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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?

    Sniper Units

    theres some in here lasers delta/rangers not sure if thats that latest version tho
  2. wheres my rabbit ?


    not sure i never noticed . although when using a joystick you cant use the auto hover action unless you leave loose of the stick and press a keyboard control then it will kick in and work ..which is kind of similar
  3. wheres my rabbit ?


    you need a 3d joystick with a twist handle or one with some other form of rudder controls ..other than that use the delete and end keys on your keybord or x and c i think are the others
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    Not really. I didn't feel well at all in the end. But I enjoyed the games yesterday a lot! We did pretty good and didn't have any incidents except the TK in the beginning. Thumbs up for more nights of that kind! likewise... i was knackered by then it was getting late and i couldn't be bothered to do anything ,i knew it was the last mission also, so i stuck around to do all that i could be arsed to... which was watch. good games even thos i was died in 3 of them without doing anything 1st mission fubar opens fire tank shoot me :/ 2nd mission bals opens fire with AGS we both get pasted :/ 4th mission i died in the intro :P.. 3rd mission was rox0r tho
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    p3d importer

    yer pic dont work and i just found it without searching at all its on page 2 in O2 DOC section of the forum
  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    Hunting rabbits anyone??

  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    Project UK Forces

    did he just call a tank ..she ...
  8. wheres my rabbit ?


    you need a tool like this..WinPBO to decompile a mission..you end up with a folder(put this in your user missions folder to open in editor) with all the stuff out of the mission in it..sounds, scripts ,pictures and a briefing.html which you can edit in notepad and use in your mission...actually with that tool you can just extract the the briefing or goto OFPEC site in sancs post they have a couple of briefing generator tools i think..although i think they are a bit cranky but work for simple straight forward breifings
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    data/music.pbo replacement config

    dunno binview try that
  10. wheres my rabbit ?

    data/music.pbo replacement config

    can you not just unpack the music .pbo and replace the music files in it with your files keeping the same names ,then make a mod folder IE.@music with a dta folder inside and put your newly repacked replacement music pbo in there and run it as a mod ? wont that load your music pbo instead of the orig ?
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    random error

    i must have been farting about and unpacked and repacked o.pbo at some point although i cant remember when or why. cos i just a back up i must have made
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    random error

    does anybody have any idea what is causing this error ?? i was making an island and getting this so thought it was something to do with an addon i was using on the island.. but no matter which mods if any i have active it will popup randomly during game
  13. wheres my rabbit ?


    The question is: should this be something determined by mission designer, or by game host / server admin, or by players currently playing the game? Each of this requires different approach to implementation. i reckon mission editor ..kind of like the respawn options.. some like it some dont i reckon people should still be able to join the server while people are playing..it would be rude to completely lock them out of the server.. join and spectate would be ace for coop
  14. wheres my rabbit ?


    apparently the mission wont work with ecp running i hope it just a mission incompatibilty would be a bummer if its the choppers that dont work with ecp the new features are cool as..
  15. wheres my rabbit ?


    bugger i cant get the demo mission to work anyone esle having trouble running it ? get to bas presents.. then ofp crashes
  16. wheres my rabbit ?


    JIP would seriously change coop gameplay.. i hope it can be disabled
  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    What view do you use?

    i use all of them.. 3rd is pretty useful in coop for not running yer teammates over in vehicles and telling when everyone has boarded . 1st is better for hearing as a soldier (better awareness) although it depends what server i'm playing on ..quite a lot have these views disabled .but i dont mind that either
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    lmao sanctuary
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    Flare's not lighting up

    oh rgr presume thats done in the cfg then ? if you could post the code or pm me that would be appreciated. btw messiah did you sort you problem ? cos this is kind of getting way off the original subject now..i dont want to hijack your thread if your still having trouble btw..hope to see you both soon on the battlefield at the joint ops weekend
  20. wheres my rabbit ?

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    lol i was just pointing it out as it seemed you'd missed noticing it
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    Out of reserved memory

    doh! dxdll i think was made on geforce4 ti(something or other) and i belive newer cards and drivers dont like it much
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    Retextured Malden

    500+ mb for 1 island just had a quick look around and(with nothing going on only me on map) the performance hit is hardly noticable.. although the mission editor nearly had a fit when i turned on show textures nice work
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    Retextured Malden

    gonna download and give it a go..i am very curious about performance hit it looks very nice in the pics ..infact too nice i think everything else in the game will look out of place on it. wot did you use to convert the textures with textview ?? i tried to make some 2048x textures b4 and i managed 1 then texview would just crash after that and refused to do any more that size
  24. wheres my rabbit ?

    Flare's not lighting up

    sry for OT messiah but i got some use out of his little flare addon added a bit smoke in ..great for nightime extractions <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_u = _this select 0; _w = _this select 1; _m = _this select 2; _r = _this select 4 _flare = NearestObject[_u, _r] _fp = getPos _flare ? _r == "MORS_FlareG": _l = "MORS_Light" ? _r == "MORS_FlareGR": _l = "MORS_LightR" ? _r == "MORS_FlareGG": _l = "MORS_LightG" ? _r == "MORS_FlareGY": _l = "MORS_LightY" ;// LOOP WHILE B EXIST #Lup ~.05 ? not (isNull _flare) : _fp = getPos _flare; goto "Lup" _fp Set [2,0.1] _flare = _l CreateVehicle _fp _tout = _time + 40 #wt drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",0.01,10,[0,0,0],[0,0,0],0,1.26,1,1,[2.3,12],[[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.5],[1,1,1,0.1]],[0,1,0,1],0.2,0.4,"","", _flare]; ~0.6 ? inflamed _flare and _time < _tout : goto "wt" DeleteVehicle _flare exit
  25. wheres my rabbit ?

    Please confirm these addons are compatible.

    ecp used gmr explosions as a base