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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    planes are not detected by infantry via "detected by" in triggers options
  2. william1

    Engine off in Arma?

    try adding in the init line -> this setbehaviour "safe"
  3. william1

    V.I.R.U.S. - AR - Winter

    some issues i found : -i have noticed that the trees move with the wind from the trunk , not only the branches. -the textures on the snow zones are too Symmetrical , i think it would be more reallistic to make just plane white textures , it also would make a sensation of depth to the snow. - it would be cool to make white dust for the vehicles when they go offroad - and it would add a lot of atmosphere to replace the sounds when you step on green zones (now snowed) for sounds of Trodden snow , i think in OFP there were good sounds like that . just constructive suggestions , keep up the good work !
  4. hey mandoble, i have a litle problem with the landing , i've made a little example mission in wich 3 planes have to take off and land in the same airport, north saharani , they do the take off correctly , but in the landing , they follow the procedures as marqued in the radio messages , but they only fly over the runway with the angle i give them but don't lose altitude and don't touch the ground. i think i have make all correctly beacuse i have used your example mission like reference , but without cameras . (the marquers for landing and take off are placed correctly an named correctly )
  5. absolutely stunning pack of scripts , i don't know why they are passing so unnoticed because they are a piece of art , thank you very much P.D. could you make something so that the salvage boat don't show when the pilots eject , it's a little weird , maybe when they reach the sea ... i think it would be more realistic P.D 2 : i would suggest you to put this thread in addons and mods complete , that way so many more people would be aware of it, like Kronzy made with his dynamic mine script i assure you it's worthy to stay there
  6. william1

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    no , hand thrown
  7. william1

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    choppers in 1.07fix patch are worthless, pure fetish , completely useless ... even a baby with a stone can shot them down
  8. william1

    What month is 107 full patch out?

    exactly the 18 june 2007 at 10:24:47 GMT , be ready !
  9. william1

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    chopper (uh 60) --> setfuel 0 = the crew disembark . chopper setfuel 1 ---> the crew enters BUT like driver , gunner and CARGO (not second gunner )
  10. people has all the right to ask whatever they want to improve the game , that's what the comunity is for , to make Arma better than it is now , and no way that's a childish attitude . if we can't have VBS2 tracers , surely we can have a betters ones made by the talented modders
  11. william1

    Heli Flying Straight

    and combat mode- never fire ?
  12. william1

    Custom Sounds in game

    Shouty - he speaks like a sargeant
  13. william1

    Custom Sounds in game

    the program is in english as you can see in the tab idioma , just press the button descargar and then descragar switch gratis (green tab )
  14. william1

    Custom Sounds in game

    i think you've got to have quicktime installed to play them here a fantastic free program to convert mp3-wav-ogg and many more files switch it !
  15. william1

    Armed Assault videos

  16. william1

    Custom Sounds in game

    or you can use a voice synthesizer like cepstral voices , you can use them for free here , (the shouty one is specially recomended) cepstral voices and downoad the samples , although they say a comercial reminder in the phrases , you can edit them and remove them with a sound editor
  17. william1

    Choppers paradise

    woah ! amazing video , that secuence of the four harriers bombarding at a time is the most awesome i've seen in a long time
  18. nice video , the six stars is my Preferred
  19. i have done a beautiful script that works well in the editor with a few units on the screen , but when i try to use it in a mission with many units, waypoints and triggers it doesn't work properly. it is not my fault because i have revised all 1000 times so , what the *** is going on ? the scripts only work when they want to or what ?
  20. Baddo ,the script only needs 3 waiponts with 2 or 3 parameters on them to work , really easy and there is no possibility you can make a mistake,, i have tested it in the small island with 9 units and works always i have tested it . when i tried to implemet it in my mission , i played and twicked until it worked . but the most strange is that after exit the game and playing again exactly the same saved mission , this time didn't work , without having made any change to the misison. more strange issues in the editor : -most of the times the missions don't work well at first try , but after restarting it , it works perfect at second try -i have 3 choppers that have to take off simultaneosly , well two of them raise until the normal take off altitude (50 meters) and the third of them just stays a few meters below, without any reason because all of them have the same configuration. -from these 3 choppers , randomly when i start the mission , 2 of them start their engines when they should and the third a little later, and i say "randomly" so i think it has not to do with the script but with the Arma engine itself
  21. william1

    Dynamic Mine Field

    awesome work , err i think the link leads to the object placer ?
  22. mmm, that's not the cause because i make the missions step by step , when something works i save it and then i make the next change , and the changes required for the script to work are few and easily done . maybe because i have almost all graphic options in very high it may consume too cpu power , afecting the capability of the engine to manage the AI ? because in not only the script , some AI groups don't follow the waypoints i make for them , sometimes they just stay there and do nothing
  23. william1

    BOS project versions2 RELAISED

    what i said , you can make diferent missions for different zones of the map , that way you will never reach the 140 limit P.d: i think you should choose carefully the location and direction of the static cannons , how are they called , bullwizers ? some of them are pointing unrealistically ( with houses or hills in front of them ) just a sugestion
  24. william1

    BOS project versions2 RELAISED

    how do you do it ? copy just an area of the editor ? edit : ok i found it in the wiki , didn't know it could be done
  25. william1

    BOS project versions2 RELAISED

    it would be cool that you put each base in a different mission example so the mission makers could use them as pattern , at least those situated in the major cities or villages