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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well black... i belived that was u who was asking for the INQ Weapons 1.1 &/or MP5 models that replace the BIS models. I've the INQ Weapons 1.1 as default addon in my OFP install & this days... i don't use any modification of the BIS models that don't be the DK Anims 1.3 & the G36A by Inquisitor; so i can still enter in the few public servers that have coops & play from time to time some coop in a decent squad. P.D: I still looking for a config writter and a weapons maker for end the distance LODs of this M4's.
  2. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well black... i belived that was u who was asking for the INQ Weapons 1.1 &/or MP5 models that replace the BIS models. I've the INQ Weapons 1.1 as default addon in my OFP install & this days... i don't use any modification of the BIS models that don't be the DK Anims 1.3 & the G36A by Inquisitor; so i can still enter in the few public servers that have coops & play from time to time some coop in a decent squad. P.D: I still looking for a config writter and a weapons maker for end the distance LODs of this M4's.
  3. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, yes black; i was meaning there (in the INQ page) with the INQ Weapons 1.1_paa (like with the .jpg) comes the INQ Mod, that substitute some BIS weapons for his weapons; but u can't play in MP with other ppl if they haven't it or if the server haven't it in that way. So that's why i'll don't change the BIS weapons at least... for the INQ Mod. Try to look in ofp.info, i don't know if INQ released a teaser of his weapons (just the MP5's SD) that don't change the BIS ones but that u can use easy in the missions at low Mb cost. Let's cu
  4. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, yes black; i was meaning there (in the INQ page) with the INQ Weapons 1.1_paa (like with the .jpg) comes the INQ Mod, that substitute some BIS weapons for his weapons; but u can't play in MP with other ppl if they haven't it or if the server haven't it in that way. So that's why i'll don't change the BIS weapons at least... for the INQ Mod. Try to look in ofp.info, i don't know if INQ released a teaser of his weapons (just the MP5's SD) that don't change the BIS ones but that u can use easy in the missions at low Mb cost. Let's cu
  5. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, Inquisitor made his High Detail Weapons 1.1 in too versions; 1 with all the textures in .jpg & another with all the textures in .paa; booth can be found in his page plus many other great addons like his INQ HTTV, INQ M60A1, INQ/KH M1A2 SEP, G36A (Replacement) and some others old & not so old. About the Mk texture... well, i just wanted to add to it a fanzy look like, like the M-79A painted in tiger skin in Apocalipse Now, a not so good movie; for the black M4 versions i gonna let it black, but i don't know... in how many MP Missions do you gonna use the Mk?, but well... im really thinking in let it black. Let's cu
  6. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, Inquisitor made his High Detail Weapons 1.1 in too versions; 1 with all the textures in .jpg & another with all the textures in .paa; booth can be found in his page plus many other great addons like his INQ HTTV, INQ M60A1, INQ/KH M1A2 SEP, G36A (Replacement) and some others old & not so old. About the Mk texture... well, i just wanted to add to it a fanzy look like, like the M-79A painted in tiger skin in Apocalipse Now, a not so good movie; for the black M4 versions i gonna let it black, but i don't know... in how many MP Missions do you gonna use the Mk?, but well... im really thinking in let it black. Let's cu
  7. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Some aclarations about this weapons, the models and the textures that could be oportune to tell about. The models are based on the (FREE for the addons makers) INQ M4 Construction Pack; i used as base the .jpg textures that others made & i just applyed the counflage, reshade, enlight & made the scratchs over those textures that now ARE ALL .paa's. SJB_Jackal326 borrow me the Harris Bipod model and .jpg texture (now a .paa), DSA Drill Sargeant borrow me the M68 Aimpoint and ACOG sight model and mapped the texture to those awesome models. Every one that has made something for small that it may look like, used in this M4A1 variants, it's propperly named in the readme that should go with the addon; telling clearly what they done, what i done & why i done it; that readme have 2 empty spaces: "config writter" & "Distance LODs maker". In that readme there's the entire weapons and magazines classnames as they should be named, in a easy & clear way for help to remind 'em in 0'5. I say this just for if someone had some doubt about any of the things explained there; many thanks. Let's cu.
  8. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Some aclarations about this weapons, the models and the textures that could be oportune to tell about. The models are based on the (FREE for the addons makers) INQ M4 Construction Pack; i used as base the .jpg textures that others made & i just applyed the counflage, reshade, enlight & made the scratchs over those textures that now ARE ALL .paa's. SJB_Jackal326 borrow me the Harris Bipod model and .jpg texture (now a .paa), DSA Drill Sargeant borrow me the M68 Aimpoint and ACOG sight model and mapped the texture to those awesome models. Every one that has made something for small that it may look like, used in this M4A1 variants, it's propperly named in the readme that should go with the addon; telling clearly what they done, what i done & why i done it; that readme have 2 empty spaces: "config writter" & "Distance LODs maker". In that readme there's the entire weapons and magazines classnames as they should be named, in a easy & clear way for help to remind 'em in 0'5. I say this just for if someone had some doubt about any of the things explained there; many thanks. Let's cu.
  9. wipman

    Semper Fidelis

    Hi, i've been working retexturing the LSR_Delta Operator model for make it wear a woodland Marpat BDU; only remains to end that part, 2 textures and make all the wound textures; there's one part that i can't do, and it's rip the config to make it work. LSR gave me permission to take his units (EVER, that if i'll get to release something, i SHOULD give full credits) like in all "my" addons there's ever something that i can't do by myself; those units may serve this mod as USMC FR units?. P.D: i'll like to have some info about the current status of all the USMC flying shit if it were possible; i may have some 512x512 USMC AV8-B textures if u want to check 'em... just PM me a mail, i'll be glad to send 'em to you. Let's cu.
  10. wipman

    Ofpec.com Problem

    Hi, i don't know what that means but i get the same error; when i tryed to upload a re-done coop that i had an error too; something about: spanish.php or something like that; they should make easyer to upload missions & files in general, it's too long and weird, send any file to ofpec. Let's cu.
  11. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this are the INQ M4 SOPMOD and INQ M4 contained in his awesome INQ Hi-Res Weapons (paa) that can be found here: INQUISITOR Site i don't think that they look very dark, as some ppl have said; they've the same textures that i used as base for the camoed versions (D & W) i think that they only need scratches... INQ M4 SOPMOD: INQ M4A1: The 2nd pic looks darker because the AI stoped in a zone opossite to the sun, not for any other reason; still not looking very darker to me... i was thinking in just add scratches to that textures and maybe some lightnings and some shadows if they were necessary; what do you think?, those textures... or make 'em more clear?. Let's cu.
  12. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this are the INQ M4 SOPMOD and INQ M4 contained in his awesome INQ Hi-Res Weapons (paa) that can be found here: INQUISITOR Site i don't think that they look very dark, as some ppl have said; they've the same textures that i used as base for the camoed versions (D & W) i think that they only need scratches... INQ M4 SOPMOD: INQ M4A1: The 2nd pic looks darker because the AI stoped in a zone opossite to the sun, not for any other reason; still not looking very darker to me... i was thinking in just add scratches to that textures and maybe some lightnings and some shadows if they were necessary; what do you think?, those textures... or make 'em more clear?. Let's cu.
  13. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    K, thanks again Kyle, i take the advise; no more spam. P.D: Have u seen my signature...?? >>;-)
  14. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    K, thanks again Kyle, i take the advise; no more spam. P.D: Have u seen my signature...?? >>;-)
  15. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, wazup man?, don't ya like the ******' spunish humor?! >>;-) >>> WFMU <<< Free form radio, WFMU, the FUN 91.1 (NJ)
  16. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, wazup man?, don't ya like the ******' spunish humor?! >>;-) >>> WFMU <<< Free form radio, WFMU, the FUN 91.1 (NJ)
  17. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    OLÉ for Kyle, the little jew; now i know why Kartman it's angry with you man, that've been so clear that now i don't even gonna dream with it, thanks in the name of all the players for the aclaration. Let's cu. >>> WFMU <<<
  18. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    OLÉ for Kyle, the little jew; now i know why Kartman it's angry with you man, that've been so clear that now i don't even gonna dream with it, thanks in the name of all the players for the aclaration. Let's cu. >>> WFMU <<<
  19. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, nah Zig, easy, im not offended; that's a opinion. I like that texture & helps (will help if we had a config maker and a modeller) to don't make all the weapons in a squad, look so closer ones to anothers, like the clipped mag in different sides of the weapon; that adds random to the weapons look like. And that texture was taken from a aimpoint sight photo, but i like that red. Let's cu. P.D: If someone want to hear free music, go here >>> WFMU <<<
  20. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, nah Zig, easy, im not offended; that's a opinion. I like that texture & helps (will help if we had a config maker and a modeller) to don't make all the weapons in a squad, look so closer ones to anothers, like the clipped mag in different sides of the weapon; that adds random to the weapons look like. And that texture was taken from a aimpoint sight photo, but i like that red. Let's cu. P.D: If someone want to hear free music, go here >>> WFMU <<<
  21. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, no MrZig, that's the M68 Aimpoint lense texture, that don't admits any discussion; i was meaning this:
  22. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, no MrZig, that's the M68 Aimpoint lense texture, that don't admits any discussion; i was meaning this:
  23. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, the models are only those that u can see in all those O2 screenshots; i thinked in the begining in add some Harris equiped weapons; but we haven't any model maker or config writter for 'em... so hardly we could find an animator for add moving parts to the weapons. Only the models shown there, no more models. Let's cu. P.D: Finally the Bright Red lense glass became the choosen, don't worry about the blonde; she don't gonna pass hungry, belive me...
  24. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, the models are only those that u can see in all those O2 screenshots; i thinked in the begining in add some Harris equiped weapons; but we haven't any model maker or config writter for 'em... so hardly we could find an animator for add moving parts to the weapons. Only the models shown there, no more models. Let's cu. P.D: Finally the Bright Red lense glass became the choosen, don't worry about the blonde; she don't gonna pass hungry, belive me...
  25. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, what i need, it's not better models; it's some addon maker that makes the distance (polygons number) LODs. This models, are just one LOD and the memory LOD; i also need someone that makes the config following this specs: -BIS XMwhatever Recoil -BIS XMwhatever Tracers Colour -JAM G36A SD Bullet values to the not SD wip_m4mag & wip_m4cmag -Tweaked to fall at 350 or 400m JAM G36A SD Bullet values to the SD wip_m4sdmag -Make 'em TACevents compatible (extra smoke cloud when fired) -Grenade that uses the C8XUSMC values & take 1 slot(wip_m433nade) -Grenadier vest of 4 slots (wip_m433vest) ------------------------------------------------------------- and that's all what i want for the config; what the models need, it's just the distance LODs. I sent the models to 1 man but i have no news from him, he maybe ended the desert versions for himself instead for all the players... & now he could be playing with his fellas & our models & textures; but i can't ensure this, it's somethin' that i fear, i've no clues. And Ferret, sorry but there's already alot of models, if you're in a squad and the ppl know how to aim, advance and cover, u don't need the supa M4 with fridge, hi-fi, microwaver, satellite TV with Eurosport, MTV (Get Off The Air), SPN2 & maybe a porno channel of payment for those long guards... lost; in the jungle... . I think that there's already enought M4 versions to don't notice that there's no Elcan, Reflex or Holo Sight on 'em. Let's cu.