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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?


    Wasn´t it Gauntlet or Who dares wins or Cabal ? i just looked it up and apparently wiki reckons gauntlet came out in 85 and BB in 86 cabal was 88 i always thought bb was from 83ish i will stand by BB tho cos in gauntlet to get further you only had to pound more coins in the slot to get further where as BB it didn't matter how much money you put in you stood very little chance of success if you didn't help each other by blowing bubbles for your m8 to jump on and stuff like that dont even remember who dares wins
  2. wheres my rabbit ?

    Data 3d error crashing me ofp

    no it means ram
  3. wheres my rabbit ?


    if your gonna start listing old classics bubble bobble ..the game that invented COOP
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    Skill movie relased :-)

    hmm i just wasted 7 and a half minutes watching this rubbish... sorry but it is rubbish. strange use of the word "skill" aswell unless by skill you mean spraying full clips at enemies backs..miss then have them turn round and shoot you 99% of the kills are just random sprayage with lucky hits the camera work is all over the place with a lot of the video showing nothing but the floor or close ups of walls and bushes so points out of 10 you can have 1 out of 10 for the effort of trying to edit a video with such terrible footage edit: actually i'm taking that 1 point of you for being so deluded... skill .....LOL 0 out of 10
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    Community Racing Team

    anyone up for a few races tonight after 9 gmt ?
  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    Community Racing Team

    yer some good races tonight... the last couple of races got a bit messy tho due to a couple of "just installed the game/first drive of any car" folks not naming any name david and nick :P
  8. wheres my rabbit ?

    Community Racing Team

    18:00 gmt i'm guessing rho is busy or late getting home and hasn't put the server up yet edit : e-racing demo srvers up if anyones up for a few laps
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    Community Racing Team

    nice vid rho i think that was my only decent bits racing all night till i screwed up and rolled me car in the chicane maybe i should change my number plate aswell :P fastest lap of the night was sentinal pulling a 1:34s out of his ass n1 dude oh and anybody without a wheel... i use me joystick and it works a treat..analogue accelerate/brake is a must
  10. wheres my rabbit ?

    Mark the player on the map

    play in cadet mode ? or use this from ofpec by general baron <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;showPos.sqs ;by General Barron ;aw_barron@hotmail.com ;This script keeps a marker on the map moving where a specified ;group is. When everyone in the group is killed, the marker turns ;into a red X. It is especially useful for testing missions, by ;showing you where patrols are. ;It is called in the following manner: ;[marker, group] exec "showPos.sqs" ;marker -- make sure to place the marker name in quotes!!! e.g. "mark1" ;group -- name of the group to be tracked by the marker. e.g. group player _mark = _this select 0 _team = _this select 1 #Top _mark setMarkerPos getpos leader _team ~5 ? {alive _x} count units _team > 0 : goto "Top" _mark setMarkerType "Marker" _mark setMarkerColor "ColorRed" exit
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    Community Racing Team

    ooh ooh... av been meaning to buy this for a while.. am gonna get this next week when i got some cash
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    ECP mod?

    didn't look very hard... http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8705 ^^this site will have pretty much everything for OFP oh and heres a patch for ecp you will need http://www.edgefiles.com/files/21555.html
  13. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    apart from that time on varta heights when you took 3 hours to attack and we the defending team died of boredom...your not calling that one a win
  14. wheres my rabbit ?

    Loony Rain textures v2.0

    those will be llauma's edits of the textures i made..he made them more blue to give better visibilty at night cos mine where a bit over the top and you couldn't see shit all without nightvision.. altho my original textures looked good at other times of day..like i say at night they where a bit severe i'll check these new textures out when i get a chance
  15. wheres my rabbit ?

    Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin

    its a shame he's gone but sometimes he was just a fukwit
  16. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    Non-gameplay altering graphics mods?

    theres a good few sky replacements out there..these do a lot to visually improve the game,you can find most of em at ofp.info when its back up
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    Weird logo showing up?

    exactly what it is altho it shouldn't show up..it should only show your own clan logo if you have your squad xml hosted somewhere and linked to in your user settings
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    A New Enemy

    what about NASA vs. the space zombies ??
  20. wheres my rabbit ?

    Smileys Environments "Afghanistan,Kabul"

    blank island !! you lazy bastard
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    yer invinsible
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    theres some "funky shit" keeps happening in cibits blue quartz mission i get killed and respawn but the game no longer responded to my mouse or keyboard... someone put their nightvision on and it killed them... hazmatt becoming invinsible... should rename it "the twilight zone "
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Q. do i make sense ? A. no
  24. wheres my rabbit ?

    Llaumax sky pack v1.2

    clouds tex's are files named mrak_war_1 and so on sky tex's are jasno ,obloha ,oblacno and zatazeno
  25. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    fairies cibit the fairies made him to be their new fairy queen