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Everything posted by wld427

  1. wld427

    -nosplash problem

    My friend originally set up my ArmA on my computer. He set up the no splash icon on my desktop. Well after computer took a dump on me for Christmas i had to reinstall Arma on my new one. I try ro add the nospalsh to the icon but it says the target is not valid. "C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe" Is my target line. Can sombody please help PS MODS if i am in the wrong section please bump me to the right one.
  2. My friend originally set up my ArmA on my computer. He set up the no splash icon on my desktop. Well after computer took a dump on me for Christmas i had to reinstall Arma on my new one. I try ro add the nospalsh to the icon but it says the target is not valid. "C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe" Is my target line. Can sombody please help PS MODS if i am in the wrong section please bump me to the right one.
  3. wld427

    Be 32K

    bummer i was looking forward to the bomber
  4. GREAT WORK the helos handle very well
  5. wld427

    HWM - HAC Huey UH-1H

    are the doors animated to open and close? also another suggestion a "dustoff" or medevac version
  6. hmmmmmm my galil suggestion pops up again.....
  7. wld427

    Vilas' addons

    I think you need to read the message you got completely....... Great work as always vilas.
  8. wld427

    Jet Fighters

    phoenix you make a good point...... the frogfoot would fit really well in the game and off set the A-10..... now about that damn harrier...........
  9. this wil help you too........ http://www.davidpride.com/Israeli_Armor/Armor_Main.htm http://www.idf-armour-group.org/vehicle_info_page_magach.htm http://www.jedsite.info/tanks-m....es.html
  10. check this out...... it may help http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons....h_6.htm
  11. wld427

    Jet Fighters

    i think mig 23 and mig 27 would be more realistic and better suited to the terrain of sahrani
  12. wld427

    Vilas' addons

    the galil and its derivatives have been very popular throughout south america with many "freedom fighters" capturing them from government stocks. They are also popular with mercenaries in that time frame. The valmet i suggested because ok its a Finn rifle and well Finland is in eastern europe.....
  13. wld427

    Vilas' addons

    Vilas do you think you could throw in a Galil and Valmet in your weapons pack?.... it goes with the eastern theme....
  14. wld427

    New g-36k pack

    THANK YOU Placebo and thanks again mike the g36s are cool
  15. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    thanks Baddo your code line works perfectly
  16. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    thanks baddo thats how i had the mission set up with the crew in the vehicel to start.
  17. wld427

    Civil md-500e helicopter!

    great work mike and thanks for the add on if you dont like it dont download it......
  18. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    well now it works like a champion except for one part. The crew inside the vehicle is still "killable" how do i protect them as well?
  19. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    You should be able to just put it in the unit's init line using "this": <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["dammaged",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]; this addeventhandler ["hit",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]; it says its missin a semi colon but there it is at the end. take a look at my code lin this is all on one line on the init position[]={19313.173828,11.843280,14006.660156}; azimut=265.000000; special="NONE"; id=585; side="EAST"; vehicle="zsu"; leader=1; skill=1.000000; fuel=0.000000; init="this addeventhandler [""dammaged"",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]; this addeventhandler [""hit"",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]";
  20. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    thanks guys i will place it int he editor instead of typing it
  21. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    so should it be like this? class Item91 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={11909.950195,23.654215,11439.728516}; azimut=220.000000; id=748; side="EAST"; vehicle="zsu"; leader=1; skill=1.000000; init="this addeventhandler ["dammaged",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]"; "this addeventhandler ["hit",{(_this select 0) setdamage 0)}]"; }; };
  22. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    how exactly do i impliment this..... just put these lines on the INIT line? or do we need to script it
  23. wld427

    Invincible or respawn?

    if you could that would be great. All i want is the BIS shilka with like a armor setting of a million. but i do not want to change the default BIS shilka.
  24. wld427

    Be 32K

    when i use the Be32 as the pilot all i do is tell my AI to "eject cargo" and everybody parachutes out one at a time in a nice slick...
  25. great work as always fellas