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Everything posted by zootso

  1. Hey everyone, My friend and I have been playing Operation Flashpoint for many years now, through LAN games using Hamachi. We play Co-op and against each other. We often make maps in which we both command a squad of troops and fight it out over a designated area. However, we have always been annoyed by the lag of an easy-to-use respawn trigger that would allow us to prolong the games. One of the built-in multiplayer missions for the original Ofp is called Capture the City (or something similiar) and has an excellent respawn method. You and your opponent start out with roughly 8 guys each. Defender has to fight off the attacker for a set period of time before the game ends. If the player dies, the camera switches to one of his remaining AI units, and he gets to play as that unit. Another frustration we've run into is wanting to simulate commanding large-scale battle, but it's pretty impossible with the 12-unit command limit built-into the game. So, my questions are: Is there an easy to use respawn method that one can add to custom games? ..and.. What's the best mod that allows the players to control more than 12 troops at a time? We'd be happy with it even if it allowed you to only have direct control of your original 12 troops, but could order other squads of 12 on the map, etc. (Is Battlepower the only out there?) Thanks!
  2. Hey-these sounds great! I'll try 'em out today. thanks!
  3. zootso

    CiA co-op night

    Are you all planning on playing today?
  4. zootso


    I love the mod! It's really a blast, and I appreciate the hard work you guys put into it! Couple of issues: Big one is with the Killa Kans-they can't walk-they get stuck on the smallest of slopes, and will spin around in circles. The little orks riding on mini trucks with a gun also seem to have a hard time driving straight, they constantly twitch (really fast)
  5. zootso


    Looking good, looking really good! I'm also excited about the map that ^ is being made, I really the book it is based on.
  6. zootso

    Sharper recoils

    Hey all, *Warning* Nub Question How exactly do I install this addon? I dled it, and found two .pbo's and two .bisigns files. I was under the impression that all I had to do was just copy all of these over to the 'Addons' folder in my ArmA directory. However, after doing that, I didn't notice any difference in the recoils of the guns. The read-me was a little confusing. How do I install this? (Also, does this work with the ArmaEffects addon?) Thanks!
  7. The Warhammer 40K mod for Ofp was rather good, and showed alot of potential. Given that there is no real good Wh40 fps, would anyone be interested in remaking this mod for Armed Assault? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be pleased...
  8. zootso

    Something Scifi

    It would be nice if someone would redo the Warhammer mod, and complete it, for Armed Assault. Granted, Warhammer isn't exactly what you are probably looking for though.
  9. zootso

    Geforce4 too old?

    Would a nVidia 6200 PCI work then? I'd love to get a 6600, but I do not know where to buy a PCI. not PCI-E version.
  10. zootso

    Geforce4 too old?

    Hey, will this card play it? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814130255 I only have a PCI, not PCI-E slot...so I need to know where, and what to buy to run this game. I don't have a AGP slot...or is AGP the same as a basic PCI slot? Anyways, any help is appreciated. tHanks!
  11. Hey all, *Before I ask this, let me assure you that I have searched the forums for the answer to this, and cannot come up with it * Anyways, here is the deal: My brother and I are creating a small multi-player/2 player vs. map. In it, player 1 gets to command one squad of soldiers (AI) against player 2. What we want to do, is allow the player, once they get killed, to switch over and be able to take command and play as one of his AI troops. Is this possible? We played one of the small multi-player maps that came with the original OFP, and in it you could do this. Thanks!
  12. X is a number between 0 and 5 , the number is a respawn method : 0 -> no respawn 1 -> respawn as a seagull 2 -> respawn exactly where you died 3 -> respawn at a base (the base must be a marker named exactly respawn_west or respawn_east or respawn_guer or respawn_civilian according to the side of the unit that will respawn ) 4 -> respawn into a remaining unit of your group (if there are no more units in your group, you respawn as a seagull) 5 -> respawn into a remaining unit of your side (if there are no more units in your side, you respawn as a seagull) Only units that are set to "Playable" are capable of respawning, the other may not. So in your case, it is <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">respawn=4; That you must add into the description.ext Hey again, I've attempted to do this, but it's not working (I just get spawned back to a seagull). Am I doing it incorrectly? I go into the Codemasters folder, then the MPlayer folder, then the folder for the mission I created. In this folder, I've put a simple test document, named 'description.ext', with just 'respawn=4;' Am I missing something here? Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Thanks!
  13. Thanks all! I'm trying it out right now! Thanks again!
  14. zootso

    Just how much has OFP affected you?

    Once, I tried to 'right click' and 'zoom in' in RL, like you do in Flashpoint. It was kinda sad, heh.
  15. zootso


    Hello mod team! I haven't posted much on these forums, but this mod has brought me out. All I can say is... Wonderful! You all have done excellent! I'm really, really impressed with this mod, and the potential it shows. It's incredibly stable, I've come across only a few bugs, and for the most part, it runs smoothly! Is there any way I can lend y'all a hand? Anything? I'm a huge Warhammer fan, and this mod is really something great! Couple of thoughts: ~Space marines seem to be able to killed but just one hit from a Tau normal trooper. Is this reasonable? From all I've read of the Black Library and Warhammer fiction, it would seem to point to the fact that Space Marines can take alot of small arms hits. Even the tabletop game itself seems to point to this, with basic space marines getting a +3 armor save. Perhaps a little balance work is needed here? ~I'm not going to way in much about bugs, it seems like everyone else has really covered it. However, on the Tanith troopers, when one is viewing them from a farther distance, they simply appear as a white-clothed man. It's not until you get quite close that suddenly their capes and camo appear.Not sure if this is a bug, or just a rendering issue-I'mr running a pretty powerful comp, with a video card capable of playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion easily, so I don't think it's a hardware problem.. Overall, nice work! If there is anything you all need help with, let me know!
  16. zootso


    Hello mod team! I haven't posted much on these forums, but this mod has brought me out. All I can say is... Wonderful! You all have done excellent! I'm really, really impressed with this mod, and the potential it shows. It's incredibly stable, I've come across only a few bugs, and for the most part, it runs smoothly! Is there any way I can lend y'all a hand? Anything? I'm a huge Warhammer fan, and this mod is really something great! Couple of thoughts: ~Space marines seem to be able to killed but just one hit from a Tau normal trooper. Is this reasonable? From all I've read of the Black Library and Warhammer fiction, it would seem to point to the fact that Space Marines can take alot of small arms hits. Even the tabletop game itself seems to point to this, with basic space marines getting a +3 armor save. Perhaps a little balance work is needed here? ~I'm not going to way in much about bugs, it seems like everyone else has really covered it. However, on the Tanith troopers, when one is viewing them from a farther distance, they simply appear as a white-clothed man. It's not until you get quite close that suddenly their capes and camo appear.Not sure if this is a bug, or just a rendering issue-I'mr running a pretty powerful comp, with a video card capable of playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion easily, so I don't think it's a hardware problem.. Overall, nice work! If there is anything you all need help with, let me know!
  17. Thanks for the help!
  18. I was recently reading the Wikipedia article on Flashpoint, and came across this: "There are well-known inofficial add-ons also, including complete campaigns. One of them is Retaliation: Peacemaker, released in 2003 both as a freeware download and on CDs. It includes full voice acting, cutscenes, complete campaign structure, consisting of 17 missions, and is regarded by most players comparable with the official Cold War Crisis. The game is set in 1985, and you mostly play the role of Dmitry Astakhov, a Russian soldier send to help the official government to keep order. This campaign is more focused towards team interaction than the official ones. For about third of the game you are just a private and have to execute orders, then you are promoted to a sergeant and command a squad. There are a few single-handed missions as well. Storyline starts from your arrival to Everon and ends with a beginning large-scale conflict on Malden. It was supposed to be continued with part two, possibly with an alternate story ending, but there is no public information about further development." Interested, I immediately went to the site linked from Wiki for this addon: http://retaliation.flashpoint.ru/ I used one of them mirros, got a Russian version, then used another mirror listed there, this time a FileFront mirror, and got it in English. Installed it, and played the mod...right up to the end of the "Forester" mission (about maybe after an hour of playing or so) Then, the game simply send you back to the menu screen. Is this mod only completed to this extent? The wiki article seems to indicate that it has much more...I was wondering if I could get some help with this matter. Thanks!
  19. zootso


    I hope this is the right forum to post this in, but does anyone know of any addon sites that have humvees with like a .50 cal or something mounted on the top? I'm in need one that is detailed and is either woodland or desert camoflage.
  20. zootso


    wow, thank you
  21. zootso


    Thanks..I'll go check it out.
  22. zootso


    thanks:) um..Tankieboy..that would be nice, do you have any links to any sites that you know of?
  23. zootso


    Thanks!!!!! Thats exactly what i needed.
  24. zootso


    A long time ago (before I got OFP Resistance) I read some where about some addon that made everything more detailed and had better lighting, etc..Now that I have Resistance, I can't find where that addon was..does anyone know about this?
  25. zootso


    Is it my video card? Im using a Nvidia Geforce4 MX 4000...sorta old..mebbe thats whats messing everything up?