It appears different on each. My suggestion would be to have a "Low, Normal, and High" setting for it. It needs to be toned down anyway. A slow turn will not result in a blurring of vision. If you hold your hand out in front of you and focus on the tips of your fingers, yes there will be a blur. BUT, people don't turn using tunnel vision. Our eyes "capture frames" as we turn giving us a seamless view as we turn. High speed turns will result in a loss of focus, but not low speed to normal turns.
  2. -Total-

    Animation Suggestion

    ern, - sliding ;)
  3. I (im)patiently waited until I could get my hands on the retail box instead of downloading the game. Just got in some real good hours online. Always tell a great game when everyone in ventrilo is suddenly astounded at exactly how late it is LOL! I'm not one to compare one game to another. I look at them as their own product. That being said, there is a free military shooter that is available whose entire Dev team was let go (that should give enough hint without stating the actual name lol!) With the increased speed and fluidity in movement as compared to ArmA, ArmA2 could really do well by using an animation in the afore mentioned game: Sliding. When running, one can slide into a crouch or prone position. I caught myself trying to slide in behind cover on more than one occasion :D Just food for thought.
  4. -Total-

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Finally got the game and got to play the mission. As usual, great work Xeno :) The first thing I noticed is something many will view as an inconvenience that needs to be fixed, but I kind of like it the way it is. To the point I'd like to suggest having an option for it in future versions. The MHQ's, when destroyed, do not respawn. They can still be used as a spawn point, but cannot be moved and have to be carried back as wreck repair. To me, this increases the value of the MHQ and will help prevent it from being recklessly driven too close to hostile territory. It will also make helo pilots more mindful when lifting it.
  5. -Total-

    The Corpsman is a Sailor, not a Marine

    Former EW who is a plankowner on the first LHD (USS Wasp LHD-1) and a plankowner on a CVN (USS George Washington CVN-73). Yeah, I got assigned to TWO "gotta keep em clean!" OT though, the Corpsmen IS a Navy billet, not a Marine. I had to go inland with Marines as a laison and, although it wasn't one from our ship, their Corpsman was in the Navy. Generally though, he was never referred to by rank (ie Petty Officer 2nd Class). He was just called Corpsman. It kept it simple. Of course, we all know that the Marine's paycheck says Department Of The Navy on it anayway, so it's no real surprise :D
  6. -Total-

    Americas Army 3

    As much as we would like to try and look at AA3 optimistically, the Army seemed to agree that it was far less than it should have been. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/48427/Americas-Army-Development-Studio-Closed Almost all of the developers were fired. Hteir names have been removed from the Bios page as well: http://www.americasarmy.com/about/bios.php I live where the program is coming to. I wonder if they'd like a former Invite League player as a local tester and laison to the community :D
  7. -Total-


    I'm a Navy vet. I was stationed aboard the USS Wasp LHD-1 and the USS George Washington CVN-73. I also did some cross deck assignments to AOR's, LA class subs, destoyers, cruisers, and the uSS Wisconsin BB-64. The four best pieces of advice I can give you: 1) Before you go in - MOVE OUT OF YOUR PARENTS HOUSE!!!!! Get a job you do not like, a small studio apartment, and commit to staying in both until you go to boot camp. The job you do not like part is so that if you realize you do not like you job in the Navy, you can still buckle down and do it. The apartment is so you can learn to live in a small space as well as being responsible for your own actions. 2) There are two types of people in the Navy. Lifers and Dirtbags. If you do your job and have little problems, then the Dirtbags will call you a Lifer even if you have no intention of staying in for 20. The Dirtbags are the ones who resent every minute of their time in even though they volunteered for it. The Dirtbags make themselves out to be the cool party guys, but they're really just pissing their life away. 3) Get into a rating that will give you skills useful in the outside world. I was Electronics Warfare (doesn't exist anymore - sob!). I am now a Technical Program Manager in BioMedical, so good training does pay off. 4) Always remember that it's a job you volunteered for. I really liked the actual job of electronics warfare, but I hated being underway 9 months out of every year as well as being around 5000 people all the time. Everything smelled like dirty socks. I kept my attitude, kept my uniform clean and pressed, and maintained 4.0 evaluations. I also scored some commendations and awards. Do it, do it right, and maintain a professional attitude. You will come out a much more confident and stronger person than if you let it get to you. Oh yeah, if you get east coast and go to Turkey - DO NOT GET DRUNK AND TAKE A PISS ON A STATUE OF MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK!!!! Don't ask why, just please take my word for it. Two guys from my division did and I didn't see them for a while.....and I had to help do the work they shoulda been there doing :rolleyes:
  8. -Total-

    Americas Army 3

    GUI and Settings - Having to force my resolution via the console was unexpected. - My install did not have a Screenshots folder. Pressing F9 did not place a screenshot anywhere in the game folder. This will make it difficult for me to post shots of any ingame bugs I find. Below image was done using Alt + PrintScreen. Graphics - I'm not going to go down the anti-alising road cuz I've known this about the UE3 enigne for quite some time. - However, I do not understand why the decision was made not to make use of the post processing effects readily available in the UE3 engine. http://ripteam.org/misc/AAPPE.jpg The above image is a (very) quick example. As things get farther away, they do not just get smaller and jagged. They become smaller and out of focus. This creates a depth of field. This depth of field is something AA has never really had. Only the map boundary box would be out of focus to give a presentation of depth, but the primary map area lacked any depth of field. The lefthand side of the image is untouched with all settings to high. The right hand side though is incrementally put slightly out of focus as things get farther away. this immediately creates a more immersive image. Map Design - The new maps have a decent appraoch, but the layouts do not break any new ground. I will admit that I was kind of hoping for maps that allowed for many different ways to approach target areas instead of the predictable chokepoints present in shoebox shooters since the early 90's. Audio Engine - The enviromental sound effects are nice as is the reaction of sound with enviromental objects. - Please correct me if I am wrong, but the audio seems more like the emulated 3D audio back in the games 8-9 years old. I have 5.1 surround headphones (4 drivers per earpiece). In AA 2.X, sounds were extremely directional in a surround format. In playing AA 3.0, it feels like they are just left and right stereo with volume adjustments to simulate positional audio. Gameplay - The radial menues are good for those using a game controller, but many of us would still prefer a key to swap weapons and a choice to have an "Old-fashioned" voice command menu. The radial menues obscure the forward vision. Communication should not reduce situational awareness. - What is the proper double tap sensitivity for using the forward key to sprint? I tried many times to find it so I could hit it consistantly, but it felt as though it's dependent on the curent speed of the player (this was done with full sprint ability - not an empty sprint bar). - The slide is a nice touch. The mantling and vaulting actions are kind of like the double tap sprint though, rather inconsistant on getting to perform properly even when repeating the same movements. - Holding of the breath while iron sighted is detrimental to a soldier. There are many reasons why soldiers are not trained to hold their breath while shooting. - When holding the breath, the decreasing of the FOV to make the target area larger is out of place in AA. That's an arcade feature that was a bit of a disappointment. Overall Graphically, the game could look great with some post processing effects and the ability to override the AA settings. Sound-wise, their needs to be an option for 5.1 surround (I tried all three and none of them really sounded like true 5.1 audio). The overall movements feel like they have been slowed down a touch in relation to the rush-centric gameplay that AA 2.X evolved into. There are elements of the console-generation semantics in AA 3.0 though. I do admit to having a hard time even trying to tolerate some of the console orientated options and physics. In the end, I think I expected a little more polished release after at least 4 years since the development of AA3 was announced. Hopefully, the patches are already in process to advance the game past it's current state.
  9. With the exception of some horrific arcade titles, I have not purchased a bug free game in the past four years. The simpler the content, the fewer bugs generally. Not always the case the case though. DCS Blackshark was a great surprise as, even though it has it's bugs, they were much fewer than expected. Would have been nice had they made it so you couldn't fly through trees in that game (yes, you can fly through trees without any damage in DCS Blackshark). Been there since Lock On was released in 2003. Of Course, Blackshark was under development since ArmA was first released. So, we waited a good bit longer on that one. I fully expect to make a bug list as long as my arm with ArmAII. It's a very in depth game with an immense amount of calculations occuring simultaneously at any given micro-second. From what I have been hearing from people I know who have it and reading across this and other forums, it's seeing a far more stable and playable release than ArmA did. ArmA v1.05 caused half the people in my clan who bought to reformat. Out of the ten of us who bought the first ArmA, only 3 of use were able to play it before the 1.08 patch. So, ArmAII has bugs and it has more than 4 or 5. Big deal. I plan on playing the game for the next four years as I did ArmA. Gives them a while to fix it and gives me new things to look forward to. I'll post the bugs in feedback format as I discover them. That helps the dev's alot more than whining or complaining. Remember, even OFP had it's share of bugs. Remember the 1.96 patch released in 2005 (same year ArmA was released)? Look at the "FIXED portions of that patch ;) http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/Operation_Flashpoint_Resistance_Patch;35465
  10. To expect it to be the successor to OFP could be setting myself up for disappointment if it doesn't fulfill those expectations. To expect it to be an advancement in BIS's combat sim sandbox series that the community can build upon to create even more immersion and gameplay options....well, then I'll be more apt to like it than hate it ;) Reference my post on page 2 btw ;)
  11. Nothing will ever replace nor exceed the exhileration we had with OFP. The time that has lapsed, most everyone wants a game with every ininite detail of reality covered now, otherwise it won't be as mind blowing as OFP was. It ain't gonna happen. OFP blew us away cuz there was nothing like it out there. The community mods made it addictive for years on in. We were all disappointed when ArmA did not have many of the improvements included that the community had made. But, the community mods, again, have made a BIS game addictive and immersive. The same will go for ArmA2. Just do not expect that "OMG! THIS IS THE BOMB! RAWX!11!!1" feeling you got when you started playing OFP. We've all been gaming for a long while and it's going to take alot more than huge battlefields, lots of vehicles, complete modding capabilities, freedom of tactics, and eye popping graphics to impress any of us at the level OFP did. Simply put, we're no longer new to the concept and the genre. OFP - New and innovative and years of fun. ArmA - Expanded core engine, had four years fo fun with it (still play it almost nightly) ArmA2 - Looks great and can't wait I'll probably keep all three loaded as one will never really replace the others ;)
  12. -Total-

    Flight Sims X/2004/lockon etc..

    I have three 20's. TH2G currently does not support their native resolution of 1600X900, but I make do. There is support now for 22"s. They added support for 1680X1050. There's only so much you can do with the FOV in games like Lock On and IL-2. The engines of those games weren't designed with that sort of resolution in mind.
  13. -Total-

    Flight Sims X/2004/lockon etc..

    I had to get away from Logitech's, they never felt right. Using the X-52, but before that, I was using the Saitek Aviator. The forward throttle had me concerned when I bought, but it was far more confortable than I ever imagined. The main reason I went to an X52 was so I could set my trims with the thumb wheels lol!
  14. -Total-

    Flight Sims X/2004/lockon etc..

    I play IL-2 1946 (get the AAA Installer!) Lock On: Flaming Cliffs Saw some discussion on Elite - played it when it was first released on the COmmodore 64. Played Elite II as well. Also played all of the X-Series. had all of the FS series, but did not get FSX. May pick it up though. Getting DCS Blackshark this weekend. My current setup:
  15. I have the same problem with the server browsers once I patched to 1.16. For those who are going to start posting the obvious and links from searches: Unsitalling 1.16 to 1.15 did not fix the problem. Running as 1.14 did not either. Disabling the firewall did not do it. Deleting all except Localhost in the host file in Windows/system32/drivers/etc did not do it. Reinstalling the entire game this afternoon when I get home from work. This time, I will create two different installs of the game. One I know will work and the other one will be the one to experiement with 1.16 with.
  16. Remember, it's running just fine as 1.14 and 1.15 beta.....Any ideas?
  17. It's my server host who is having the problem. He tried to install 1.16 witht he beta folder deleted and it still gave him the "wrong version" error. I'll see if I can get a screen of the dialog box. It's been running 1.15 very smoothly though. so this one has me stumped lol!
  18. Is there a work around for having to install the patch from v1.08? How does one downgrade from 1.14 to 1.08? For my end (client) I'd just make a 2nd install. But I rent a server and it looks like I'll have ot request the provider to unistall the server, reinstall, patch to 1.08, and then patch to 1.16. Is that correct?
  19. -Total-

    Do things catch fire this time?

    Does FC2's engine support the online numbers that ArmAII can support? Is FC2's total map size equivalent? Answer to both - no. Remember that this engine is replicating every downed tree, every knocked over road sign, the angles they fell, etc etc already. Now add in burn damage models for grass, trees, buildings, etc cuz everyone would complain if they ccaught fire without burn models. Now start replicating every stage of those damage models for JIP players. I'm all for more immersion think this would be a helluva addon, but not at the cost of server performance.
  20. The Jav is imbalanced because it only takes one person to utilize it. In reality, one person carries the control unit while another carries the tube. When firing, one acts as a loader while the other aims it. Another realistic fact - the assembly itself weighs 28.8kg's (50lbs). Strap that on and run around with it along with 40 pounds of combat gear. In the end, it's still a game and will never be able to accurately protray reality. The immersion is still fun tho :)
  21. -Total-

    Do things catch fire this time?

    the original suggestion was for fire to spread (grass, trees, buildings, cities) That level of replication would cause lag.
  22. -Total-

    Do things catch fire this time?

    In single player, I could support this. In multiplayer, the replication load to each client would cause the server to lag severely.
  23. -Total-

    new guy

    My input as a five time combat vet is always unpopular: "Movie Gore" is not realistic. Yes, I have seen limbs severed from the body. There was not blood squirting 4 feet in the air. Just a limb severed from the body. Couple of times, I saw people carrying their own limbs. My first kill was shooting someone in the neck using an Acog 4X scope. There was no blood splatter flying through the air and covering nearby objects. The guy's head did not fall halfway off. There was a hole where the bullet went in. He fell. No flipping in the air or any of that BS. Saw a guy shot square in the head. He just fell. No flipping over or anything. Just went totally limp and fell to the ground. Shotgun blasts have to send people reeling and body parts flying right? Nope. They just make a big hole if the range is close enough or a bunch of small holes from father away. The person who was shot did not go flying backwards through the air. They just doubled over, fell, and died. No gamlour, no big pools of blood, no veins flying around and squiting blood like mad, etc etc For video game players, combat reality would be rather boring. No glamor, no movie gore. Just doing your job and hoping you see tomorrow.
  24. -Total-

    ArmA and TripleHead2Go Video

    That can already be done. Fresnel lenses (sheet type) is one method. The other method takes having some technical capabilities. I could easily modify the monitors to be seemless, but I am also looking at the warranty (3 years parts and labor). Knowing that the snubber diodes go bad in those switch mode power supplies of the LCD's as well as the backlight inverters go bad, I don't think I'm going to bust up my monitor housings and void my warranty. yeah, I could fix them myself if they break, but I work in electronics all day and really don't wanna do it when I get home :p I found, while playing last night, that my focus stays on the center screen. The outter two screens act as peripheral vision, so the division doesn't bug me at all since I am not focusing on them. TrackIR 4 w/ the Pro Clip also helps out alot too ;)