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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Lower Grass

    where can i find that aimpoint whith small dot ? i hate the default gigant dot from the default aimpoint . i've searched but couldn't find anything related thanks. (sorry for the offtopic)
  2. william1

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Ingram you are cheating , you surely recorded those plane photos from the TV news
  3. william1


    no problem
  4. william1

    Lower Grass

    this is a little pbo but a big step for all Arma players ...
  5. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    those spetsnaz look really beautiful !
  6. william1

    Lower Grass

    donwloading for sure ! i'm tired of adding a periscope to my rifle when standing in prone
  7. william1


    OK people , here you have the replacements for these beautiful UK troops , you can choose between the Desert replacement and the DPM camo replacement (at the moment only soldiers replacements, not vehicles ), enjoy ! http://rapidshare.com/files....ar.html
  8. william1

    German NH90 Tactical Transport Heli

    and a RAC skin version would be great too
  9. william1

    how many copies of arma do you own?

    maybe you want to do malabars with de discs ?
  10. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    no, i mean that your pack causes conflict with hulk oggplayer and the player doesn't work , maybe they will be compatible in the next version
  11. william1

    ArmA Addon request thread

    could someone make a shears to cut the wire fences , for the spec ops ? i'm tired of surround them until i find i hole , i'm the shame of the specops
  12. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    and with Hulk oggplayer ! looking forward for the release eagerly
  13. william1

    Dynamic War

    oh man , this mission is really well done , the detail level is exquisite, love the variety of missions and options of support. the only but i could say is that i'd like to have more variety of weapons to choose , the enemy is very far and my sight is not as good as before, you know congrats !
  14. william1

    Dynamic War

    after testing for a while i think i found the addon that causes the conflict, it's RAE_sandbagFix.pbo , taking it out the mission works well and there are no patrols in the water
  15. william1

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    yes... yes, better to say welcome now than receiving a PR later ! lol (just kidding)
  16. william1

    Dynamic War

    in fact i don't, the first mission i tried (patrol ) it was situated in the middle of the ocean also i had a estrange error message on the top left corner of the screen , very long one (could not create i don' know waht...)
  17. william1

    Dynamic War

    downloading !
  18. william1


    thanks fot the hard work ! ( although saying that this version has no bugs is a little intrepid )
  19. william1

    Music player - HULK_OggPlayer

    there is a conflict with the 6thSense.eu-Pack1_v0.2 , taking this out your mod works correctly
  20. william1

    Music player - HULK_OggPlayer

    i have instaled it in a separated mod along with Solus init event handler but there is no radio option in any vehicle edit : with this mod alone it works , there must be any interference with any other mod i have installed
  21. william1

    Music player - HULK_OggPlayer

    incredible ! thanks
  22. william1

    ArmA2 Discount

    it think you will never recieve a finished product since finished products don't exist , the companies will sell what they have achieved at the time they release it , and this is applicable not only for games but for all products in the market. Other thing is advertising features in the game that the sold product doesn't contain , i'm against that.
  23. william1

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    i like Arma very much but sincerely i don't see the point on wasting any more money in an expansion when Arma 2 is going to be released next year and for what i have seen it will be better than this one , especially regarding AI behaviour . If Arma2 would be launched as an expansion of Arma1 it would be another completely different case.
  24. william1

    Mando Heliroute ArmA

    great !! thanks , i think you know better than BIS how Arma works
  25. william1

    Realistic AI firefight

    quite interesting mod indeed, now the firefights begin much sooner and the battles are more dynamic with bullets flying everywhere , i like it