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Everything posted by wipman

  1. Hi, that big eye is used AFAIK on the closer 3Rd person LOD, i guess that the other two (the ones near the mouth's texture part) are used for the more distant LODs, but could be any, at certain distances... you don't appreciate certain details so it realy doesn't matter that much. The OA head model uses a slighty different texture mapping than the ArmA2 head model, so a face made for work on the ArmA2, could give some wrong mapping problems because of that. Aside of the 'decoloration' problems that appear on booth the ArmA2 and OA because the model's .rvmat, that's too strong and gives unnatural shining values to the human skin (or anything that you paint on top) aswell to the BDUs, weapons etc etc. As that's a part of the models... can't be corrected/solved with the texture or in, the texture; you can only work with aproximation (to the real colours) by trial and error. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    Hi, on the ArmA2 for Multi-Pourpouse... - M16A4-M203 (ACOG). - SMAW (x2 rockets). - Satchel (x1 charge). - Laser Designator. CQB/Short Range: - M4A1-QDD (CCO). - SMAW (x2 rockets). - Satchel (x1 charge). - Laser Designator. - M1911 A1. *The M1911 is unpractical as you can't aim it due to the sights bug... but i feel better with a .45. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Do/will AI in Arma have unlimited ammo?

    Hi, on the ArmA2 i've seen AIs running back more than 4000m to get ammo after being ordered to 'Rearm At xx-xx' by the SL or TL, instead take the weapon of the closer fallen soldier friend or foe and use it; a bad, pointless and stupid thing if you ask me. Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    More accessible mission design

    Hi, if the ArmA3 would came with a Comm-Ref and some basic scripts then the mission design would be more accessible; rightnow it's almost impossible to do a working MP mission, a SP mission that don't be a simple firefight and much less a Campaign with just the game and the editor. Give a Comm-Ref with the game (as .pdf) should improve this and extend the existing MP missions, in other words; the fun and game's life. Let's C ya
  5. wipman

    Floating Zone toggle

    Hi, the floating zone is a great thing that simulates well the hip rotation to fire, while walking or to guard corners or entire fire sectors; but it needs to be improved. You can't Hold Breath while you've the floating zone On, so your aim at LRs is worst with the 2Nd shots than how it should, as if you Hold Breath it turns Off the sights, and that should change on the ArmA3 to allow you to hold your breath while you're aiming down the sights as you would IRL. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    Grenades - Gameplay

    Hi, make the nades their own selectable weapon class as someone said, will be the best thing IMO; slinging the weapon and holding the nade close to your groin or chest, with a hand arround the nade holding the safe and the finger on the ring (for the [quick throw] animation) showing a transparent trayectory arc on the screen. No hold BM1 to give it force, just rise the view to extend the trayectory; that'll simulate much better all the common grenade throwing movements, as weapon... it could have it's own fire modes as: - 'From Above' (to throw it over obstacles such as walls, vehicles or 2nd floors from below). - 'Rolling Stone' (to throw it by the ground as you'll throw a rock to a lake's water to make it bounce). - 'Catch That' (to throw it directly as you'll throw a baseball ball). - 'Grenade' (to throw it the common "relaxed" way). And making the grenades (all of 'em) a weapon as the main or secundary weapons would allow to do the trayectory's arc as the ViewPlayer LOD, leveled it with the ground showing the exact impact point after be trown; you'll not see where it'll land if you don't have a visual to this point, as IRL. But you'll be able of throw the nade (flashbang, Incediary or frag) on all the most common ways that the nades are used; on a clear, simple, easy and practical way. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    Hi, in my opinion the Warfare MP missions are a fail because: - It's (IMO) a bad try to bring the RTS to a FPS. - The AI is the A Not I. - The system/menus are as complex as basic and comfuse. - It's one of the most boring MP missions/modes that i've ever seen. Those are the main reasons why i think and see Warfare as a failure and a boring and pointless thing that i've always try to avoid as ArmA and ArmA2 player. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, the Lolo Nai'a, Hawaii v0.1 terrain works without problems on the ArmA2 v1.10; i don't know about the other ones. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    DLC for ArmA 3: A2 units

    Hi, yeah man, but i like to see the DVD and i don't loose 'em; i still have the OFP's CDs on their case right behind me. I take care for the things i pay for. Let's C ya
  10. Hi, on the ArmA2 the AI pulls off the side arms when they're at a certain distance from and NME, is better to remove the side arms from 'em as they don't use 'em properly and the animations for the handguns are few and bad, aside of the problems related to 'em like the AI getting stunk... swapping weapons on and on... etc. BIS should add more and better animations for the handguns; aside of improve the movement and reduce the irrational and jerky sway when walking aiming down the sights. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    DLC for ArmA 3: A2 units

    Hi, i don't buy DLCs; i buy a game and that's all, i don't want anything that don't be on a DVD. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Hi, for add female playable models they should: - Hire voice actresses. - Hire a female for the motion capture. - Add a female skeleton to the female unit models. And maybe some more things; if they don't add playable female combat units is more a budget and time thing than anything for sure. But it would be sad if they don't add 'em to the game as playable combat units. Let's C ya
  13. Hi, on the ArmA2 i can kill AIs and they can kill me piercing throug some wood houses corners; i with the 5.56 and they with the 5.45. Maybe in this case the FireGeo LOD don't matches the View LOD of this houses and it is a smaller box inside the View LOD, and that's why it's possible to shoot throug some houses corners, but i've to say that you've to shoot almost a mag to hit or kill the AI or player at the other side. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, i would like to see: - More Estimulating Coop Missions. I would like to see more estimulating coop missions, with worked Intros and Outros and a solid history line that makes you want to wait for other 11 dudes to play it as a team, as three true cooperative/linked fire teams; not necessarily following the game's campaign history line. But that makes you want to play it and pass through it all from the beginning to the end. Let's C ya
  15. Hi, the green wood houses of 1 floor that are on Stary Sobor? on the ArmA2, can be pierced very easy by two or three bursts of a vanilla's game AK-107. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, the distance was like +450m with the M16A4 ACOG M203, but happens at the same distances with the rest of the scoped weapons; you don't see any bullet hole/decal from your possition. I didn't try to get close as it use to be the direction that the NME comes from and after repeal 'em i use to take another path. But i don't remember to get close to any place and see bullet holes from a previous firefight. Let's C ya *Edit: I remember an addon/mod for the ArmA that substituted the vanilla decals or whatever for another ones that re-created the 'see through bug' that happened with the cars glasses, this was only applyed to soft fences and certain objects like some barns made out of steel plates, some wood constructions and things like that; it looked great but i think that wasn't released at the end... because i didn't had it, and i would had installed it for sure.
  17. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Hi, sadly those addon units don't work with the ArmA2, they require the AO as CO to work. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, in the ArmA2 the bullet impacts, the decals, dissapear if they're at more than X from the player; you can check it out shooting at far away objects, wall like, with an ACOG sighted weapon or sniper rifles and placing a unit behind the wall. He could die or just get wounded, but you don't gonna see any impact hole/decal where the bullet did hit on that fence, wall or whatever. Let's C ya
  19. Hi, for have decent FPS while having the grass On, on the ArmA2 i use this mod: - GDT Mod Grass. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    arma 2 arrrowhead graphics

    Hi, yes, the OA have better graphics than the ArmA2 on some aspects; for example, the units (civilians & military) have better models, it's more noticeable with the head models and hand models, also the human skin and faces textures are much more detailed than the ArmA2 ones. I didn't seen any model/texture graphic improvement or increase on the weapons or vehicles, but the OA's houses even the not enterable ones, are more detailed and have more polys. So... yes; the OA have better graphics than the ArmA2. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    Stop the AI 'cheating'

    Hi, it happens in MP, at random; i use to see it on EVO missions as are the only ArmA2 v1.10 fun coop like missions available that don't be a damn DOM mission, where this happens very often too. Can be seen in other standard coops too but i've never seen it on SP, since the ArmA2 v1.08. May be related to scripted units (groups), but i've never seen it too on vehicles created in the same way. Let's C ya
  22. wipman


    Hi, i'd runned with 4 +1 5.56 mags, two frags and a smoke, the helmet, flak vest, the AR of 4.2Kg Empty, the backpack with variated equipment among rations, sleeping bag and tent, a LAW-72 and 5 rifle mortars; all this this after exit from the water. My vision never was blurred, it's blurred when i drink (too much); other soldiers told me that they had blurred vision before fall to the ground inconscious, they had a 89mm mortar on the back and fallen not before 16Km of running on the Galicia's august heat, 28 to 33º and 89% of humidity, they didn't felt anything of this until the 13 or 14Km of run or at least... they didn't complained with will enough until the midle of the way. No to blurred vision for nothing. Let's C ya
  23. wipman

    Would you decrease detail for less lag?

    Hi, i'll remove the UV maps and the game will perform (im guessing based on the ArmA2) between three to five times better, aside of look better (to me) with just the colour maps; separate each graphic parameter will help the players to tune up their game up to their needs and wishes. That's an improvement. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Hi, rightnow there're females in combat units on many countrys, by the year 2025 there will be much more, the us army and the Marines have a program rightnow called Lioness that goes just about that aside other needed field tasks. BIS will be the 1St combat sim that will include female playable and AI units and they'll write their company's name on the gaming industry for doing it (if they get to do it) with all the free publicity that comes with it that's equal to: Potential Customers. In other words... more customers. More customers = more money. More money = better life + possiblity of make better games. Add female soldiers only have good points. During the WWII the women demostrated their value as combatants on the front line for example in Stalingrad; during the Nam war, they did it as Viet-Cong soldiers, and the VC achived the military victory over a superior force in part due to this. The women have demostrated their utily in combat already doing the hard job of squeeze the F trigger. I vote for the female soldiers. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    Medics from "Out-of-Team" Healing

    Hi, the Corpsman should heal you up to a point using the IFAIK that you should have on your equipment (like the Radio, GPS, Compass etc) if you don't have it... then he should use one of his own IFAIKs stored on his backpack or just a true Field Surgery Kit with various uses before dissapear; nothing of this...? then no healing for you, other than stop the blood lost with some improvised thing (a part of the uniform + a mag or just the belt). Will be pimp if you could have hitpoints (arms, legs, chest, back, groin and head) where after be patched up with the IFAIK, the bandage applyed on this places would be visible as a 3D model so you'll see who's/who've been wounded on the fire line and you could have a better idea or just an impresion of how tough the fight is/was when the mission ends or you get to a trench to join the firefight on support of a friendly unit. Also... the Corpsman should have the same number of slots than a rifleman, he's part of a squad and another combat unit; a rifleman, so he must have the same gear than a rifleman aside of this Corpsman equipment. Let's C ya