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Posts posted by xezon

  1. Have you tried using Squint, instead of NotePad++?


    Does all the highlighting you're after, plus syntax checks code as you key.

    Looked promising with the syntax check features but the text editor in the program is very bad. And the concept of establishing a connection to a server each launch is horrible.

    http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34263.msg243174#msg243174 ;) Right at the bottom.

    Glad I could help. :)

    Yep thanks. Works fine now with older notepad++.

  2. Can someone explain me please why this crashes mission load?

    If I remove CfgRadio class or the other the user mission loads without crash.

    class CfgRadio
    sounds[] = {};
    class testA
    	name = "testB";
    	sound[] = {"\sound\test.ogg", db+0, 1.0};
    	title = {$SIMO_TEST};
    class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {};
    class testC
    	name = "testD";
    	sound[] = {"\sound\test.ogg", 1, 1};
    	titles[] = {$SIMO_TEST};

    ---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:00 ----------

    I experimented a bit now and this loads. I don't understand the exact reason though.

    class CfgRadio
    sounds[] = {};
    class testB
    	name = "";
    	sound[] = {"\sound\test.ogg", db+0, 1.0};
    	title = $SIMO_TEST;
    class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {};
    class testB
    	name = "";
    	sound[] = {"\sound\test.ogg", db+0, 1.0};
    	titles[] = {$SIMO_TEST};

    When I create the following now it will just print Resistance: "$SIMO_TEST" and for say it prints nothing. Why?

    private ["_unit", "_text"];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _text = _this select 1;
    if(_unit distance player < 10) then
    _unit say _text;
    _unit globalRadio _text;

    Language, English
    SIMO_TEST, test

  3. The plugin does not work with the newer versions of Notepad++. You need version 5.7. Using an older version is well worth it :)

    Thanks I will check this out. Those guys at OFPEC could have mentioned that in the release or the author himself in his package :S

    I use the newest versions of Notepad++ with this:

    Notepad++ syntax highlight

    I place this file in C:\Documents and Settings\yourNameHere\Application Data\Notepad++

    Works just fine...

    Thanks, but I tried that already and it looks ass :D

  4. Great :)

    I got it as a present recently, though I haven't had time to explore more then the first couple of missions in the first A1 campaign, & not even opened OFP yet.

    Apologies if my post wasn't adequately helpful, I saw the date of your joining the forum & assumed you were an old hand. Post back or PM me if you need any help getting the beta installed.

    I made missions for OFP 8 years ago but can't remember shit haha. I haven't played the ArmA missions yet. Mostly stuck in Editor trying to make my first mission. But I am very slow. I installed the latest Beta Patch and will try to run it tomorrow and check what happens with the teaming issue.

  5. SQF is basically an Arma Specific code so sadly Notepad ++ doesn't have syntax highlighting for it. But if you are writing in .hpp it does. And it is very helpful.

    Yes it's true. But that Arma script tool promised to add SQF support but it did not.

    Notepad++ is a useful tool for programming in text files, but sadly it didn't have support for SQF. This addon for notepad++ solves this by adding a lexer for SQF and adds support for folding.

  6. Hi. I installed Notepad++ and Arma Script from here: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=596

    but there is no syntax highlighting for SQF or EXT or SQM or anything else. Opening HTML shows syntax highlighting.

    What is wrong with the tool? Is there any good working tool for notepad++ you can recommend?

    Currently I use ArmA Edit and that tool is ok but not cool on the long run.

    I can't attach an image of my current installation because this forum allows no attachments.

  7. The mission is a really professional production. Good camera scenes, well made texts, voice, hints. Good briefing and overview. I finished the second mission, then I stopped because it was too annoying to restart over and over. I flew that marked route back, but it stopped all the time. Missions makers have to find a balance for people who dont know the structures of the mission in the editor. A mission maker knows where to fly, because he put the boats/dead areas. But a normal player can't really figure our where dead zones are. I played on easy mode, and the dead zones were too strict. I would prefer for an easy mode that you have more freedom with your chopper, because even noobs like me can play your mission then. On hard it's ok to make dead zones and enemy boats all over. I suggest you fix more on the difficulty level, so everyone can play your mission from beginning to end. Like I already said I really like the presentation of this mission, but the mission hardness bores me.
