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Everything posted by {USI}_Zombie

  1. {USI}_Zombie

    Warfare 1.1.x [ Ofp-World-ck]-32

    excellent work...we have enjoyed playing this variation of warfare. The HALO drop is very useful. Every thing seems to work well and like Ziggy said, once we secured a town on a new island, domination was 1 fast move of the MHQ away. We had to do some thinking on how to get the supply trucks to work and the ai squads to come along with us, but that was part of the fun...figuring out the logistics! We have been lucky that the east and west haven't been on the same island at the start, if that happens, then it will be fun too. 1 request....how about some capture-able places on "Kolgujev" island? I know the cities are in ruins there but still... Thanks for the great mission!
  2. {USI}_Zombie

    Warfare 1.1.x [ Ofp-World-ck]-32

    couple of questions.... on "Nogova" island we saw marked on the map "gold mine", yet could find nothing there... on "Everon" island we found "HALO JUMP" marked on the map...sounds great! what's up with those 2 and how to use them?
  3. {USI}_Zombie

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    I saw both when they did an airshow here at NAS Oceana a couple years ago. Â That Pearl Harbor tribute is very moving, they have air raid sirens playing over the speakers and music as well
  4. {USI}_Zombie

    Disable mouse acceleration

    have you experimented with the floating zone? I had to turn mine all the way off so I could get consistant control
  5. {USI}_Zombie

    Warfare Updated! v1.5

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be more expensive, just in my opinion it's too expensive, otherwise I think your version of this mission is great. Something I would like to see is light mortars. There was a mod for ofp that included mortars, and required a 3 man crew to use them, disassemble them and reassemble them somewhere as well as to carry the ammo. I think they would be somewhat similar to the grenade launcher vehicles, but with a slower rate of fire and less accuracy.
  6. {USI}_Zombie

    Warfare Updated! v1.5

    I like this version and it is stable but.... Increasing the cost for the air factory and artillery was desireable, but I think increased too much. 1 field gun costs more than a main battle tank? Other than that, I think it is a nice improvement. The biggest problem this mode has I am not sure can be scripted. When munchkins join a side, see where the mhq is, then quit and join the other side so thay can gain an advantage, buy arty and then pound the mhq which they realistically shouldn't know where it is anyway. Is there any way to force a player to a particular side, like after you started as west, you cannot change sides until the map is restarted?
  7. {USI}_Zombie

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    My only problem so far is I can't open the english version of the warfare manual...adobie says it can't decrypt this file....but the czech version loads right up **edit it may be my older version of adobe 5.0 pro that can't open it
  8. Me and my {USI} teammates were really anticipating ArmA, and while impressed by the new graphics and features, were disappointed at the playabilty for CTF's. OFP was particularly well suited for ALL game styles, but ArmA is more suited to the C&H and CooP style because of the new animations. They do not promote the so called "twitch" style of playing which is required for good ctf play, therefor, most ArmA ctf's on publics turn in to 1 organized team trying to advance and "capture the flag" and the other team, usually random publics, trying to "camp the field". Maybe it's a generational thing, but the established OFP clans know that to win a ctf, you have to capture the flag, not run up your personal kdr by proning somewhere. I am not, nor have ever been, a fan of Hex or 'lil everon, but they WERE doable in OFP but not so for ArmA. A really good Castle Keep type of ctf for ArmA would be nice, but again, the animations don't really support it. I think there is room for all the styles...I love a good ctf, really enjoy coops,(say what you want...evo is brilliantly scripted), can play C&H, enjoy dm/tdm and while I don't personally care for cti I hold nothing against those who do. The biggest fix as I can see it is if you can't find a public server that isn't playing your particular style of game well...... what is stopping you from renting your own server so you can play whatever you want? Don't try to change what other people are doing, do something for yourself.
  9. {USI}_Zombie

    Equipment request

    transportable mortars and static artillery, maybe even an MLRS! Arma has static field guns, but no real way to fire them indirectly with any accuracy.
  10. {USI}_Zombie

    More fps problems

    I recall that wgl added a lot of load to my old machine also. I think that wgl was an absolutely brilliant mod, but it did seem to lag me out somewhat. Try it without wgl and see if that helps any, (just as a troubleshooting step).
  11. {USI}_Zombie

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    you can keep an ai in it, but then it becomes a target for the choppers/jets. Kinda double edged sword there with the trucks
  12. {USI}_Zombie

    Couple of bad things

    I recommend looking up a few facts about certain things before being a smartass: The harrier cannot take of vertically with a full load. It's a V/STOL aircraft(Vertical/Short takeoff and landing). So that's realistic. The GBU-12 is a laser guided bomb and as thus needs a laser to guide it to it's destination. The harrier in ArmA doesn't have a laser painter on it and needs somebody else to paint that laser. Once you get a lock you can drop the bombs and fly away. From my experience it can't take off even with no weapons at all. Got something smart to say about that? And what about the sidewinder version? actually, IRL, it can take off and land vertically if not over loaded. I have seen it numerous times over the course of my naval career, at least the USMC version can. I know it is different from the RAF/RN version is some ways though
  13. {USI}_Zombie

    Hosting  a game on a my own local sever

    It looks like a problem with the mission. Have you tried a different mission with the same results?
  14. {USI}_Zombie

    BlackOp HALO III

    I haven't revisited this yet, but with some of the new HALO scripts out there, I may give it another go. The ai are needed because that's your respawn. I am not a fan of unlimited respawns for a coop, because eventually you will win, wher with group respawn, you have to be careful or you will lose. There shouldn't have been any US shooting at you at the radio tower, but plenty of RACS and SLA
  15. {USI}_Zombie

    ArmA Competition Ladder Now Open

    We at {USI} would love to compete, but it would be nice to see a map pack before we decide
  16. {USI}_Zombie

    Irritating Mouse Lag

    I was under the impression that what he is talking about is actually a feature, not a bug. I call it "over-run". It is more realistic, but can be annoying. IRL it isn't possible to go from a full run, to crouched and firing instantly, you have to take a couple extra steps just to slow down and stop. I'm not saying I like the feature, but I do understand it.
  17. {USI}_Zombie

    Evolution V3.0

    actually, you do get points. An engineer builds a farp and then repairs the vehicles...sometimes you don't get them right away though...I have gone for a while then all the sudden it tells me "xx repair points earned" 1 time it was 16 points. Not a lot I know, but it's something
  18. {USI}_Zombie

    Intro making tutorial?

    look here, OFPEC has many excellent tutes.
  19. {USI}_Zombie

    Intro making tutorial?

    look here, OFPEC has many excellent tutes.
  20. {USI}_Zombie

    addon manager?

    Are there any addon managers out there for Arma? There were 2 great managers for OFP, can't remember the names, I used all the time. They were very handy, would go through your addons folder and allow you to disable all non bis addons, or just the ones you selected, by changing their filename to name.pbx. Anyone seen anything similar for Arma?
  21. {USI}_Zombie

    addon manager?

    I recalled the name of the best of the utils, ofpam, and even discovered a thread about it here at bis ofpam...now again, any news on an Arma version?
  22. {USI}_Zombie

    addon manager?

    thanks...there was another manager I used also. I am not certain ofpwatch will work unless the server is configured for it but I may give it a try
  23. I don't use that mod, but you should be able to re-enable your voices by UNcommenting the line: // #define SIX_ENA_VOICE to #define SIX_ENA_VOICE by putting the // in some file types and ;; in others, that "comments" out the line meaning that line is not read by the program. Very usefull in a lot of situations. Hope this helps
  24. I don't use that mod, but you should be able to re-enable your voices by UNcommenting the line: // #define SIX_ENA_VOICE to #define SIX_ENA_VOICE by putting the // in some file types and ;; in others, that "comments" out the line meaning that line is not read by the program. Very usefull in a lot of situations. Hope this helps
  25. I need a way to detect if a player has left a certain area. Using a trigger, for example, I put an east player in the area, then the trigger was set to opfor not present. Works great...but in that said area I will have more than 1 opfor there usually. So how do I set it up so only a specific unit fires the trigger? Also, I need a way to notify THAT unit he has left the area, but not broadcast to the whole team/server. Should be an easy concept but can't seem to get it.