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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    tic tac tic tac tic tac ...
  2. william1

    Mapfact discussion thread

    if i play any mission on that island i surely get killed because i will be petrified looking at those incredible landscapes !
  3. william1


    take a look at this http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/HoorcliT1.jpg
  4. william1

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    i'm looking at that picture of Noe2 and i can't believe it amazingcredible !!
  5. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i think you forget the little detail that ffur is for free and Tb is making it because he wants and owe you nothing, so you don't have any right to ask anything that Tb don't wanna give you .if people dont ask for release dates is just for respect , a word that some people seems not to know.
  6. william1

    Flashpoint Community Hardware Specs.

    now: intel p4 1.300mghz 640 mb 400mhz RIMM memory nividia gforce 4 TI 4600 40 + 80 Gb hard disks tft 17" soon: -Procesador Intel® Viiv™-Intel® Pentium® D 940 Dual Core(3.20GHz,800MHz,2x2MB) -bicanal 2048MB DDR2 memory 533MHz (2x1024) -Dell E196FP 19" Midnight Grey monitor -512MB nVidia™ GeForce 7900GTX PCIexpress graphics card -500GB Serial ATA RAID 0 Stripe [2x250GB 7200rpm drives with DataBurst™ cache]
  7. william1

    The Middle East part 2

    i think the world is going to the WC the fast way and there is nothing we can do , incesant growing of the population, Increasingly shortage of natural resources , Poverty , extremists , all this has to explode someday , it is just a matter of time
  8. william1

    The Middle East part 2

    i thought that only hapenned in OFP
  9. william1

    BD Grenade Pack v3.0

    that pic is cool !
  10. william1

    The Middle East part 2

    maybe i am wrong , but i think all this is a well planned strategy arranged between israel and the USA and other countries whose final objective is to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear facilities. the kidnap of the soldiers is just an excuse to provoke siria and Iran so israel can attack them and so eliminate two birds in one strike, obviously the usa and great britain will support israel . i don't know , let's see how all this develop
  11. william1

    DMA anims "nextGen" got final

    jajajaja you are crazy! those break dance aiming positions disconcert the enemy for sure btw , looks great
  12. william1

    The Forest, BIS and WGL 5.0

    i have finished it, it took me a lot to find the girl but finally i did it ! a very nice story and even more achieved visual effects , i have like it very much , it is like a short movie , congrats
  13. william1

    The Forest, BIS and WGL 5.0

    i'm gonna try , it looks interesting !
  14. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i can wait but i don't like to
  15. william1

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    ardvarkdb that pic is absolutely freaking awesome !
  16. william1

    In Game Music?

    i love the slowblades theme !
  17. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    jajaj, i guess the surprise may be a new mod for OFP : France against Italy in case France doesn't win the world cup
  18. william1

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    mmmm i think the patch is getting delayed because TB is seeing at Zizou in the World Cup
  19. hi , when i execute this script : ~1 a1 action ["eject", h1]; unassignvehicle a1; ~2.5 a2 action ["eject", h1]; unassignvehicle a2; exit it shows this message on the screen during the game: 'exit|#|\par ' error unknown operator it is a scrpit for jumping from a chopper, and i think it is ok so i don't know why this error shows , any idea ? thanks
  20. william1

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    sled , those phantasmagoric landscapes that you do are simply awesome, i love them ! also the use you do of the vegetation and the weather is simply Magisterial
  21. william1

    error message on screen, why?

    thanks Wadmann , very kind of you
  22. william1

    error message on screen, why?

    Try Notepad , some other text-editors can mess things up EDIT: AFAIK there is some tool specially made for writing scripts in OFP (uses colored tags for commands etc), i think you can find it on OFP.info in the utilities section, but i dont know the name. that's it ! thanks ofpforum , and UNN and 5133p39 and metalheart , it is the wordpad that mess all up , i have opened the script whit notepad and this is what it contains , Incredible !! {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3082{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 ~1\par a1 action ["eject", h1];\par unassignvehicle a1;\par ~2.5\par a2 action ["eject", h1];\par unassignvehicle a2;\par exit\par }
  23. william1

    error message on screen, why?

    Only if there is another command on the same line. Only SQF functions require the semicolon after each command, no matter whether there is anything after on the same line. William1: What editor are you using? Are you sure there isn't anything after the exit command? i'm using wordpad yes, i have checked it again , there is nothing after "exit"
  24. william1

    error message on screen, why?

    mmm no, it's not that , i have tried without the ";" and the message keeps showing , also the script doesn't work properly without the ";"
  25. william1

    Crossbow Addon

    if you are tired of M4... jajajajajaja