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white angel

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About white angel

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    OFP, ArmA, mission making

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  1. white angel

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    great job !!! I was waiting for winter camo for a long time. Do you make also winter camo for vehicules ?
  2. white angel

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Wow, wonderfull island. Great work Sumrak, and now on ArmAII it is simply wonderfull. My island forever :)
  3. hi all, I have another question concerning the stringtable.xml Cheesy with the old CSV file we could use the #include function on it like this : old stringtable.csv file LANGUAGE, English, French //Include strings used by the R3F dialogue box #include "R3F\stringtable.csv" It was very usefull to structure all kind of specific traductions in the mission directory ; like dialogue box ... How can i do this with the .XML file ?
  4. Hi all, This is my first ArmAII coop mission :D I hope you will love it :) mission author: White Angel version: 4.0 mission type: COOP (teamwork - voice comms recomended) Number of players: 5 to 31 Mission requirements: ARMA2 patch 1.3 Addons: none Languages: English and french versions! (use of stringtable.xml) Duration: 10-30mn Specifications: - 1 platoon commander of 3 soldiers and 7 squads of 4 soldiers. - revive as bird - training mission for AT and AA on town defense Scripts used: - Framework ArmA2 - Mikey TaskHint - some of my own Description: Be careful ! Reconaissance patrols told us enemy troops were converging on your base. Enemy troops are attacking you by North, South, East and West. It is too late moving to a secure place. Wait for reinforcements and protect the HMMWV and its passengers... Download: co_31_solheimar_40
  5. white angel

    Mission name standard

    the old one :) --> here
  6. OK Fer, I send you a PM with a F2 strinftable.xml link to download it. ;)
  7. For those which are intersted in, i translated the article for stringtable.xlm in French language. If someone is intersted in this traduction send me a PM. I'll send you back the traduction. :)
  8. Thank you for all your comments. It seems very interesting, but my poor German can't help me for this :(
  9. Hi everybody, I wonder if someone know how to do a multi-languages briefing in ArmA2 ? I don't find a topic on this. I don't know how to do with all the file of the briefing In ArmA1 we put the name of the language in the name of the file. For example : briefing.French.html for french briefing.Spanish.html for spanish briefing.German.html... ... etc How can we do that with ArmA2 ?!?
  10. Someone know how to do a multi-languages briefing in ArmA2 ? I don't know how to do with all the file of the briefing :confused: In ArmA1 we put the name of the language in the name of the file. For example : briefing.French.html for french briefing.Spanish.html for spanish briefing.German.html... ... etc How can we do that with ArmA2 ?!?
  11. Very Good Job this framework, I love it :p Congratulations to Shack Tactical :) During Mission editing on ArmA2 I was a little bit annoyed with your framework and more particulary with the stringtable.csv file... For some traductions in my mission i add some line to this file but the traduction doesn't work :( It appears that ArmA2 doesn't understand the syntax "@STR_name marker" placed in the Text field of a marker, for traduction with the stringtable.csv file. But with à stringtable.xml file, it works ! (Read this topic for more details) So, i was obliged to traduct the stringtable.csv file in a brand new stringtable.xml file. Now, I have the stringtable file of the Framwork in XML format. I wonder if you are interested in ? :rolleyes:
  12. white angel

    Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk

    Very nice campain, I love it. :) I complete the objective in the 3rd mission of the campain : "Vorkuta strike", but the game is ending ?!? what's wrong ? Ther is no other misisons in the campain ?
  13. white angel

    New Island from USEC

    Amazing, simply amazing !!! I am a snow lover and do military operation in French Alpin troops. Since I play OFP and now ArmA, I was looking for all addons that can take place on snow !! Your project is simply wonderfull !! What about animals in those wonderfull landscapes ? White wolves, ice bear, ... it will be great ! ...some white nights for a white spirit...
  14. white angel

    Rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, etc.,etc.

    Some pics of Alpins Troups moving by skiis on winter.
  15. white angel

    Rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, etc.,etc.

    A lot of military troups use skiis to move in mountain (french, Norvegian, ...etc and american too of course). It is the only way to move in mountain during winter. I remember some skiis training with Seals during war on yougoslavia, and know, i am looking for skiis addons, to make my mission. But i find nothing !!! Is there some skiis addon on ofp to download ?