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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Vespa Pack

  2. william1

    Operation Frenchpoint GUI

    this gui really looks great , the only problem i find is that i don't speak french jajajajaja , could you make a frenchpoint gui but in english jajajaja , sorry i'm crazy... thanks
  3. william1

    Recon Operations

    the demo is unplayable, it shows this error : no entry config.cpp/cfgworlds.0 also , you have an old version of the SEF_Misc.pbo , it shows a message when starting the game in the upper left corner
  4. william1

    Recon Operations

    the demo is unplayable, it shows this error : no entry config.cpp/cfgworlds.0 also , you have an old version of the SEF_Misc.pbo , it shows a message when starting the game in the upper left corner
  5. william1

    Recon Operations

    downloading the demo and the addons now ! hopefully it is as good as conspirancies , i will always remember those marvellous enviroments ... thanks for your dedication
  6. william1

    Recon Operations

    downloading the demo and the addons now ! hopefully it is as good as conspirancies , i will always remember those marvellous enviroments ... thanks for your dedication
  7. william1

    Recon Operations

    it looks top notch just like the rest of your work
  8. william1

    Recon Operations

    it looks top notch just like the rest of your work
  9. william1

    Power lines & Antennas

    very nice addon
  10. william1

    Falklands mod progress

    dead no , but arma will be released before you release your mod
  11. william1

    Your Best Shot

    this is mine Mod: Toyota wars Island: Libya Mission : bomberman SP playing as a chad espec.op/sniper and laying on the ground at about 500 from the target : a Libian soldier running really fast from left to right of the screen a few seconds following the target with the weapon sight , calculating the velocity, the angle and ... one single shot and the guy bytes the dust , death of course not bad
  12. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    it is a pathetic thought
  13. william1

    Airline Pack by CSJ

    great !
  14. william1

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Parvus is The Lord of the Pics
  15. this is really just what i need ! i NEVER find the airport thank you !
  16. william1

    OFP Navy

    amazing as hell ! great work !!
  17. william1

    US DSAI Extension v1.1

    thank you very much !
  18. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i think it would be very useful to open a thread only for FFUR bugs, maybe in the addons & mods discussion , or group all the bugs in the fist page of this thread, that way the bugs could be updated and grouped in the first page and people could take a glance at them before reporting , in this page all is mixed and it is not easy to navigate trough the pages
  19. william1

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    OMG! gnat, those ships look so beautiful that it hurts
  20. william1

    Redundant PBO's ?

    hi, i have a doubt maybe anyone can answer me , in the root directory of OFP there is the Dta folder containing a folder named hwtl and two pbo's data.pbo and data3d.pbo . and the Res folder has anoher Dta folder containing the same archives. my question is , any of them are redundant ? would be possible to remove any of them in order to gain HD space and load time ? they are really big archives... thanks
  21. william1


    and where is the Toyota ?
  22. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    everyone can make his own customized Bso , it is not that hard , BTW , i think this time there hasn't been flag replacement , is it ? the russian flag is the old soviet one and btw2, i've had CTd after desinstalling the sky pack , i think the explosions have something to do with that , but is only a hunch , maybe the sky pack only increases the risk of CTD
  23. william1

    DMA Random War for DMA Lybia

    ohhh , thankius sanctuary trying ASAP
  24. william1


    ohhhh yes , you are a monster of the Nature !! now works Fine yujuuuuu
  25. william1


    yes , i did it, it shows this message : prepocessor failed on file config.cpp -error 1.