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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    mikebart's Project's

    Hi, that intro error message may be caused by some of the many Mods that i use to run the ArmA2, i'd uninstalled the OAso i don't use it; this are the mods that i use: - CBA (latest). - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - STHUD (Latest) [don't supports your island yet, but works]. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1. - Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.87. - Namalsk (latest). - Game loaded with: -nosplash. Between all those mods... maybe the GL4 is what creates the error message, but the intros work, when you leave the editor, i'd await until they began again by the 1St one and everything worked without problems after hit 'Continue' once the message showed up. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    mikebart's Project's

    Hi, the USMC aswell as the rest of the factions fit great on this island. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    mikebart's Project's

    Hi, i'd try yesterday night the island and i've to say that looks real, makes me want to play again; it's as amazing and sweet as the performance. I'd tryed it with the ArmA2 plus alot of mods and no problems so far unless a CTD/CTS with just a UH-1Y after launch two rockets that did hit on a road and then... CTS. Aside that... i get an error message after enter in the editor and then exit to the main screen again, this is the error message: An amazing island, the best one that i've seen; it's über-pimp. Let's C ya
  4. Hi, for roll when im prone, in the ArmA2 i've to push the arrow key to the oppossite direction where i wan't to roll and then hit twice the arrow key to the direction i want to roll. In it's present form i don't find it very useful, on PvP CQB situations can be more useful. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, if im not wrong the FAMAS F1 & F2 booth use a M16 style muzzle breaker, same as the CETME, you'll never see the muzzle flash unless that you're in low light conditions, by night or other low light conditions, never as shooter, but you can see it on the ARs of your company mates; maybe add a pistol MF in the ViewPlayer LOD as Bobby HMMWV said could be a solution, and add the common M4A1 MF to the other LODs. So you as shooter wouldn't almost see the flash, but anyone arround you will see it; but is true that this do not aliminate the fact that in this game is impossible to make almost invisible the MF during daytime. Now on topic... those weapons look very well done, sad that they're not for the ArmA2 too. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    Campain quality in ARMA

    Hi, focus the main campaign on a SOCOM team deceptionated me, unable me to use my choosen or custom face also deceptionated me, don't focus the campaign on standard infantry was also a deception; another big deception is that you never retreat (aka turn back and keep advancing) because you don't have the resources needed to deal with what you've in front. The copletely leak of the support (CAS, Arty, MED-EVAC, "engineers") during the campaign is also a big deception for me and something as bad as unrealistic; and the history line is/was boring and didn't make much sense. I also agree that the warfare missions should had been on the SP missions and not placed on the campaign. In my opinion there could be many things to do for make a entertained campaign or campaigns (one for each section of the armada, infantry, recon, snipers, tanks, choppers, airplanes) aside of allow character customization options and some freedom of choice in the campaign, like weapons choice depending on the chain of command. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    3D Mission - Editor

    Hi, a 3D editor will be great; i spent alot of time on the 3D editor that I0n0s did for the ArmA1, but he told me that enable it on any public server will be open the castle's doors, lower the clastle's bridge and raise the skirts of the clastle's women for the cheaters and hackers to come to do what you'll do with a chick that raises her skirt for you. Maybe the security of booth servers and players may be the reason to not enable a fully working 3D editor built in the game, i don't know... but the life was much more easy with it than without it; the reason because the 3D editor mess up the possition of objects and alive units after save and load a mission, may be because if you place an object is at x0.30085 y0.10027 z0.01 and the editor "deletes" everyting after the '0.00' delete it... or just don't recognize/apply/use 'em at all, having as resoult a misplacement of the objects and units placed using the 3D editor. This also happens with manualy placed objects and units that are not placed using a script or scripts, AFAIK. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, i want this for the ArmA2; not for the OA/CO: Surefire MAG5-60 HCM: Surefire MAG5-100 HCM: Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    Destructible glass in buildings

    Hi, i think that what you say Vilas is the problem, the AI see "the matrix code" but we just see our allowed representation of the reality; it's more easy to see with the tanks... the AI tanks use to shoot with their main gun through bushes without hit 'em and hit your tank, vehicle or you if you're on foot, but if you shoot back... the 97% of the times you'll hit the bush. Loosing a round and precious time to disable or destroy the NME tank. I remember to had been inside one of the few houses that are enterable, on the 1St floor (there's a stair that should take to the 2Nd floor of this house, but ends in a closed door) i'd shoot some rounds through one of the borken windows of the 1St floor to the AIs that were surrounding the house, after some magazines (two or three, with a M4A1-SD) seemed that at some point my bullets stopped to go through the glass and it became a solid part of the whole house, as resoult... i'd blew up the corner of the room where i was (with two or three M4-SD magazines...) exposing myself to the AIs on that side of the outside. The problem here i think that was that the broken glass on that window became a part of the GeoLod after exceed the ammount of damage that was able to stand as penetrable object (part) and then became just that... a part of the whole model. Let's C ya
  10. Hi, i think that the main problem laying under the whole thing is that do the disposable ATs disposable will not go well with the gaming (for fun) concept; you could carry all your combat patrol equipment and two M136, but you'll never run more than 5m and will always be walking, during long long hours by a marked route. That's not fun and can be even more boring to do it on a video game than do it IRL where you've your squad mates to chat with. We're also suppossed to be able of handle almost any engagement in the game, while IRL you're not, this goes againist the gaming industry non written policy of allow the players to do things that they wouldn't and couldn't do IRL but don't eliminates the fact that the current method to prevent AT spamming is stupid and don't makes no sense; a disposable AT shouldn't need to take any inventary slot and be truly disposable, the big (really AT) launchers should use the secondary weapon slot instead ammo slots in the inventary and/or have it's own space as a separate tag on the inventary (as slinged stuff) not inmediately "ready to use" by the common reload method of hit a key to reload. This way i think that will make the game be more like a simulator and less the weird hybrid that's now. That's what i think. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    Bullpup fix?

    Hi, the problem with the weapons animations (not onlu bullup weapons) is that there're fixed animations x each weapon class (i.e: AR, LMG/GPMG, sniper/shotgun.) and none of this anims include the aiming through the sights (scope, sight or red dot), just how the soldier holds the weapon of any of those generic weapons classes. There isn't any specific weapon hold animation for each weapon and that's the problem. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    Destructible glass in buildings

    Hi, i've been killed by AIs that were shooting through the broken window glass; i was inside the house and gave away my possition as my bullets didn't went through the glass, while the AI's bullets did. This is also very common with the bushes, while my bullets don't use to pass by the bush, the AI's bullets do it every single time; i know that something is wrong on this things, but i don't know what's exactly wrong. Let's C ya
  13. Hi, the fact that you've to stop (that you're forced to stop) for swap to your side weapon (the pistol) while you're not forced to stop for swap to your secondary weapon (the AT) don't makes sense. You should be able to swap from your main weapon to your side weapon (the pistol) on the move, same for the AT weapon if you're walking; here (in spain) the soldiers are trained to reload on the move (walking), but you're told to never do it and to reload only behind full or partial cover, but you're trained to reload on the move. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    Unleash the MLODs!

    Hi, i think that BIS should release the ArmA2 MLODs as they did on the ArmA, this means: - Male civilian. - Female civilian. - US soldier. - US SF (Recon & Assault). - Russian soldier. - Russian SF (Recon & Assault). - RES sniper (guillie). - Basic weapons (booth sides). - Wheeled vehicles (a HMMWV & a Vodnik). - Wheeled APCs (LAV-25 III & BTR 90). - A MBT (the M1A2 or the T-90UM). - Transport chopper (UH-1Y). - Attack chopper (KA-52). - Transport plane (C-130). - A Wreck (the UH-1Y wreck). That's what i'll spect 'em to release as MLOD so we could do our own stuff 100% ArmA2 compatible, without problems of broken anims, missed textures or config lines; i've the personal theory that they don't release the MLODs because we'll see how bad they did the things with many clear mistakes and errors, but that's just my opinion... release the ArmA2 MLODs will be good for all... for us as players and amateur addon makers... and for 'em as game developers, because we'll bring new life to their game (product) and the people will talk more about it (free publicity) bringing maybe new players (customers) that will get (buy) their game (product) so in the end we'll all win. We (i'll) need the ArmA2 MLODs to make addons with at least... the same quality than the game's standard content. Let's C ya
  15. Hi, i use a mod to lower the grass height, improving the game's performance very much with it along with some other mods. Let's C ya
  16. wipman

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    Hi, i think that the North Korea's leaders and high rank military officers had to knew already about the "ideas" or wishes of the chinese republic; they deal and talk with each other and im sure that they talk in the same way and with the same language that the good fellas, cursing... swearing... and speaking as franlky as they can without reach the threat border. Someone remembers Henry Kissinger taking off his shoe and hitting the table in the middle of a public audience on the U.N.?, imagine how this kind of people reach agreements and how they talk with each other when there isn't any camera in front. Nothing of this is new and it's well known on certain circles. About NK vs SK... i doubt that the NK's leaders want to enter in war because they know that they're alone and their only getaway seems to be a forward getaway creating a small escalate on the zone don't wanting to go to an open war and being sure that the rest of the players "on the game" don't gonna/want to be the ones who throw the first rock. Assuming this as true... all what i can do is send my condolences to the familys of the two dead Marines on the NK's strike. Let's C ya
  17. Hi, *Icebreakr, have you added any power station to lingor, that if you destroy it... an area of street lamps get's shutdown using a game's logic?; because i'd miss something like that into Duala, where there isn't any apparent power source supplying the light to the street lamps. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    How to get more AI teams in Multiplayer

    Hi, i don't know which are those missions that you mention; but the only way of get more AI units on your side is if the man who did the mission added 'em to the mission when he created it. AFAIK there isn't any limit (other than the performance) for the amount of units that can be on your side or on any other, BLUFOR, OPFOR the Chedaky and the others, aside of the civilians. Let's C ya
  19. Hi, sounds like a pimp addon to me; maybe in the future you could add a script or something that make the (ambient life) dogs to bark when they're at certain distance of a combat unit (player or AI) and flee if they begin to fire, that would be great for a future release. Let's C ya
  20. Hi, i also get the suppression effects from my own fire; i find it annoying and i understand it as a bug. The fact that the game imposes reactions on me, it shouldn't happen. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    A10 and radar

    Hi, AFAIK... the 'SetViewDistance' command only affects the player... it's the max distance for render objects on your screen, but i think that's not real; i only use the ArmA2 and i've my View Distance set to 3.000m, i swear that the game only renders objects, units etc at half that distance or maybe less. I haven't fly very much on the ArmA2, but the AI's engagement range with missiles on planes is longer than 3000m for sure. Let's C ya
  22. Hi, those screenshots look great, sad for me that it requires the OA/CO to work. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, yeah.. but the same happens with many many other buildings and world's objects, and seems to only happen from the player's perspective; on that screenshot is not clear, but there was an AI right behind the Kobra sight's dot and he'd killed me with a pair of shots. Same thing or closer happens too when an AI tank/IFV is behind a bush, the AI shoots trough the bush without hit it, when i do the same... i always hit the bush tearing it down and the AI shoots me back trough the resoulting smoke. In the case of the buildings and world's objects the AI goes right to the corner and expose almost all their body instead as you'll (you should) do it, a few metter back and with the right angle to take down your target and then turn back and do cover fire from the other side of the building/object on the other targets arround the target that you've taken down. Anyway... i just take as a bug the inacurrate Geo LOD of many buildings and object, overall because they only seem to affect the player and not the AI. Let's C ya
  24. Hi, some more bugs, i think that some were there on the v1.07 too. - LOD trashed fellas: - You use to see that everytime that you turn your back, and your mates, not only on that certain campaign mission... on most if not all the campaign missions. - BTR-90 wheeless: - I'd seen that when the BRT was driving away from my possition, when it came back to blow me up in pieces with it's AGS-30... it had all the wheels. - Weird thing: - When those doors are destroyed by explosive ammo they are displayed like that, instead appear fallen, that's what happens when you collide with 'em with a vehicle. - Innacurate buildings geometry: - As you see there... the dot of the Kobra was where i was aiming, and those red rulers mark the thing, the top's one marks where i was aiming and the one below it, marks where the bullets were really hitting (in the middle of the air); i was like 3m away from that building's corner. - Headless Spetznat: - At certain distance... like +225m more or less... the head model (and it's texture) dissapears and you only see the floating red beret of the Spetznat T.Leader, looking weird. No matters if you're aiming down the sights or not, passing the 225m more or less, his head dissapears unless the beret. Let's C ya ---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ---------- Hi, another bug on the v1.08 that i'd forget to mention; if you have a FIM-92 Stinger on the hands and you open an ammo/equipment box... the gear menu dissapear as you move the mouse, this don't happens with the M136 or the SMAW. Let's C ya