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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    M1 Abrams - Single mission 6

    have you taken a look at the bridge ? , the last enemy i killed before ending the mission was a tank and a soldier that were over there
  2. william1

    Church Windows

    won't you want to shot from the house of the Lord you sinners ! yeah , too many doors and windows closed for my taste , i think all houses should be enterable
  3. william1

    No help after my chopper went down?

    lol, at least be thankful that if you are shot down in the water , now the ships can get you onboard , in OFP you had to go swimming home
  4. william1

    Dolores (miss2) is very very broken

    with 3 charges under the bridge (in one pillar) is enough , at least for me it was
  5. william1

    Armed Assault videos

    and the oscar goes to... trini scourge
  6. william1

    How good is the AI ???

    mmmm they are not so good , everytime they see me they try to kill me...
  7. william1

    Buy 2 copies?

    just to install it in 2 computers , only one is needed
  8. william1

    ArmA Addon request thread

    we need womeeeeeeeen ! ups , i think i better get a life
  9. william1

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    that's an easy question : Red storm , but i'm still saving money to buy one http://www.physorg.com/news82830306.html
  10. william1

    Satchel Charge weirdness

    in the teeth ? woah , those guys don't fool around ... yes , it happened to me aswell
  11. william1

    Parachute gets me killed

    my case is completely different , i jump from my 95% damaged chopper at 15 meter altitude and when i think i'm fried and stamped against the ground the player gets rid of the parachute and walks like he had just arrived and knew anything about what was going on
  12. i've got the game recently but one of the things i like most of Arma is the reallistic feeeling it has to drive a car by the islands , it as good as the best driving simulator out there . in fact i enjoy driving so much as fighting Lol . now i don't need to go on hollidays anymore , i can have virtual hollidays in Arma , all we need is some beautiful girls in bikini for the beaches and a car with FM radio !
  13. william1

    Too difficult even on Easy Setting ?

    yes , the Ai seem to know where you are always , and expecting that you show your face to kill you , no matter how well you hide , it's quite frustrating , they have X ray vision
  14. william1

    What's the diff?

    well, i'll just say that when i played Oblivion i always use to say to myself : i wish i could play OFP in an enviroment like this ! . well, now i got it
  15. yes , something like Lion Kennedy , Chris Whitefield , Claire Whitefield and Wester
  16. please , don't put to Lt.Ashcroft the same voice than Alfred Ashford from resident Evil code Veronica lol good idea
  17. william1

    Arma's lighting.

    well , and what is the problem with that video ? if you mean the blackout after taking off the NVg's , it's just the simulation of the period that the eyes need to get used to the darkness , i think it's quite reallistic
  18. william1

    Dolores (miss2) is very very broken

    i have destroyed the bridge , but then i have to destroy the remainings tanks and BMP's and they always kill me , i have tried at least 50 times consecutively (*/&%%$$·"·@#~€€ ) and i'm thinking to stamp the computer against the wall , like gastovsky used to say , am i bad ...or am i bad ?
  19. william1

    ArmA Addon request thread

    i want antiair missile systems for both sides, the shilka would't take down a harrier even if it would be in front of its nose
  20. that way it works indeed, but it should work without the load waypoint for the chopper, in OFP it did sameway if a chopper is empty of fuel on the ground the crew automatically disembark , which didn't happen in OFP either , so there are things that work differently ...
  21. Hi , i'm trying to make an AI squad get in a chopper , i put a waypoint get in for the squad leader above the chopper icon in the editor , but the squad doesn't enter the chopper , they just stand there , do the things work differently with Arma , is that a bug ? i have 1.05 version
  22. yes yes , i put a get it waypoint, for exmple , if me as a squad leader order to enter the chopper the soldiers enter it , but if a put a get in waypoint for a AI squad leader they don't enter , just stand there , the chopper is not blocked i checked it
  23. william1

    LOVE the game.. HATE the grass

    i love the grass ! is one of the things that i have always missed in OFP it adds a lot of atmosphere
  24. william1

    optional alternative flight model

    the choppers flight model is a pain in the as ! i can't hit a cow at two meters of distance lol and i always ended crashing in any hill , it is not fair !
  25. william1

    My personal take on ArmA

    Hey guys ! i just took today my copy of Arma at last and now i'm a happy man installed the 1.05 patch and everything runs without any problem . i like everything i've seen , the visual enviroment is wonderful , by example, driving a car by night is just a real experience , incredible but i have some little thing i should improve in incoming patchs - the soldiers have a real strange faces , they look like aliens , those eyes are not normal , i'm scared... -the movement of the soldiers is not natural , specially the running , is too robotic i think , sanctuary has a lot of work here - why the UH-60 don't have a working copilot like in real life, now that the 12 man limit is broken the gunships could have their complete crew , pilor , copilot and side gunners that everything by now , i'm going to take a ride by those wonderful islands