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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?

    Help Flying

    play.com had goty for about Å7 if you live uk or europe ....damn just checked and there out of stock... 1 thing i always tell my newbie m8's when i get them started on ofp is not to remap the keys and just get used to the defaults as a lot of them double up (have 2 functions) and it knocks all the controls to hell if you dont know wots wot (aswell as the fact i can easily tell them wot key is for wot)
  2. wheres my rabbit ?

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    you are very wrong, you dont do yourself justice . i played with the beta you gave to raab a few months back and these units are outstanding...
  3. wheres my rabbit ?

    Erm, why..?

    edit: never mind
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    wot addons are needed if any ?
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    addon help

    yes like munk says u will find them in the mission editor. so you have to make youself a mission or find some to download from somewhere go to ofpec.com for tutorials n loads of helpfull stuff for making missions,they also have a missions depot with lots to download maybe you will find some ukf missions there..
  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    Night Problems

    cant actually see any difference in them screens installed dxdll recently by any chance ... ? that overrides night pixel shader and make night colour again but the post porcessing effect makes everything at night horribly messed up although not really how you decribe your problem but maybe its different on diffrent gfx cards woo 2 pistols
  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    heh them things are dangerous i once killed an entire server in a helicopter accident lol crashed a chinnook into a friendly truck i was following no one survived
  8. wheres my rabbit ?

    Track ir

    thing that puzzles my about track ir is ...(not that ive used it ) but i imagine if you turn your head to look out the side of your plane .... how the fuck you meant to see where your going if you not looking at the screen lol ?
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    like the sound of that but wot are AI like with steerable chutes ?
  10. wheres my rabbit ?

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    you cant have em all cos there all cfg mod's i still say goldmembers realistic explosion mod should be in the list (if a download to the last version can be found )
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    raaah that will be great dont forget the lynx http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=7528
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    they look amazing edit: was getting worried about em cos there was no news for ages
  13. wheres my rabbit ?

    Desert Nogova - Released!!!!

    i think maybe take out the forests and pine trees as they just dont look right at all different buildings could come later aswell but trees area deffinate no no this will keep me from downloading as it doesn't really suit the landscape not to poo poo your work already done tho ...implement these changes and you will have a good desert island on your hands
  14. wheres my rabbit ?

    I am a moron and want to know some squad commands

    have 2 squads get microphones and enrich your game experience 300% .. mics really do make a difference
  15. wheres my rabbit ?

    What is your favorite island?

    freya island is probably the best island made using bis objects i'd like to live there its that nice ...6 mb, 2 islands ,1 that is a object light version for multiplayer and cti cat_afghan revivsited SE version is about the best desert map 99% new objects and not laggy tonal looks great but doesn't really work. too laggy and too buggy theres 3 outstanding islands in their own ways... oh and newland island is really amazing but a bit cpu heavy (has a race track and stuff
  16. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    a pic from the last mission last night sunrise over kolgujev
  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    The multiplayer face gallery

    good idea albert would be great if der bastlers world map could link to this thread or have a little thumbnail pic of custom face when you click on a pin. edit heres me
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    actually you dont even need to use a flag ...just the pole flag(international) thnx for the input scars
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    need help with alpha images

    why dont you just take the texture off the model all togther ... or in texview save as .tga open in photoshop goto channels find and doctor the alpha as you want save as 32bit .tga with alpha or it will just be a black square or wotever
  20. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    bis flags.pbo if you use a flag out of it it puts flags1 in mission sqm cobra you should add the browning to the addons list in mission sqm so it boots people who dont have the addon as you can get into the mission without having it. then i would have got missing addon error rather than cfg error in mission and it will stop weird crap like people shooting invisble guns or probably just ctd when someone shoots
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    bis flags.pbo if you use a flag out of it it puts flags1 in mission sqm cobra you should add the browning to the addons list in mission sqm so it boots people who dont have the addon as you can get into the mission without having it. then i would have got missing addon error rather than cfg error in mission and it will stop weird crap like people shooting invisble guns or probably just ctd when someone shoots
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    yes you are right i dont have the addon lol the reason i posted the list is that wot is on the server so having that in description.ext would bugger it up .. turns out someone uploaded new addons i didn't tell me about them i looked in cfg of flags.pbo and flags1 is part of that so fuck knows why that would be the problem as it isn't a 3rd party addon at all i just wondered wot it was ... but if flags1 was the problem i now claim the right to all the credit as i suggested it in the first place
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    yes you are right i dont have the addon lol the reason i posted the list is that wot is on the server so having that in description.ext would bugger it up .. turns out someone uploaded new addons i didn't tell me about them i looked in cfg of flags.pbo and flags1 is part of that so fuck knows why that would be the problem as it isn't a 3rd party addon at all i just wondered wot it was ... but if flags1 was the problem i now claim the right to all the credit as i suggested it in the first place
  24. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    i think llauma had a normal human face didn't he ? i remember him being harder to find than normal cos i couldn't recognise him with out the blue eyes
  25. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    me 7 isn't that jarf and not llauma ?