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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Desert Camo'd M4A1

    excellent detailed, great work
  2. william1

    -=OTK collection, part 2=- "MAY"

    i tried to translate GLORIA campaign to english but had to desist :/ russian is an ununderstandable languaje and uses words that don't exist
  3. william1

    3rd Version-Skaven's Racs

    would it be possible in the next version to release a optional replacement config like Mr. CameronMcDonald ACU units ? it would be great
  4. william1

    -=OTK collection, part 2=- "MAY"

    i'm stunned at the quality of your campaigns , love the intros they are just like short movies , the mission "warrior" is a little toooooooooo laggy though keep it up the nice work
  5. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    maybe a bug : when the player is on board of a chopper and the chopper is reached by enemy fire the player begins to make breath noises like if he was injuried although he is not , maybe a CDRS issue , i haven't tried with other vehicles but i suppose it will happen aswell
  6. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    excellent work with the last version , no lag practically and everything works as it should , the Arma missions are becoming a lot of fun !
  7. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    does the player or the AI die by blood loose ? if so how many time has to pass until you die ? i have tried the blood mod and the player bleeds but he doesn't seem to die never
  8. william1

    OFPEC Blood Effect

    there is an error in the readme , it says in the init you have to put : [] exec "ArmA_OFPEC_Blood\Blood_Init.sqs while the script folder is called OFPEC_Blood , so it should be : [] exec "OFPEC_Blood\Blood_Init.sqs
  9. william1

    OFPEC Blood Effect

    the damage by blood loss affects to the AI too or only to the player ?
  10. william1

    3rd Version-Skaven's Racs

    sorry for my ignorance in these themes , but is it correct that the tracers are visible every single bullet ? anyway i love them , they are very useful to calculate the shot on long ranges
  11. william1

    Modding Tools information...

    no more post asking when are they going to be released ? they were the sauce of the forum ...
  12. william1

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    when you see all blurry because you forgot the glasses and you think is a LOD bug ... :P
  13. william1

    TrueView v1.0

    i don't like the new weapons sights... too far away , i need a scope to see the scope
  14. william1

    So, any EYA on the tools

    EYA ?
  15. william1

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    great work , this makes the game much more inmersive . P.D how can i dissable the screen messages like 1-1-c west supressed voice ? and is it possible to use the AI choppers support for both sides simultaneously? i say because i've had strange results with the AI detecting enemys even when they were 100 km away .thanks this little message while playing a mission
  16. william1

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    i think this is an Arma bug
  17. william1

    Separate editing forums - was it a good idea?

    i don't like the change either
  18. william1

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    can't it be that all this sudden worries about the atmosphere is nothing but a excuse to prepare and to make people aware of the next shortage of petroleum ? the goverments just want to reduce the energetic waste while they search for an alternative energy supply . there is nothing more than 30 years of petroleum left
  19. william1

    Shoot from moving vehicles

    i'm impressed any chance it can be applied to the AI as well ?
  20. william1

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    does anyone know why the squad leader instead of saying "clear" says Claire" ?
  21. william1

    Desert Island

    i don't have mcnichols's island and i can play perfectly with ocramweb's so there something you are doing wrong there , probably you are trying to load the wrong mission ?
  22. leave a blank between " and -
  23. william1

    getting my chopper to pick me up

    it seems we will have to wait to BAS ...
  24. william1

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    please BIS remove the 1 kilometer away head shots !!!