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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Spanish Army mod pack 1

    muy guapo el buque Galicia
  2. william1

    Mando Heliroute ArmA

    Hi Mandoble, i tested the script and is very nice, i'd make some suggestions for a next version though, for example , maybe adding a new variable to the script, instead of turning off the engine after landing, i would let it on and i would add the option exit = false/true ( true = engine shut off and pilot exit , false = engine turned on and pilot in the choper) that would fit for choper insertions in enemy territory . Also it would be great if the landing speed could be increased a bit to add more agility to the insertion. regards
  3. william1

    Mando Heliroute ArmA

    Mandoble you are GOD !
  4. william1

    OFrP Telemetry & Artillery

    very interesting, binoculars with telemetry
  5. william1

    Working GTLD II Rangefinder

    or in a binoculars ?
  6. william1


    this message when trying the urban night team : by the way , the "flower power" car is top notch !
  7. william1


    wow, the features list is so impressive that i have to download it , great work you done there , congrats !
  8. william1

    My Favorite Tank activity.

    bah , obviously you haven't tried it with a motorcycle
  9. william1

    ARMA GDCE 1.00 by shinden

    very interesting indeed i've had some issues like enemies appearing in water and missions ending even before starting (like a mission in wich i had to rescue the survivors of an attack but they were all dead before the officer stop to talk ) but overall is excellent. it would be nice if a soldier could pick up the radio in case the soldier carriying it dies ( i think only works in the original soldier now) .looking forward to next releases
  10. william1

    RACS HMMWVs and Bus

    thanks for the job , but i personally think that RACs should have european stuff , it also would add some variety to the game , unfortunately we will have to wait for the tools to be released
  11. william1

    Mando Gun ArmA

    thanks Mandoble, you are the master of scripting
  12. william1

    ArmA: Film of the Year

    wow, that black hawk down video is 10/10 , incredible
  13. william1

    Zombie animations?

    i think tools will have to be released prior any attempt to make them
  14. william1

    RACS Ranking System?

    mmm, i doubt there would be a majoro in the racs army , maybe a komandanto ?
  15. william1

    Basic flashlight

    very imaginative ! great idea maybe you could make a gun with light or even with a laser beam ? that would be
  16. william1

    The Cause Campaign

    very , very , very good intro mate it's a movie , love it, and loved when the CIA guy gets out of the chopper with the music , it reminded me of Clint Eastwood in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
  17. william1

    Deflected Missile

    oh yes , i've heard Russia is going to use t90's as antimissile shield because the american system is too expensive and its efficiency is not guarantied
  18. william1

    Req - Spanish Speakers?

    and i wonder... is there anyone that can read such warning in the back of a vehicle at 100 meters ?? !!
  19. william1

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    @DsLyecxi: the only thing i don't like is that you have the center of the image right between two screens , for the rest is quite impressive
  20. william1

    Mando Missile ArmA

    it only contains 2 missions, wouldn't be better to release the scripts apart so we don't have to unPBO them if we want to use them ? thanks
  21. william1

    Radio Interview with Mandoble!

    jajaja, that pic is the best , i hope Mandoble's missiles won't be ACME labeled
  22. william1

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    totally agree, especially their excellent configuration ,it was one of the best addons in OFP for sure
  23. william1


    could you upload the mission to another server ?, that page only ask to type the four letters code again and again ...
  24. william1

    Default models too thin

    i think real soldiers are fat