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Posts posted by zovirl

  1. Thanks for the ideas. I will tell him to try those. This splash screen that comes up, by the way, is when we try to install the patch not when we try to run the game. Perhaps it is the same problem though. I will let you know...

  2. My brother can't patch past 1.20 on his computer. When he tries, the splash screen comes up, then goes away, and nothing happens. There are no error messages, nothing.

    In the past, he had 1.30 installed, but when the 1.40 patch came out it wouldn't install (same problem) so he reformatted his hard drive and reinstalled. Now he can't get 1.30 to install.

    His computer is an Asus A7B with an Athalon thunderbird 950. Windows 2000 (NTFS). Creative labs GeForce 256. He has the latest VIA drivers.

    Any ideas people? He really wants to play MP with the rest of us...

  3. Reddeath, I expect the docs are correct and what you are seeing is a feature of windows. By default it hides the extension for known file types. You can turn it off by going to the folder options. Probably when you saw a file called "hosts.txt" windows was hiding one extra extension from you and the actual name was "hosts.txt.txt"

  4. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MitchSchaft @ Jan. 12 2002,00:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just to let you guys know.  When someone votes an admin and then the real admin comes and logs in, the voted admin still has some powers. I've run tests on it. The voted admin still has the ability to kick people, except for the real admin. Something to think about. I have this line in my server.cfg to keep people from being admin:

    voteadminplayers=99;<span id='postcolor'>

    what does voteadminplayers do anyway? I can't find that in any of the documentation...maybe I'm just not looking in the right place

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Jan. 12 2002,11:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">XML is used because:

    - one file is used for both index and full command view

    - formatting is kept separate from content

    From the reasons above, maintenance (like adding new commands or changing them) is much easier. Command reference is also much smaller than it could be if implemented as HTML.<span id='postcolor'>

    Hey, that IS cool smile.gif Guess I should go learn XML then...sounds sweet.

  6. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Heyvern @ Jan. 07 2002,22:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">NOT every sim I've played has been like this.<span id='postcolor'>

    Hmm, guess I need to play some more simes smile.gif

  7. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LeadPoison @ Jan. 10 2002,23:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There was one person on my server that caused every player to die istantanious. This happened right at the start of the game where it would be absolutly impossible to seek out our chinook especially when we were on the other side if the map (miles and miles away). After this cheater wiped out all of my soldiers the moron left the game.<span id='postcolor'>

    Don't be so sure this was a cheat. We have seen a similar bug in co-op lan games. Here is what happens:

    Game starts, everyone starts running around. One person's game gets out of sync, and he doesn't see anything happening (he sees everyone just standing around). He gets bored. He throws a grenade at the ground. Suddenly, everyone gets killed. Everyone gets pissed at the out-of-sync person for being a team killer. The out-of-sync person claims that no one was doing anything. Finally it all gets sorted out and is funny. Haha.

  8. I got it to work like you would expect. Even got it to do some cool things like lights that blink colors. I was going to try to make runway lights with them, but then I found out that flares make really annoying lights (with that lensflare thing) plus you can't have them too close to the ground or they go out (I have to keep them about head height) so it didn't look right anyway. If you want the scripts I could mail them to you...

  9. I played around with this a while ago. You have to keep making new flares. On top of this, the flares take a little while to start making light (maybe 2 seconds) so you have to create them early and keep them offscreen for a while before you bring them in.

    Do the new create commands let you create objects? If you could create a real lamppost that would of course be a much better solution...

  10. 1) Agreed

    2) Also agreed. I don't have much trouble with it, but I have a large HOTAS throttle. I would imagine it would be a real pain with anything smaller...

    3) I'm not sure what your complaint is here. Of course things change when you let the stick go back to the center. Every sim I have played has been like this. This is what you would expect from a real airplane (don't know about a real chopper). I don't think the problem is with the joystick settings, but rather the lack of a trim control. Of course, trim would be most useful for level cruise flight, not the low, terrain-hugging flying that is typical for OFP. It seems easy enough to stay at tree-top level when flying in OFP...

  11. It is because you get a different flight model if you use a joystick. Here is a breakdown:

    Keyboard & Mouse: You get a very simple, arcade flight model in planes & helicopters.

    Joystick (no throttle): You get a better flight model for planes & helicopters. You can do loops and rolls in planes. Choppers are still height-limited.

    Joystick w/ throttle: You get a fairly decent flight model (still not sim quality, but passable). Choppers are no longer height-limited, but landing take a LOT of skill and a little luck.

    I don't find switching controls to be difficult in the middle of the game, since there is a slight pause as you board the plane/chopper anyway (gives you time to move your hands). Using a throttle has mixed benefits. On one hand, you do get extra height, on the other hand you have to be really good to be able to land as well as the guys using no throttle...

  12. If I can ever figure out how to make a non-buggy MP mission I want to make a DM mission with several modes like classic, last man standing, king of the hill, etc. all in one mission (you would choose which one using parameters. Of course, that would screw dedicated servers because they don't get to pick params automatically, but maybe BIS will fix this by the time I figure out MP mission making)

  13. Ok, I know that on a dedicated server you can set paramaters for missions in your mission cycle using the config file.

    However, once the #missions command has been used to choose a mission, the player should be able to choose the parameter himself. I realize that there might be a problem with deciding WHO on the server gets to do the choosing, but surely someone should be able to. I want to make a deathmatch map that uses one of the paramaters to control game style (classic deathmatch, last man standing, king of the hill, etc.) but currently players on dedicated servers would not get to choose the style.

  14. I could have sworn this script worked fine in 1.30, and I can't find a problem with it by looking at it, but it crashes my game (locks it up, have to kill it from task manager) in 1.40:

    (I'm calling it from init.sqs, btw)



    _time = dayTime

    _h = _time - (_time % 1)

    _m = (_time - _h) * 60

    player globalChat format ["Time: %1h %2m", _h, _m]

    goto "Top"

  15. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Gaswell on 1:36 pm on Dec. 21, 2001


    Ahem... it sure doesn't work the way I said. Car drivers will do a full stop (with "Wait" as status until you get on board), while armored vehicles just continue on their merry way without noticing. I could've sworn I remembered how that one worked. I must be getting old and rusty...<span id='postcolor'>

    Well shoot...I was hoping that little mystery had finally been solved...

  16. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BigQEd on 7:08 pm on Dec. 21, 2001

    Ugh... I am not one to speak about Real Life Chopper flight. (no experience first hand... although I think it would be cool to do)

    I do however love to fly Choppers in OFP...

    What makes me really upset about OFP choppers is when you get a guy that comes in and he flys the chopper at 500m+... and says "I am not cheating". #### and I can't even tilt upwards enough to even shoot him! Now when he is on my level I smoke him everytime... grrr...

    WTF is this and why hasn't it been fixed?<span id='postcolor'>

    They are flying with a joystick & therefore get a better (more realistic) flight model. They aren't cheating...

    Go check this thread:

