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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Happy Birthday Placebo!

  2. william1

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    have you tried grouping it to a soldier commander ?
  3. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    they look beautiful ! thanks for the pics hey NSX , what is that sig in the pics , is it a new RHS rebranding ?
  4. william1

    Spanish Army. PELOTON V1.7

    very nice stuff in here, i love especially the snipers and the specops , very good looking soldiers and weapons . The only thing we need is some more vehicles like chopers and maybe a leopard II
  5. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    Now the 6thsense pack and Hulk:oggplayer are compatible weeeeee !!
  6. william1

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    thanks sickboy , this is really a must have in Arma
  7. william1

    Spanish Army. PELOTON V1.7

    tiene una pinta excelente , enhorabuena ! it looks really good , congrats !
  8. william1

    Rotating moon?

    ah yes, but that fact is well kwnon since the times of the ancient greeks , concretely it takes a little more than 29 days to make a spin over its vertical axis , that's why it always shows the same face to the earth
  9. william1

    BIS - Mission PROTECTION

    yes agree with [APS]Gnat , trying to lock the missions for just an isolated case is like killing flies with a bazooka
  10. william1

    Some  help needed at mission

    i think the trick was to group the civilians to a west soldier working as commander , and give this west commander probability of presence 0, if i'm not mistaken
  11. william1

    Last Tango in Bangango

    it seems highly recommended , i'm gonna try it for sure !
  12. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Shadow NX , if you take out the makarov from the VDV marksman, it is necesary to take it out from the replacement aswell , do you want me to send you the fix ? Also i have noticed that the RHS_binoculars don't show up with the default "B" key , don't know if it is a bug but i just mention it. Another issue with the RHS_MakarovSD :
  13. william1

    Attach Satchels to vehicles.

    this addon is very funny, ideal for sf missions indeed !
  14. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    yes, and a russian pilot !
  15. william1

    Guardian Angel

    thanks for the tips brotha' !
  16. william1

    To eliminate ArmA hackers

    to leave out a good player because of a cheater is not an option , there must be another way
  17. william1

    Dynamic War

    thanks !
  18. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    i think the ammo for the ak103gp30pso1 and the aks74p1p29 are interchanged? the same in the readme , just pointing it out
  19. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    arrrgh ,sorry Shadow NX , my fault , here it is the fixed version http://rapidshare.com/files....ar.html
  20. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    try these , they only replace the soldier models , not the weapons , so you will have RHS 2.0 soldiers with BIS default weapons , as i never play in MP i haven't a clue if they will work so try at your own risk ^^ MP_RHS_SOLDIERS 2.0_REPLACEMENT
  21. william1

    Guardian Angel

    it sounds very interesting ! ok you intrigued me , donwloading
  22. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    you can replace only the models and not the weapons then ^^
  23. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    the "rhs vehicles replacement.pbo" is inside the RHS bonus vehicles 1.0 rar, download the replacement i posted in the link of rapidshare or download the vehicles bonus pack from armaholic as they have already include the fixed version of the replacement pbo
  24. william1

    Lower Grass

    thanks DaSquade & Bulliwyf
  25. william1

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    congrats for this awesome release ! note : please use this version of the RHS_VEHICLES_REPLACEMENT.PBO as the one uploaded by Shadow NX has a little bug ( the Ural refuel is named repair ) http://rapidshare.com/files/56186319/RHS_VEHICLES_REPLACEMENT.rar.html