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About zenzelezz

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  1. zenzelezz

    Night mares

    I had an OFP dream once... I'm sure I've had plenty, since after all we can only remember a tiny part of the total number of our dreams... Anyway, I was in the forest outside some town, I'm not sure which, might have been Levie... I was in a squad of about ten soldiers. We were just hiding in the forest for a while, observing the enemies in the town. After a while we started moving silently towards the edge of the forest, keeping low. Two other squads were approaching the town too, but from other directions. I don't know why we were attacking this town, but there must have been something important in there that we wanted or wanted destroyed, and the Russians wanted to keep, because the town was just full of Russian soldiers, must have been thirty or more soldiers in addition to two T72s and one T80. The scene wasn't entirely from OFP, there was a lot more vegetation around the town. When we got very close to the edge of the forest, we halted for a moment and the squad leader issued some kind of commands, think he told us to spread out a little and try to get closer to the town, so that when the other squads were in position too, we could starting launching M203s at the town and then move in. We crawled and ran to the nearest cover, and eventually we were quite close to the town. As we were ready, we called for the other two squads to hear their status. The third squad were starting to move from the forest to covered positions nearer the town, but the second squad didn't reply at all. I became quite anxious after that, but things went really awry when squad three suddenly called in with a "Taking fire" message. Some Russian patrol had discovered them while they were moving, but they had managed to kill them, but now the whole town was alert, and then there came the sound of BMPs approaching from some other place. Both of our squads started retreating hastily, but my squad was spotted when we were getting close to the forest, and I saw one of my squadmates fall dead a little to my left, and I heard other squadmates crying out in pain as they were hit. It was chaos. In the confusion, out squad got split up, and I wound up on my own, running for my life, quite literally. I was lost... I didn't know where I was, where I was going, and I didn't dare to stop to check my compass and map. My fear grew even stronger as I reached a hill where the forest turned into a bunch of trees here and there. I ran frantically between them, until in the end I could no longer hear any pursuers. I kept running until I found a place to hide. I stayed hidden and sat there and thought. I didn't know why we were attacking the town. I didn't know why we were at war. I didn't know how to handle a situation like this. I was awake until far into the night before I finally decided to try to get some sleep. When I woke up, I just sat there for an hour or so before I made up my mind and started walking back in the direction where I thought the town was... as I was walking, I passed a few forests, and saw some other soldiers lying dead. It was a horrific sight. I stumbled upon a road and decided to just follow it. Eventually a Russian patrol spotted me and I surrendered. They picked me up, took my M16 and put me in the back seat of their jeep between two soldiers. After that I can't remember anything more... -- zenzelezz
  2. zenzelezz

    Night mares

    I had an OFP dream once... I'm sure I've had plenty, since after all we can only remember a tiny part of the total number of our dreams... Anyway, I was in the forest outside some town, I'm not sure which, might have been Levie... I was in a squad of about ten soldiers. We were just hiding in the forest for a while, observing the enemies in the town. After a while we started moving silently towards the edge of the forest, keeping low. Two other squads were approaching the town too, but from other directions. I don't know why we were attacking this town, but there must have been something important in there that we wanted or wanted destroyed, and the Russians wanted to keep, because the town was just full of Russian soldiers, must have been thirty or more soldiers in addition to two T72s and one T80. The scene wasn't entirely from OFP, there was a lot more vegetation around the town. When we got very close to the edge of the forest, we halted for a moment and the squad leader issued some kind of commands, think he told us to spread out a little and try to get closer to the town, so that when the other squads were in position too, we could starting launching M203s at the town and then move in. We crawled and ran to the nearest cover, and eventually we were quite close to the town. As we were ready, we called for the other two squads to hear their status. The third squad were starting to move from the forest to covered positions nearer the town, but the second squad didn't reply at all. I became quite anxious after that, but things went really awry when squad three suddenly called in with a "Taking fire" message. Some Russian patrol had discovered them while they were moving, but they had managed to kill them, but now the whole town was alert, and then there came the sound of BMPs approaching from some other place. Both of our squads started retreating hastily, but my squad was spotted when we were getting close to the forest, and I saw one of my squadmates fall dead a little to my left, and I heard other squadmates crying out in pain as they were hit. It was chaos. In the confusion, out squad got split up, and I wound up on my own, running for my life, quite literally. I was lost... I didn't know where I was, where I was going, and I didn't dare to stop to check my compass and map. My fear grew even stronger as I reached a hill where the forest turned into a bunch of trees here and there. I ran frantically between them, until in the end I could no longer hear any pursuers. I kept running until I found a place to hide. I stayed hidden and sat there and thought. I didn't know why we were attacking the town. I didn't know why we were at war. I didn't know how to handle a situation like this. I was awake until far into the night before I finally decided to try to get some sleep. When I woke up, I just sat there for an hour or so before I made up my mind and started walking back in the direction where I thought the town was... as I was walking, I passed a few forests, and saw some other soldiers lying dead. It was a horrific sight. I stumbled upon a road and decided to just follow it. Eventually a Russian patrol spotted me and I surrendered. They picked me up, took my M16 and put me in the back seat of their jeep between two soldiers. After that I can't remember anything more... -- zenzelezz
  3. zenzelezz

    Kill zone no warning

    I am not completely sure, but I would think you just created another, somewhat larger trigger and had that one display the warning? -- zenzelezz
  4. zenzelezz

    Super ai + >1000m visibility = death

    1800 meters? Did you complete the campaign with super AI on that setting? I think I'd have been killed all the time if I had view distance set that high... Anyway, I set my view distance to 900 meters, and now the mission seem more possible to accomplish :) I do wish I'd see just a bit further, but I think I'll rather play through the campaign(s?) first and then go joy-riding with a larger view distance. -- zenzelezz
  5. zenzelezz

    Super ai + >1000m visibility = death

    I'm aware that the AI is affected by the view distance, that's why I asked :) But thanks, I was not aware that OFP was made for/using 900 meters, I'll try that! Just hope it still looks as good... (I mean, I don't expect the graphical quality to drop of course, but having used 1288 meters for so long, I'm afraid it might seem "incorrect" with less... well, whatever makes it possible to complete the missions ;) -- zenzelezz
  6. You might remember that I complained about the "Defender" mission earlier this week... well, I just got past it by setting the view distance all the way down to 500 meters, so that the enemy tanks didn't see the APC that is supposed to pick you up after you've taken out the tanks. Now, however, I've reached the mission "Battle of Houdan"... me in a lousy M60, my teammates in three M1A1s... we get the order to take out the BMPs, that goes fair enough, then we start taking out the soldiers, but that's when the problems start... some enemy tanks, one T-80 and one T-72 I think, comes driving towards Houdan... I'm not really sure whether or not we manage to destroy them, because the tanks in the next city (can't remember what it's called, the one in the middle of the border zone) starts attacking us from probably at least a thousand meters away. Now, I have my view distance set to 1288 meters now... I suppose I could try to set it lower like I did on "Defender", but something tells me I might have to play large parts of the campaign with a low view distance then, and I really don't wish that - not so much because I can see the enemies earlier sometimes as because the game just looks really great with the view distance I have now. I don't know if the Cold War Crisis campaign was easier on veteran mode with super AI before (as in before some of the patches, I can't remember when the AI turned so much greater), but if it wasn't then I'm wondering... those of you who have completed CWC with super AI on, what view distance do you use? -- zenzelezz
  7. zenzelezz

    Stuck on defender

    So I'm replaying Operation Flashpoint, first Cold War Crisis, then perhaps Red Hammer and/or Resistance... this time I'm playing on veteran level as usual, but with super AI on and third-person view off. I've played my way to the Defender mission (where you and your commander are to destroy four tanks). I laid the mines, grabbed the LAW, destroyed the tanks that weren't destroyed by the mines, and killed all the crew that I could find who had escaped. The APC that usually comes to pick you up had been blown up by one of the tanks, probably before they passed us (I heard a shot, my commander yelled "Under fire!" although he showed no sign of injury). So the commander orders me to go to CD50 (La Pessagne). We go there, he stops, nothing happens. I wait. I run to Vigny and back, still nothing. I run back to the tanks, bombard them with grenades (two of them then "blew up some more", probably those that the tank crews abandoned), I run back, nothing happens. I shoot the commander, still nothing happens... Has anyone else had this problems? I'm fairly (although not completely) certain I've killed every living thing on the Russian side, apart from the jeep that passes before the tank (since the commander didn't tell me to attack it). I'm going to try ONE more time, this time blowing up that jeep, but I think I've let it pass before and still managed to complete the mission. I know the two common suggestions, "try again" and "endmission", but I'd really like to manage this mission, and without going through the process of destroying the tanks over and over, they seem to be pretty tough (I've had to take two or three of them every time, although some of them hit mines)... -- zenzelezz
  8. zenzelezz

    God this has been bugging me

    I am not certian about the reason for the lack of a reply command to the "Where are you?" message... I also think that there should be one, but I'm wondering if there isn't one because you could use it to tell yourself where you are, and in veteran mode you don't see yourself on the map... could be something like that, not sure.. And about the "blood icon"... are you in a vehicle? I can't remember whether or not my icon changes back if I'm not in a vehicle, but I think I have sometimes had to exit and re-enter a vehicle for it to change (and if it were another soldier, have him report his status)
  9. zenzelezz

    General about 1.85 patch

    Great, now I can finally proceed in the Red Hammer campaign after having been stuck on Under Fire because of the freeze bug... =) One thing though - although not a critical "bug", I did laugh a lot when I saw the cutscene after Under Fire, where Dmitri escapes from the truck just before the M60 shoots it to pieces... this time, the driver of the truck also escaped and ran away, while Dmitri was shot when running away. Just looked weird since the game proceeded as usual afterwards -- zenzelezz