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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    yer ive got a pig that models tanks :P heh pls make em fubar they would come in useful for munks crappy soldiers @llauma dig up that chessboard sky i badly wanna see that
  2. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem connecting from 2 machines

    nah its a complete different problem. his problem was hosting lan games and mine is that i cant join an internet from both computers at the same time so that, for example me and my flatmate can join my favourite co op server and both play online. also i could not have found that thread as it was posted after my question but i did find it and read it when checking my thread but it wasn't relevant and he'd already solved his problem or i would have helped him. i dont have any problems hosting either lan or internet (dedicated or non dedicated) i just cant connect both computers to outside games as it times out the first computer and i then have to restart that machine for it to connect again..(it doesn't loose connection to the internet just wont connect to flashpoint even if i disconnect the other computer from the game) maybe the topic title is a bit misleading saying lan but i only put that because i cant connect both computers on my lan to an outside game at the same time and like i said other games work fine as we both play the likes of day of defeat online
  3. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem connecting from 2 machines

    i have 2 machines linked with a crossover cable #1 machine connects straight to internet and #2 connects thru that everything works fine apart from if i try to join an internet game from both computers ... i have 2 copies of the game 1 orig with expansions and 1 goty the problem is this if i join a game from either computer its fine until i try to connect on the other one it will then timeout the #1 computer .if i join first on #2 the first one wont connect at all .either way once this has happened #1 computer wont connect to a game again unless i reboot.. i can host lan on either computer aswell as run a dedicated server from #1 which people from outside can see and join , i can then join from other computer across lan . i have no problems connecting both computers in other games i did to save hassle with addons install #2 computer from disk then copied the whole flashpoint folder over network from #1 to #2 this seems to work fine as they both have different ID numbers and everything works fine apart from in the situation above. i am running 1.96 flashpointbeta.exe on both machines so i dont have to keep putting disks in . if anyone can help me on this i'd appreciate it . i belive my network to be working ok as i have no other problems. pls move if this is posted in wrong place
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem connecting from 2 machines

    sorry but err .....bump
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    Use of -NOMAP if RAM is >1GB

    some machines with a lot of ram say 2gb for example wont run the game at all without -nomap
  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    Desktop Settings

    aint that a plug an not an answer avon :P answer = no your game resolution does that in video options your desktop does your desktop remeber to not have them at the same res tho or you'll get the double cursor bug
  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    find em llauma sod the teletubbies i think it should be a big smiling gary glitter instead of the sun :P
  8. wheres my rabbit ?

    New head model

    a head in a day in max .... good going that well done
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    Llaumax sky pack v1.2

    Sure I can make them bigger for the transition to work but that will not allow you to have the smooth sky gradient. The whole idea with the work was to create a smooth gradient. If you want a transition that works I would recommend the Unsung sky. It haven't got the same smoothness but it's not really possible to make it look better with high res textures. There's really no point for me to try to make something better. Good luck with making some nice sky textures but it will drive you crazy yer with a bit more tinkering i figured that out its a shame cos nice clear blue sky effect its gives is real nice.another(but only minor)problem if can be called one is that when its cloudy when the clouds overlap it kinda stands out. i have unsung sky which is also real nice but like kegety's its a bit too dramatic for every mission. (for my taste anyway) i made my own textures and got a nice balance between the different weathers that suits me and i am quite pleased with how they came out (still a little dimpled tho due to degraded textures from texview).i did try an make some 2048x2048 ones to see how laggy they would be but texview just monged out :\ it did one then just wouldn't do any more. also made new higher res rain which looks great (really pisses down ). and i'm trying to make some nice lightning if i can make em look good enough. i may or may not release it when i'm done fiddling cos basically i kept all the stuff out of this pack on here with all the nightvision goggles n wotnot so i wouldn't want to release it like that as something i'd made.
  10. can anybody pls tell me how i can make lightning strike(say at a marker) via a radio trigger ? i ' am making new lightning textures for the sky addon i'm making an need a quick way to check it out in game
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    lightning strike via trigger

    someone at ofpec pointed me in direction of a dialog drop tutorial they have that you load in mission editor and preview ,it gives you a ui with sliders on screen to mess about with particle systems(rather amazing tool). you can create lightning with it well sort of (doesn't act like lightning). all i need is to be able to see how the 24(2 types 12 for each) lightning textures animate to see if they animate in sequence or just flicker randomly. if they are in sequence i may be able to animate me some lightning that strikes down from sky to ground to go with my spanking new sky an rain i made. i dont need script because i'm just trying to make nicer looking textures to put in with sky to replace originals just need to go find out how to slow time down a bit now "SetTimeAccuracy"or something like that i think
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    lightning strike via trigger

    i have kegs editor ugrade installed wouldn't get very far without it (lot of missions use it ) i have had that error b4 on some nam mission (who's readme had a nice list of addons and at bottom sed "plus the ussual objects associated with nampack ) could i fuk find any !! i tried gunslingers orig that no work either. this joormans lightning script appears to be exactly wot i need i just have no idea how to use it cos the readme is german / comments are german and i aint got a clue about scripts + the mission to show it dont work ... heh i dont want a lightning addon (i'm the one making the lighting i just need a way to test it quick )
  13. wheres my rabbit ?

    lightning strike via trigger

    doesn't work m8 "cannot load mission missing adonn objects " not really suprised tho after looking at that mess of a website with all its code spilling out and showing everywhere(it just screams anything you download from here aint gonna work !). well i appreciate yuor trying to help but i dont read german so cant understand a word of any of it i pulled it to bits looked inside the pbo its just scripts (all comments in german ) other than learn scripting to work out how its works this is no help pls anybody know a cmd i can put in on activation of a trigger to make lightning strike and getpos marker or somwthing like that ????
  14. wheres my rabbit ?

    lightning strike via trigger

    hmm thats in german :/ it all displays wrong and theres nowt to download from it
  15. wheres my rabbit ?

    TcM Crap Mobile

    lil preview of crap island
  16. wheres my rabbit ?

    TcM Crap Mobile

    scratches hed an wonders how to break the sun
  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    Inquisitors NVG's

    wot about hwtl data.pbo and data3d.pbo's do them aswell ?
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    Kegetys sky textures looks like it's there already

    yer its real easy to make your own sky like wot wilco says above except just pull to bits kegs or drows (sure they wont mind) skip the unpbo buisness just make a copy of hisky/namsky rename the folder to mysky or summit. edit or completely remake you own textures and wak em in newdata an run installer this took me less than day [im]http://www.wheresmyrabbit.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/1098347716.jpg[/img] >100kb btw kegety or drow can you tell me if the installer will replace any texture and not just those out of sky pack cos i want to make some new lightning textures can i just put em in newdata or do i have to edit installer ? very good skies the both of you . my only probs with them is there to dramatic for every mission but thats not realy a problem. got that many skies now i'm like "hmmm which sky to put on today" its like trying to decide wot dress to wear... oh had on i'm a bloke i dont wear dresses
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    Playing a Campaign using multiplayer?

    theres loads of missions to download but a lot of them require addons aswell ofpec.com has a gud missions section but they took there addons section down. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ has lots of addons and some missions most addons dont come with missions so making your own missions is the way to go. once you get the hang of it its not hard and saves time searching thru loads of missions on net only to find out that there a bag if shite ofpec is best place to get started making em they got loads of resources and tutorials
  20. wheres my rabbit ?

    Llaumax sky pack v1.2

    Sure.. There's really nothing I can do about it. The only solution would be to use the same resolution rainy sky as the others for it to work but the rainy sky can't be done with 16x16 pxl's. As I said when I released the sky.. I couldn't solve the problems so instead of just throwing the project in the garbage bin I released it for those who could live with the bugs. isn't that your answer llauma? make the skies bigger? i really wanted fix for this so messed about and made the 3 new sky textures same size as rain 128x128 and the weather transition works. made some at 512 and 1024 and they worked . my textures were just knocked up quick so there shit they came out with funny looking white (and the odd pink) spots on. gonna fart around and try an make some nice ones .
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    maybe they are own a lot of cats thie led me to another little discovery of jumping roof to roof  (on topic) getting a lot of weird helicopter bugs lately mostly with BAS choppers blowing up when ejecting/landing,dunno if it gmr related.another one is blackhawks spitting out fire and an explosion when fastroping killing occupants but not damaging chopper.
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    konyak what nobody tells you is you need a tool called unpbo (available from OFPEC )to decomipile them then you can edit the effects
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    i hope you dont have to speed them up again to do this cos they look great slowed down (i could not hit owt wiv em cos i aimed high to compensate for drop in height and they stayed high :o ) i think he means so the ground around the blown up tank has a smouldering \ steaming patch around it after blowing up like the earth is very hot
  24. wheres my rabbit ?

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    cool cheers
  25. wheres my rabbit ?

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    is there a simple blood to 1.48 Bin or is  the new ecp blood built in already ? i tried to make my own(:EDIT: for 1.47 ) by copy n pasting bits from an old config.cpp into new one but it completely monged  my game out ( said summit like cannot load userGUI ) maybe i didn't make a bin correctly cos there aint much to add to config for blood support