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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, ok... we gonna use the black clip instead the woodland camoed clip. Now i gonna do another request, this time i request the help of a units config writter for a unit that i've retextured; using the BAS_Inf_Kit & the Suchei USMC3Beta addon boot textures. I'll like that this unit had the next features: -Use JAM_Mag2 Smoke Effects (smoke nade, RPG, AA). -Use the E&S Weapon Smoke Effects (extra smoke when fire C8X weapons & BIS weapons). -If it's possible... make it use the ORCS_Effects Script (the grenade script) that can be found here: ORCS_Effects & maybe in the future, when i'd found a weapons maker & a weapons config writter for this M4's; arm this unit/s with the black & woodland versions of this M4's and the Colt .45 that King Homer borrowed me. wip_man: Let's cu.
  2. wipman

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    USMC & RNI units: Assault Recon http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/usmc_recon_02.jpg USMC http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/usmc_04.jpg USMC http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/usmc_03.jpg USMC http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/usmc_01.jpg USMC http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/usmc.jpg RNI-Spetznat http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/rni_03.jpg RNI RPG16D Launcher http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/wipman/rni_01.jpg
  3. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, what clip for the mags do u like more? Woodland CLIP Black CLIP wich one u, the other players; will like in the woodland version of this M4's?
  4. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, what clip for the mags do u like more? Woodland CLIP Black CLIP wich one u, the other players; will like in the woodland version of this M4's?
  5. wipman


    Hi, i don't know how to make a marker stay with the same size when u zoom in/out, or just how to make a marker (that should be an addon, a .pbo maybe with a config) but for make it solid, just do a .tga with the image that u want & select it all & save that selection as alpha channel; save it as whatever.tga & convert it with the paaTool 1.1 to .paa or to .pac & that should make it solid = no transparent. Hope that had served u, let's cu.
  6. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this M4A1 models are the models brought to us by the weapons master Inquisitor; they use 20 .paa files that take 2'91Mb, they go from 128x128 to 512x512, the poligons account in the viewPilot Lod are: 2400something, the sights that should use, are the sights of the E&S USMC Weapons pack; the M4A1 versions done until now are: - M4A1(D) - M4SD(D) - M4ACOG(D) - M4LMG(D) = C Mag + Harris Bipod - M4LMGM68SD(D) = C Mag Sure Fire extra hand grip & QDD - M4M68(D) - M4M68SD(D) - M4M203(D) - M4M203SD(D) - M4M203ACOG(D) - M4M203ACOGSD(D) - M4M203M68(D) - M4M203M68SD(D) - M4MK(D) - M4MKM68(D) - M4Scope(D) - M4CQB(D) = a much shorter M4A1, folded stock & shorter barrel. i also have some more versions... like M4ACOGHarris(D) & some of those but with a harris bipod; i don't gonna add 'em to the final list (those up there) if i haven't a weapons modeler or config whriter that knows how to animate weapon parts, to exted or fold the bipod. And i don't know if will be a good idea to make 'em left an empty mag in the ground each time that u reload, a full mag each time that u throw a mag... & an empty model of each damn version for when u run out of ammo & u throw it, or u pic a c8xak74m1p29 from the ground; i think that this last 3 things i think that will lag alot & they'r not really usefull in terms of what they add to the game, something don't really needed. By the way... maybe the BIS weapons values will be more accurate than the E&S weapon values; i don't know. Let's cu.
  7. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this M4A1 models are the models brought to us by the weapons master Inquisitor; they use 20 .paa files that take 2'91Mb, they go from 128x128 to 512x512, the poligons account in the viewPilot Lod are: 2400something, the sights that should use, are the sights of the E&S USMC Weapons pack; the M4A1 versions done until now are: - M4A1(D) - M4SD(D) - M4ACOG(D) - M4LMG(D) = C Mag + Harris Bipod - M4LMGM68SD(D) = C Mag Sure Fire extra hand grip & QDD - M4M68(D) - M4M68SD(D) - M4M203(D) - M4M203SD(D) - M4M203ACOG(D) - M4M203ACOGSD(D) - M4M203M68(D) - M4M203M68SD(D) - M4MK(D) - M4MKM68(D) - M4Scope(D) - M4CQB(D) = a much shorter M4A1, folded stock & shorter barrel. i also have some more versions... like M4ACOGHarris(D) & some of those but with a harris bipod; i don't gonna add 'em to the final list (those up there) if i haven't a weapons modeler or config whriter that knows how to animate weapon parts, to exted or fold the bipod. And i don't know if will be a good idea to make 'em left an empty mag in the ground each time that u reload, a full mag each time that u throw a mag... & an empty model of each damn version for when u run out of ammo & u throw it, or u pic a c8xak74m1p29 from the ground; i think that this last 3 things i think that will lag alot & they'r not really usefull in terms of what they add to the game, something don't really needed. By the way... maybe the BIS weapons values will be more accurate than the E&S weapon values; i don't know. Let's cu.
  8. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Im not really back, but i never gonna go 'til i die. I just been kicked out from a IRC channel related to the OFP by Kegtys & his asslikas, just that. Anyway... i remind the world, that i've allready ended the desert camoed version of this M4A1's, so; will be nice if some modeler will offer his unstimable help to end the polygon reduction Lods of this desert version & a config whriter, to make 'em workable. So they could be released, the ppl could begin to do missions with 'em, the addon makers could think if arm they'r units with 'em & we could bring to the OFP the best done M4's in desert camo that the damn OFP "comunity" has EVER seen. And let 'til the last OFP player have fun blowing off heads with this Desert M4's waiting for the woodland & black wasted metal, versions so they could blow off not only heads of irakis this christ smash, they could... who know... blow off heads of findlands, sue-this, germens... or anything that they may like to shoot at; they should be there FOR ALL, FOR HAVE FUN & FOR HAVE QUALITY. Just that. Any modeler that may like to do this job?. Let's cu.
  9. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Im not really back, but i never gonna go 'til i die. I just been kicked out from a IRC channel related to the OFP by Kegtys & his asslikas, just that. Anyway... i remind the world, that i've allready ended the desert camoed version of this M4A1's, so; will be nice if some modeler will offer his unstimable help to end the polygon reduction Lods of this desert version & a config whriter, to make 'em workable. So they could be released, the ppl could begin to do missions with 'em, the addon makers could think if arm they'r units with 'em & we could bring to the OFP the best done M4's in desert camo that the damn OFP "comunity" has EVER seen. And let 'til the last OFP player have fun blowing off heads with this Desert M4's waiting for the woodland & black wasted metal, versions so they could blow off not only heads of irakis this christ smash, they could... who know... blow off heads of findlands, sue-this, germens... or anything that they may like to shoot at; they should be there FOR ALL, FOR HAVE FUN & FOR HAVE QUALITY. Just that. Any modeler that may like to do this job?. Let's cu.
  10. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, small progresses in the woodland camoed version of the M4A1 there's much more work to do.
  11. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, small progresses in the woodland camoed version of the M4A1 there's much more work to do.
  12. wipman

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    PSC BTR-T® 1.1 + BAS TSF + GalilARM + E&S USMC Addon 1.0 + DXDLL
  13. wipman

    USMC Addon studio

    hi, the helmet textures that i've done.
  14. wipman

    USMC Addon studio

    Hey, aimpoint, the models (the addon) where u used that Marpat are available for download?, they look good & it's a very good detail that RES boots, they look like much better than the western boot model; the units just need the stretch the upside part of the boot models to make 'em more realistic, than those damn squared whatever upside part of the boot. Where we can find those models?.
  15. wipman

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    AH1-W over Tonal [ig]http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics2/scobra4.jpg[/img]>100kb
  16. wipman

    The New USMC MOD

    Hi, i'll like to see something, a small teaser by this good looking mod released; i, as a texturer with few experience... could help, maybe... im sure that out there, there'r lots of USMC fans that could add something to this mod, like do textures, give ideas, solve problems, improve models or some other things. I, as idea... think that will be good to make different grunt models; to add a random look like to a possible squad. Or things like that; i could do few things, but i'll do it as well as i could 'couse this Mod & the OFP still deserving all the help that we can offer to get the things done. Just that, ppl... help this mod; we need all ther good things that we could find, and this mod look like as a very good thing. Let's cu.
  17. wipman

    Army Stryker vehicle

    Hi, i've made for my own use a good looking IFV sight from a screenshot that i took when i was playing in the AAO with the Stryker; it works (thanks to a config made by AKM74) looks great; if some one want it, mail me. Sure u know where to get my mail (begin by ofp.info). That AAO Stryker looks very well, if u can rip off too the soldier/sf/if's model... that could make the OFP look better; anyway... u could try to mess the U.S. army, they'r not the Marines, so they can loose... if Al-Quaeda can mess with the U.S. army & win more & more adepts each bomb that they plant... then u can do it too. RELEASE ALL THOSE STOLEN MODELS!!! >>;-) let's cu.
  18. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    NOTES: A) There's no law that don't be the copyright. B) The logical order says that if u haven't something to pressent to the public, or to anyone or nothing ended;the last thing that u must/should do, it's to contact all the reachable addon makers from who you've taken anything and ask 'em if u can release a new product with improvements in some of the aspecst of the product (textures included; im inproving 'em very much.) C) Im spanish; i talk easy & usually im not angry, but i use to call the things for his/her name. It's not my fault that the ppl that can laught of a body count in the news, can't stand words like fu** **f or mut** fu***; also... looks like that they've less tolerance for the negative critics than me. D) The reason that makes u declare publicaly that you don't gonna feel the loose of another "addon maker..." that can give good ideas, do good textures and improve some things... it's that i have rejected the offer of join the IM UC Mod so "my" M4's don't gonna have the name of your mod??. P.D: In a forum (subsection of it) dedicated to the addons discussion, why there's always so many ppl ready to talk about the addon makers more than about the addons 'emself?. I still working on the woodland version of this M4A1's; & they look very well. Kisses & let's cu. ciao.
  19. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    NOTES: A) There's no law that don't be the copyright. B) The logical order says that if u haven't something to pressent to the public, or to anyone or nothing ended;the last thing that u must/should do, it's to contact all the reachable addon makers from who you've taken anything and ask 'em if u can release a new product with improvements in some of the aspecst of the product (textures included; im inproving 'em very much.) C) Im spanish; i talk easy & usually im not angry, but i use to call the things for his/her name. It's not my fault that the ppl that can laught of a body count in the news, can't stand words like fu** **f or mut** fu***; also... looks like that they've less tolerance for the negative critics than me. D) The reason that makes u declare publicaly that you don't gonna feel the loose of another "addon maker..." that can give good ideas, do good textures and improve some things... it's that i have rejected the offer of join the IM UC Mod so "my" M4's don't gonna have the name of your mod??. P.D: In a forum (subsection of it) dedicated to the addons discussion, why there's always so many ppl ready to talk about the addon makers more than about the addons 'emself?. I still working on the woodland version of this M4A1's; & they look very well. Kisses & let's cu. ciao.
  20. wipman

    The New USMC MOD

    Hi, bad new that fishkopp left the new USMC mod; the LAV's & the AV8-B really had good look like, and are things that we need for our Marines. This could mean a serious stop or a deadly wound to this mod, i guess. I've downloaded the HYK_Soldiers 1.50 (just for try 'em) and the maker done it again... i've seen also the screenshot of the progress on the USMC grunt model, look good; but, as in the HYK_Soldiers addon... the vest textures & Mole System, could be improbed. If u play with the units u'll notice how u need to be at less than 6 or 7m to notice the pockets on the jackets, the different parts of the Mole, the buttons on the mole system & basically anything that have (should have relief). That's bad, for all. If i had the vest textures of this Marines in .jpg, i could try to improve it a bit. Then send it back to some one on the new USMC Mod... and if u like it, well; and if don't... well too. I done this with the HYK_Soldiers 1.0 when i tryed to rip 'em and do my own wip_rangers 'til i get to the conclusion that no one will help me to have my own units to play 'lone. I made 'em look better; i could try to do the same with this Eliminator vest + Mole system on this Marines. My mail it's in ofp.info . Let's cu.
  21. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, no more wip addons. I gonna end myself with time, with too much time the textures of this weapons pack, i allready ended the desert version; and im still on the woodland version, maybe when i end 'em (if i do it) i'll request (again) a weapons maker that wants to end the LODs that the models don't have. But as i've said, no more wip addons, this "community" where no one helps anothers, where the ppl don't do what they should & where every one sucks, don't deserve a shit. P.D: Many thanks for all the fun that you've gave me: Inquisitor, SJB_Jackal326, Earl & Suchey, CassieG, The_Rocket, King Homer, & Drill Sargeant. Bye.
  22. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, no more wip addons. I gonna end myself with time, with too much time the textures of this weapons pack, i allready ended the desert version; and im still on the woodland version, maybe when i end 'em (if i do it) i'll request (again) a weapons maker that wants to end the LODs that the models don't have. But as i've said, no more wip addons, this "community" where no one helps anothers, where the ppl don't do what they should & where every one sucks, don't deserve a shit. P.D: Many thanks for all the fun that you've gave me: Inquisitor, SJB_Jackal326, Earl & Suchey, CassieG, The_Rocket, King Homer, & Drill Sargeant. Bye.
  23. wipman

    M14 Pack

    Hi Lt. Dan... yar a lucky man, the M14 (M1A in the civil version) sounds very well, it's damn fanzy the effect of the chamber oppening to spit the shell & the M1A Scout... ROXXX. The only thing that i don't like at all, are the textures; i must open 'em to check how are maped; but i think that i could try to make 'em more detailed. I love the M14. Let's cu.
  24. wipman

    The New USMC MOD

    Hi, roger roger & roger; if i can do something for this mod, i'll be glad to try it; that was mainly what i was saying. Let me tell you one thing, as u don't use to pass by the #OFPEC IRC channel... (this is only a personal opinion) i don't like the full conversions because they use to focus on one side abandoning the OPFOR side, i have lots of amazing addons like the BTR-T's 1.1 by PSC or the MT-LB's 2.2 by OFP-LAVOS; i can't imagine my installation of the OFP® without 'em. I respect a lot Earl & Suchey too, and they'r job impressed me very much; i like the quality, but there some things that i can't take out of the Addons DIR. That's why i asked you that. Anyway... that was just a personal opinion that no one cares; you can't count on me for some textures, just that. Let's cu.
  25. wipman

    The New USMC MOD

    Hi, im a Marines fan too but unfortunatelly my skills are not at the level of NZXShadows or FischKopp; i just done a sight for the M1911A1 model that King Homer borrow to me. Im working rightnow in the textures (3 camo versions) of a pack of M4A1's based on the Inquisitor M4 Construction Pack and with an ACOG sight model done by Drill Sargeant, i've too a G36's K pack that only needs of a modeler that end the remainig LODs. The only thing that i can do for the new USMC Mod, it's to let you take anything that i do or mod for free; i could obtain or do textures for objects and surfaces like buildings or ground textures if the USMC Mod need 'em. P.D: Those LAVs, AH1's, CH53, CH46 & mostly all what i've seen by the ppl of this mod.. RULE. I hope to see 'em soon; & if it's possible... in a USMC Mod version (crew, pilots, etc, etc...) & in a Earl & Suchey Marines Pack 1.0 version ; that will make that the good things reach more ppl = do more ppl happy. Let's cu.