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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    yes , the problem is that you don't have the Dynamic Range sound addons in your ECP addons folder but it is enabled in the ECP+SLX+GRAA config.cpp . you have two options , install these additional addons or you can change the option in the ECP+SLX+GRAA config.cpp : like this /********************************************* * TO THE END USER (choose your sound setup) * *********************************************/ // This is where you choose to use standard BIS sounds or ECP Dynamic Range sounds //ORIGINAL #include "Sound.h" //DYNAMIC RANGE - requires DR addons! //#include "Sound_dr.h"
  2. william1

    FFUR 2007

    i think it is a nice and very well acomplished feature you can't leave your team mates lying on the ground ideal for attacking a guard from the back silently and without been noticed
  3. william1

    FFUR 2007

    TB , many of the features you have mentioned above are customizable in the SLX_GL3_settings .sqf like the apc deploying smoke, surpressive fire , surrendering , etc . i'd suggest you to leave them as optional for the final user instead of removing them
  4. william1

    FFUR 2007

    oh yes, it has saved my life too in more than one situation , specially when they throw at you a grenade surprisengly and you run desperately and go prone , and fiiiiiiuw... ! your ears ring and you see all in white , it was close ! that's inmersion !
  5. it's strange , i don't have any kind of problems with that config, i guess it may be caused by the HTWL folder placed in your ECP/Dta folder , why do you have that folder ? , also did you put the mods in the correct order in the shortcut?
  6. william1

    FFUR 2007

    indeed, many times the flames in ffur 2007 + slx don't look the same as in the slx mod alone , they look like fast balls of fire . in the t80's and heavy tanks they work better , but in cars, trucks and bmps they look like balls .
  7. about he wounds i have had a strange issue when playing a mission , i've been wounded and one of my squad medic has healed me , after that my own squad has taken me for an enemy and have killed me i was using ecp+slx , it doen't happen with slx alone , so i guess it must be some kind of incompatibility between the two mod's injury systems .
  8. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    in fact i used the ecp + slx config by solus , if you knew all the headaches it gave me until i got it to work you wouldn't ask me to implement your new anims , i think i will let it for a real ofp guru...
  9. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    it works for me anyway here is another mirror download
  10. i've made a ECP+SLX+GRAA Mod replacement config , if anyone is interested can get it here .sorry i don't know scripting and nothing like that but for what i tested it works fine download here
  11. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    i've made a ECP+SLX+GRAA Mod replacement config , if anyone is interested can get it here .sorry i don't know scripting and nothing like that but for what i tested it works fine download here
  12. hey , in the mission steal the car one russian has executed me after i had been taken captive ! that goes against the Geneva Convention i'm gonna make an official complaining to the O.N.U
  13. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    great ! thanks
  14. william1

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    the ACU camo is supposed to be a multi enviroment camouflaje ? because in woodland enviroments it is like a shining neon that says "shoot me"
  15. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    i'm having this message when trying to place a civilian in the editor with the GRAA SLX config , also there are some cutscenes that don't work for this reason , anyone else ? i'm using only SLX mod without extra addons edit. OK i resolved it myself, i just uncommented the wounds in the config.cpp , now the message doesn't appears
  16. william1

    OFP videography

    but you are a Steven Spielberg ! incredible video , much better than many films out there
  17. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    Solus has released a 1.091 version of the SLX config.cpp
  18. william1

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    ah , maybe it is already time to change my good old DMA army pack by this new one looks really great , thank you !!
  19. i think this is the feature doesn't work properly , i've been testing the mission pathfinder of CWC campaign and it dosen't matter the changes i do in the SLX gl3 settings , the AI of my group don't act the way it should , , it's like the invisible target was placed in the oppositte direction of the enemy and my squad goes then in the wrong direction i think this may be the cause as well for the breaking of the single mission "bomberman" ,maybe the ai creates invisible targets even when it is supposed to be in no fire mode , i don't know
  20. is there any models replacement that include new HYK soldiers for WGL ?
  21. william1

    FFUR 2007

    now i can say that this FFUR 2007 is better than ffur 2006 one , congratulations
  22. yes , it is true that there are some BIS mission broken , for example in bomberman one of the teams that must wait for the signal to engage the enemy starts to fire from the start, so all the stealth plan goes to the Wastebasket and the mission fails. other example , in the mission pathfinder , in CWC campaign , the squad instead of engaging the enemy falls back like chickens so the mission doesn't even start , it's like if they were afraid of the armor or something. other issues and observations : i like the new surpressive fire , if the enemy discover your possition you are f**ed , they throw at you all they've got , grenades , bullets , rpg's ... i think rpg soldiers shouldn't waste their ammo so happily with the infantry because later comes the armor vehicles and they are all out of ammo , it's a problem in general for what i have been testing the behavior of the AI is even more agressive than in 1.08 version in some cases , and more cautious in others ,i think it has to do with the squad leader ... maybe this should be fixed a bit so it don't break BIS missions , for the rest the mod is completely awesome BTW, your SLX ffur 2007 is now obsolete , thunderbird has made a 1.021 version , also there is a problem with the UAZ p3d in your slx ffur config , i think you would want to know Edit : with only the SLX Mod , this mesage appears in the presentation screen
  23. william1

    FFUR 2007

    i've noticed that the slx ffur 2007 config made by thunderbird and the slx ffur 2007 config made by solus are not the same , i know because in the solus one there is an error with the UAZ469 p3d model and in the thunderbird's one it works fine . now i'm asking , are they suppose to have the same slx features ? i mean all the slx features ? or thunderbird's one only include some of them ? thanks
  24. william1

    FFUR 2007

    thank you very much !