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Everything posted by wika_woo

  1. wika_woo

    My Navy Seals

    Nice reskins IMO... will check 'em out
  2. wika_woo

    AAZ NEWS! on saturdays

    Can't wait kenny. You know, when you make vehicle promotions, you should make them like Top Gear lol.. Just a thought u know
  3. wika_woo

    Armed Assault videos

    hehe... Like it.. I just realised how boring the A.I look compared to human players, with all the positions and animations etc...
  4. wika_woo

    Gravity gun

    Me thinks a sandbox mod coming soon, like the one in BF2. I wonder if you could pick up soldiers with the grav gun, possible?
  5. wika_woo

    Gravity gun

    In your face HL2, cant wait for this.
  6. wika_woo

    Armed Assault videos

    awesome job mate. great flics everyone
  7. wika_woo

    M14 EBR [v1.0]

    lol helping_hand, u stalker. Keep up the good work Yossarian
  8. wika_woo


    I noticed a few character bugs straight away with the hand while your carrying a gun is way off.
  9. wika_woo

    M14 EBR [v1.0]

    JTF-2 Â never released any of my stuff for gr though. Been at the gr.net forums long enough though... Dude you should, its gotten really quiet there all of a sudden.. My alias name there is "squad_e" . I'd sure like to see you make some stuff for GR or GRAW 2.
  10. wika_woo

    M14 EBR [v1.0]

    Yossarian were you on the ghostrecon.net forums?.. I recognise that sig from there..
  11. wika_woo


    Well cool units... Soemthing to go with the new desert city map.
  12. wika_woo

    M14 EBR [v1.0]

    Nice one, well worth the wait
  13. wika_woo

    Lowplants v1.1

    Can someone please release a QG free edition?.. a good cause for the noobs..
  14. wika_woo

    RH Pistol pack 1.5

    YAY.. These handguns are sweet, I love slayin zombies with 'em
  15. wika_woo

    Lowplants v1.1

    This looks and sounds great.. Love how it increaes FPS..
  16. wika_woo

    MK-77 Napalm

    hehe.. funny.. Me gots a feelin that it will nuke the FPS as well as the whole area..
  17. wika_woo

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    ArmA is like marmite, you either hate it or love it .
  18. wika_woo

    Sharper recoils

    Nice tool, will download soon enough. I was hoping for something to smooth up the M107 and SVD druganuv.. Maybe in the future yes?.. Keep it up..
  19. wika_woo

    Camera Mode

    This exec "camera.sqs" + FRAPS + Sony Vegas = Â Â
  20. wika_woo

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Nice... I'm a big fan of XAM, although i havnt tested it out fully.. Good job
  21. wika_woo

    BISoldier Model Tutorial

    Argh! That tutorial makes it look so easy.. I have the tools, but havnt had the time to use them. Good job who made the tut tho
  22. wika_woo


    OMG!... That thing is a work of art... It loooks meaaaaaaaan!
  23. wika_woo

    Armed Assault videos

    Did you make that Union Flag, Wika? Been looking for a UK Flag for a wile. No i didn't matey.. the mods shown in the vid aint my work Just showin 'em of.
  24. wika_woo

    Ammocart beta release

    Link is kinda dead.. Please re-upload.
  25. YAY Finally! Been waiting along time for this baby.