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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    wich is the retirement age in the US army ?
  2. this message while playing in single player mode:
  3. is it applied over 1.2.01 or directly over 1.2 version ? i thought it was a patch , thankfully i only had a few megas downloaded of version 1.2 !
  4. it looks top quality work , downloading right now ! thank you
  5. william1

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    wow, that landing guidance on the Hud of the planes is new ? i love it !!! specially useful on night landings , is great !!!! thanks BIS
  6. william1

    North Saharani Airports

    updated to version 1.2 due to some topographic changes on Sahrani in version 1.08 check first page
  7. william1

    Time for Weapon Saftey!

    from "Black Hawk Down" movie : my safety switch is my finger ...
  8. awesome man thank you very much
  9. william1

    TOP2 GOD - RTE

    it's just wonderful ! if only it'd allow to save the mission it would be perfect
  10. william1

    North Saharani Airports

    put them in your : "C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\ArmA\missions" folder to play just select any of the available soldiers in the misssions as player , or create a new one by selectinfg F1 and double Left mouse click on the map
  11. william1

    North Saharani Airports

    you can open the missions with the editor
  12. william1

    North Saharani Airports

    yes , something like BOS , i thought we needed some airports for the SLA
  13. william1


    VBS2 is not so far
  14. awesome work man nevertheless there is a issue regarding the new traffic control system , if the plane you have to land after has been destroyed , it will never return the value >1 to the "mando land" variable so the next plane never lands , maybe by assigning the value 6 directly to the getVariable "mando_land" when the plane is destroyed it could be adressed , but don't take me too seriosly , i haven't a clue of scripting BTW, any chance of the "mando eject" 1.1 without flying boats ? great work !
  15. downloading , thanks !
  16. the hiddien building "HANGAR" gives CTD it's the only one i was looking for , damn !
  17. i'd like to rotate or change the angle to a group of objects in the editor to save a big work of placing objects , but i don't know if it is posible , anyone knows ? thanks
  18. william1

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    "on activation " field doesn't work most of the times on waypoints , you have to use triggers for it to work
  19. william1

    Battlefields Everon SP

    battlefiels was one of my favourite from OFP, i will check it for sure , thanks !
  20. william1

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    my principal complaints are : -sometimes LOD's take some time to charge correctly -Ai accuracy - Ai not following given paths - choppers to weak ! well , it think is enough by now ...
  21. william1

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    i'm quite happy with the game so far , although i know it can be and will be improved, i think is a major step since OFP, specially in the graphics and enviroment , that helps to make the game much more inmersive
  22. william1

    Not alive trigger for group

    never mind ...
  23. william1

    Should I Get OFP?

    there is no need of buying ofp if you have got Arma , it's like if you have a ferrari and let it in the garage to drive a bicycle