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Everything posted by zerg63

  1. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    RACS(in ArmA) / Resistance(in OFP) can select West(US) or East(Russia) side in mission editor. but, basically RACS side's US Ally answers are wrong? sorry, my bad english. and, musics from the S.Korean Military website almost, ROK Army's marching song.
  2. zerg63

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    photoshop work. maybe..
  3. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    -I'm slow, but is that a yes for the RACS/ROK thing? yes. ROK can fight USA or Russia. but, we know who is ROKs enemy. -How about changing the existing Island(s) a bit to resemble Korea or something? maybe possible, that's very good idea.
  4. FischKopp, I always admired your model details! Go Marine!
  5. zerg63

    T-55 pack status

    I hope you make North korean ver. but, real NK tank's T-62
  6. zerg63

    Rellikki's stuff

    Nice work. Rellikki downloading
  7. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    i just start mapping today. only KD-3 DDG-911 Max render. not in-game shot. @US-Navy-Dude JSA's coming soon and about the sides. you said right. and last thing. ISLAND.. i dont have much time. and that work too need a makers. but, our team members only 2 man. If i finished make all Units. i'll think again. sry
  8. zerg63


    huh.. what's problem? guys
  9. just 3ds max render. this is not a in game screen shot and i start UV unwraping. very slowly
  10. WL BDU ver's Released http://www.ofpp.net/bbs/data/ArmA/GS0780.jpg http://www.ofpp.net/bbs/data/ArmA/GS0775.jpg http://www.ofpp.net/bbs/data/ArmA/GS0778.jpg http://www.ofpp.net/bbs/data/ArmA/GS0777.jpg download mirrors - Armed Assault.net http://www.ofp-arma.cznhl.com/ The GOL Clan ArmAHolic.com
  11. zerg63

    Russian Marines & VDV

    Looks like the new model. very nice textures!!
  12. zerg63


    i just starting work. Based on Hedcrusha's latest NewView mod
  13. zerg63

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    Very impressive work! chan.
  14. zerg63

    Modding Tools information...

    WoW~ VERY VERY Amazing News!!
  15. zerg63

    Mack R model

    Wow! Bump map!
  16. zerg63

    RACS M60A3

    and F-15E
  17. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    thanks to all
  18. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Retona have 3 versions. soft top, 40mm AGL and for the Military Police. (Retona using by ROK army,marine, chile army, indonesia marine corps) and. T/A-50 Golden Eagle have 3 versions too. Light Combat Aircraft(A-50), Trainer(T-50), Black Eagle Flight Demonstration Squadron. hyun-moo will make like the SCUD addons
  19. zerg63

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Cool! How can they use VLS, Harpoon, CIWS. I have a problem of writing config files for ArmA, Can you help me? Â
  20. great base! downloading now
  21. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    @blackdog~ thank you. Â and, about the inside. well.. If i get the kd-3 or any Arleigh Burke 2A's interiors photo . i'll try modeling for 1st person view. @PitViper like that? I'don't know a lot about a island addon. so, i'm not sure i'll make that. sorry
  22. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Thx I use 3ds max and oxygen for convert
  23. zerg63

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    KD-3 AEGIS Destroyer (12000t)