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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?

    Generic Middle East Rebels v1.1

    thats the same style hat is it not ? only my pic is from 3d max and not in game yet
  2. wheres my rabbit ?

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    this is the best single player mission ive played thnx no island release shud be without one of these style missions and a coop version would be too good
  3. wheres my rabbit ?

    Generic Middle East Rebels v1.1

    Afgan Guerrillas. http://img112.exs.cx/img112/8526/mujaheedin0qh.th.jpg Now, that would be a very different addon and models. Later. @CERO u shud get something pretty close to that guy in blue a pakol hat for him
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    Generic Middle East Rebels v1.1

    eh ? thought there was a CQB script with em aswell ?
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    its because on most of the rocks with ladders the start point of the ladder is underground..so you cant use action to climb ladder... the tops are a bit messed aswell cos they dont go quite all the way to the top so they spit you off an make you fall or get you stuck in the wall a bit. stay clear of em
  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    Mission Makers Hell

    from day 1 ofp has required the patients of a saint ... from being a noob and getting from A to B without getting shot or playing MP games which sometimes requires a lot farting about just to get a game underway only to have to restart it about 5 times .. you'll just have to dig deep and find a little more if you've got a great mission that need to be updated cos of addon compatiblity its surely worth the effort? think some people cant make missions or addons but see all these lovely new toys on sites like ofp.info to play with ,download em cant do a thing with them .. fact. everyone loves addons fact. everyone needs missions the only person that should regulate addons is the end user .its for them to decide wot goes in thier collection and wot gets scrapped..
  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    i was on about how you spelled his name lol
  8. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    lmao munk look at ofp.info ya dirty bastard lol munk is gonna post an updated pbo soon but heres the files for anybody that want to do it themselves(suggest using that new pbotool the our weapons mod have just released) or cant be arsed to download another whopping 3.5mb cos someones bound to spit their dummy out fixes thnx to killswitch for the corrections
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    he already said he was doing that ...? @ag_s you will have to rename the textures to 2 letter names to generate the transition in visitor or it wont do them.its gonna bump the filesize up a bit tho cos its i started an island an have only used 4 custom textures on the whole thing so far and it 40mb so expect at least that again on top of the 70 or so mb it is now .. if you need help making transitions pm me i'm no visitor guru but know how to use it .
  10. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    random face on every guy .... well random eyes cos thats the only bit you can see :P
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    agreed size wouldn't matter. these updates with the orig textures and this island would be the dogs bollocks
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    visitor hangs while applying textures

    if your using your own textures and apply them it generates the transistion textures everytime you places new ones . leave it be and it shud come back to life
  13. wheres my rabbit ?

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    nice job took a quick blast around in a heli and i like the look of all the new areas to play around in its kinda lost the look of the original with bis ground textures which is a shame cos the old textures didn't hit performance at all and theres still missing transitions anyway . but you've done a hell of a lot stuff to the rest of it.. nice work cos it really needed doing
  14. wheres my rabbit ?

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    nice BB wrists look improved loads the bandana is extra cheesy tho :P
  15. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    thnx burns n avon
  16. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    www.theinternetisshit.com lol thats actually a website...
  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    munks edgefiles mirrors never work for me either :/ pm your email n i'll send em if you still cant get em
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    that would be correct @ag s looks nice .. i was gonna have a go at doing it myself but was too big of a job an i couldn't be arsed easier to start fresh island than to sort out that mess . u saved me the hassle have you retextured the whole island ? cos i know i couldn't be bothered to do all the missing transitions ..
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    jjr_rebels, CAT_afghan , des grunts
  20. i have made a mission which works fine when i preview it and also when i host it in MP . but as soon as i try and run on my second computer on a dedicated server it wont even load the unit selection screen and doesn't give any error msg . i was using some addons that i took out and have removed from the addons required list in mission .sqm i also read somewhere that dedi server will only accept lower case names (then read that this only affected linux servers). bizarre thing is when i uploaded to the clans linux server it worked so i'm thinking oh well at least it works on the server its meant for ... so i got back to fixing a few duff triggers n things n making a few adjustments ... finnish tinkering with it n export to MP upload it to linux server n now it wont work on that either has anybody got any suggestion as to where i am going wrong or is there something i'm not doing ?? i have searched and all i get is a load of interesting but random stuff to read ...
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem with mission running

    yep did that .. also load mission in editor alt tab delete mission sqm preview n resave .. theirs none of the old addons in addons[]= bit a m8 decompiled it add a couple more playable west units n it worked tho
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem with mission running

    if only i was beeing that stupid . i probably am but not in that way : ) @sanctuary ..i'll look into that althought the mission originally used different addons it wouldn't run on dedi server then an come to think of it hardly any missions i make run on a a dedi . i will post the addons bit from mission .sqm hopefully someone might know of probs with any of em .. i noticed a few other missions made by the other guys on our clan server which do the same aswell edit: theres nothing in rpt file ...the game dont crash so probs wont be more edit: i just sent to someone else and got them to compile it and put t on server and it worked but if i compile it either exporting to MP or using pbo tool it has only worked once
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    problem with mission running

    post all of it ? no error screen just flickers n goes straight back to mission list
  24. wheres my rabbit ?


    ooh add me south shields , NE england
  25. wheres my rabbit ?

    FDF Winter Maldevic
