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About -Gus-

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Excellent units, I absolutely love them! Good work. Would love to see some sort of civilian up-armored version of the Toyota Landcruiser or Chevrolet suburban to go along with these for a true PMC loadout. Armored landcruiser: http://www.interarmored.com/en/vehicles/product-range/b7-nij-4-armored-vehicles?listing=3045747447288407240 Armored suburban: http://www.interarmored.com/en/vehicles/product-range/b7-nij-4-armored-vehicles?listing=5297567619415010464
  2. -Gus-

    Periodic temporary freezing

    I get it as well at random intervals, but usually at least 15-20 min apart. Quite annoying.
  3. Komplett.se, they had a dozen cards earlier today for delivery the 26th. I ordered the Sapphire one that was bundled with Grid2, however there is no difference between the different manufacturers as of yet, besides the sticker :)
  4. -Gus-

    Finaly we have a gpu for arma 2

    I'm sure NVIDIA will deliver good cards, but judging by their current yields that won't be anytime soon. http://www.semiaccurate.com/2009/09/15/nvidia-gt300-yeilds-under-2/
  5. -Gus-

    Finaly we have a gpu for arma 2

    Then you havent read a sufficient amount of reviews, the 5870 surpasses it in several titles, despite the fact that the 295 is a dual-gpu and is a much more expensive, noise-generating card. Compare the 5870 crossfire setup against the 295 as done on anandtech. I for one count on increases in performance as drivers are tuned, the drivers for current nvidia series has been out for a long time, they need time to be optimized. Not to mention power consumption and DX11 support. I already ordered one, and won't have to deal with the hassle of dual-gpu which won't work properly in all games anyway. Besides, theres more to it then FPS, such as http://anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3643&p=13 .
  6. -Gus-

    Finaly we have a gpu for arma 2

    Because the 295 is a dual-GPU card and should probably be compared to the 5870X2?
  7. -Gus-

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    It was a blast, see you next time
  8. Awesome, thanks alot!
  9. -Gus-

    Something is wrong

    Yeah I have the same problem, unrelated textures from the game seem to appear over other textures, or the entire screen fills up with a texture. If I alt-tab out/in it disappears, but obviously it ruins the game when it occurs. I have a 8800gts with driver version 175.16
  10. -Gus-

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    Can anyone confirm this? What are the exact steps to have a10 (and armory?) addon removed from the game? Same problem, I just installed the beta patch, declined to install the BattlEye application, tried to run the beta .exe and was prompted with an error. The a10 is missing ingame.. Edit, thanks hoz for that upload.
  11. -Gus-

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Please see: http://www.usflag.org/flagpatch.html
  12. -Gus-

    Armed Assault videos

    I made a new improved version of the chopper attack I made earlier.
  13. -Gus-

    Armed Assault videos

    Oden! Yes it is.
  14. -Gus-

    Armed Assault videos

    Short clip I made.
  15. -Gus-

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    http://hx3.de/files/team/mrburns/arma_sftes17sm1.jpg http://hx3.de/files/team/mrburns/arma_sftes17sm2.jpg http://hx3.de/files/team/mrburns/arma_sftes17sm3.jpg What skin is this Mr Burns?