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Everything posted by wipman

  1. Hi, i had many time ago that MIG-37 Ferret but i ain't have box or the kit instructions; i must have the model at 1:72 somewhere. You could try to copy that drawing to the HD & resize it to 1/2 of it's current size (to see the lines with more difinition) i remember that it had 1 octogonal bomb (maybe a nuke) in the forward bay doors; and 2 smaller but also octogonal bombs in paralel possition in the backward bay doors. Was a very fanzy model, that grey it's silver & the black, it's black; as u can see. Let's cu
  2. wipman

    I want your face - Female Facepack

    Hi, JGreynemo, u could maybe try to contact CassieG and check if she still having in the HD a better female unit model that she was working on, she had a threat here, but no one offered interest enought for don't say it more clear (moderators watching, watch out...) u can see some small screenshots of it here: CassieG updated female unit model the head model looks really great. Let's cu
  3. wipman

    I want your face - Female Facepack

    Hi, JGreynemo, u could maybe try to contact CassieG and check if she still having in the HD a better female unit model that she was working on, she had a threat here, but no one offered interest enought for don't say it more clear (moderators watching, watch out...) u can see some small screenshots of it here: CassieG updated female unit model the head model looks really great. Let's cu
  4. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i remember that i seen it in ofp.info, as a new of a single addon weapon imported from the CS; i even had it for a short time in the HD, the sound wasn't good, the front of the AN/PVS4 was flat, the ballistic values i remember that ain't liked me for some reason... but we can't use that AN/PVS10 that u say becouse i don't think that that Hubble fits over a M4A1, it have at least 1 bug and 2 bad things; the 1St, the plain, black displaced texture, the 2Nd, the lense through that you aim it's setted up to: Shine, but u can notice perfectly how the lense edges texture it's made in a septogonal way pasted over a black surface; at the begining that looks like a "minor shit"; but with the time that will become in a "ooohh man, that sucks, it's a fuckin' shit, it should B bla, bla". The place where the bug in the model is, it's pointed with a red arrow in the next pic: AWM .50 Cheyene: If in the next few days don't comes any Jessie to save us with a link or that can mail me that addon that i can't find, i think that we gonna definitively remove the wip_m4scope from the final list, so there will not be any DMR in the black/scratched M4's variants; thanks for your help Ferret. Let's cu
  5. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i remember that i seen it in ofp.info, as a new of a single addon weapon imported from the CS; i even had it for a short time in the HD, the sound wasn't good, the front of the AN/PVS4 was flat, the ballistic values i remember that ain't liked me for some reason... but we can't use that AN/PVS10 that u say becouse i don't think that that Hubble fits over a M4A1, it have at least 1 bug and 2 bad things; the 1St, the plain, black displaced texture, the 2Nd, the lense through that you aim it's setted up to: Shine, but u can notice perfectly how the lense edges texture it's made in a septogonal way pasted over a black surface; at the begining that looks like a "minor shit"; but with the time that will become in a "ooohh man, that sucks, it's a fuckin' shit, it should B bla, bla". The place where the bug in the model is, it's pointed with a red arrow in the next pic: AWM .50 Cheyene: If in the next few days don't comes any Jessie to save us with a link or that can mail me that addon that i can't find, i think that we gonna definitively remove the wip_m4scope from the final list, so there will not be any DMR in the black/scratched M4's variants; thanks for your help Ferret. Let's cu
  6. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i can't find the M4 made by Socom with the AN/PVS-4; that's the sight that i was thinking in; if u've it in the HD or u can find me a place from where download the released addon Ferret... we'll be in debt with you. & Sluganda, our M4's have 5 LODs & the memory LOD, we don't know how to do it better; we do it as well as we can. Let's cu
  7. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i can't find the M4 made by Socom with the AN/PVS-4; that's the sight that i was thinking in; if u've it in the HD or u can find me a place from where download the released addon Ferret... we'll be in debt with you. & Sluganda, our M4's have 5 LODs & the memory LOD, we don't know how to do it better; we do it as well as we can. Let's cu
  8. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, some one remember a M4 AR addon released in ofp.info many time ago that had a AN-PSV4 scope?, sadly... the scope texture (and the model itself) of the scope that we'r using sucks, sucks real hard. We need something better or i think that i'll remove the wip_m4scope from the list of the black/scratched M4's, in the desert & woodland camoed versions isn't so noticeable how-much-the model-sucks. That AN-PSV4 scope could fit into the black/scratched wip_m4scope & i could even make some more M4's using that kind of scope (without it's real features, NV & im not sure if uses IR too, but i think it does); help us to find it plz. *Sluganda, i don't remember, maybe +2700 faces; as you can see and every one can see, we'r using the INQ M4 Construction Pack as models & textures base; unless the DSA M68 Aimpoint & ACOG sight models & the Harris Bipod model by SJB_Jackal326 (many thanks too both). Let's cu edit if some one finds that addon, or have it on the HD... pm me for send it to me with the readme file (for contact the maker) we need that scope. Let's cu
  9. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, some one remember a M4 AR addon released in ofp.info many time ago that had a AN-PSV4 scope?, sadly... the scope texture (and the model itself) of the scope that we'r using sucks, sucks real hard. We need something better or i think that i'll remove the wip_m4scope from the list of the black/scratched M4's, in the desert & woodland camoed versions isn't so noticeable how-much-the model-sucks. That AN-PSV4 scope could fit into the black/scratched wip_m4scope & i could even make some more M4's using that kind of scope (without it's real features, NV & im not sure if uses IR too, but i think it does); help us to find it plz. *Sluganda, i don't remember, maybe +2700 faces; as you can see and every one can see, we'r using the INQ M4 Construction Pack as models & textures base; unless the DSA M68 Aimpoint & ACOG sight models & the Harris Bipod model by SJB_Jackal326 (many thanks too both). Let's cu edit if some one finds that addon, or have it on the HD... pm me for send it to me with the readme file (for contact the maker) we need that scope. Let's cu
  10. wipman


    Hi, im one of those "luckness" spanish borned citizens; i live in Asturias, in Gijón; at the NW of my "dear" great country. Here's a link to a 360ş pic of 1 of our bitches: 360ş view of San Lorenzo there'r more 360ş of some places of my dear city, if u look left in that pic, u can see there one of the sides of Cimadevilla aka cimata. P.D: Zaragoza it's not there, Zaragoza it's at the NWW of Madrid, almost below my state: Asturias (where the Reconquista = reconquer, begun). Let's cu
  11. wipman

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Hi, where we can download (if we can) that firing anim shown in the 1St & 2Nd screenshot in the 1St post on this threat, it's damn good; that's how u must fire over the knee. Are those anims available to download for the public?. Let's cu
  12. wipman

    I want your face - Female Facepack

    Hi, i've try that file and no one of those custom faces have worked; but they'r way of be mapped looks much better & rational than how the male faces are mapped. If i were you... i'll talk to the man who made than new head model or with Nephilin and i'll ask 'em for permison to use they'r heads model in a new female unit model & i'll try to do it look like as a woman (or better as a teenager) soft round tits, slim legs, soft skin (at least the look like), slim arms and all the possible female (dressed) characteristics that distinguises the females from the stinking dogs like us. I've try to adjust a female face texture to that male head model (that means a bigger skull and more other things that i don't know how to say in ******' english), and this how those failure trys look like: 1St Try: 2Nd Try: with a well configured or scripted female voice pack and not the OFP truckers voices (unless those who put the speed at "loca" velocity) and those new unit models, maybe the 2 or 3 girls that still have the OFP may play with a model that be closer to they'r real look like, instead a flat 40yo woman or a +30yo zcech male 50/50 hairless & that haven't sahved in 3 days to look like more "mean" to the world. Let's cu P.D: We love you BIS; but from the distance... . Let's cu
  13. wipman

    I want your face - Female Facepack

    Hi, i've try that file and no one of those custom faces have worked; but they'r way of be mapped looks much better & rational than how the male faces are mapped. If i were you... i'll talk to the man who made than new head model or with Nephilin and i'll ask 'em for permison to use they'r heads model in a new female unit model & i'll try to do it look like as a woman (or better as a teenager) soft round tits, slim legs, soft skin (at least the look like), slim arms and all the possible female (dressed) characteristics that distinguises the females from the stinking dogs like us. I've try to adjust a female face texture to that male head model (that means a bigger skull and more other things that i don't know how to say in ******' english), and this how those failure trys look like: 1St Try: 2Nd Try: with a well configured or scripted female voice pack and not the OFP truckers voices (unless those who put the speed at "loca" velocity) and those new unit models, maybe the 2 or 3 girls that still have the OFP may play with a model that be closer to they'r real look like, instead a flat 40yo woman or a +30yo zcech male 50/50 hairless & that haven't sahved in 3 days to look like more "mean" to the world. Let's cu P.D: We love you BIS; but from the distance... . Let's cu
  14. wipman

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    Hi, once that the weapons field have been perfectly cleared by you, balckblood... (that i still thinking that the Kabal's Sniper pack it's better that the RSKL, and JAM_Mag2 Compatible) if u gonna ad d the "camo face" option, there will be possible to include a "clean face" option?, that will turn back to the cutom face?. That'll be very fanzy. Let's cu
  15. wipman

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Hi, now it works; and this is how it looks like: & yeah, that wip-flags it's a .pbo that i made with some flags that could be utile in CTF's, in coops for the entrances or the CC buildings and things like that, there's an old version in ofp.info + a faces pack by me too; it's the older version. There they don't want to release the updated flags packs because it contains the germany flag, the nazi flag i mean... for put in the bases where u gonna strike & make a small representation of clean a bit the earth surface of some scum. Many thanks for the help. let's cu <------<< Lie; updated wip-faces & wip-flags released by Cervo in ofp.info
  16. wipman

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Hi, this is the line that i've used this time: [This,""\wip-flags\Rebel.jpg"",""\wip-flags\pow-mia.jpg""] Exec "\MAP_MilObj-Pack\Flag_Script.sqs" i can enter to the mission now, but this is what i get when i enter: sms: sms received:
  17. wipman

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Hi, this is what appears when i try to add the example line to the INIT of the military flag pole: The error: Let's cu
  18. wipman

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Hi, seems that i can't make work the 2 flags in a pole; the line that i use it's the same one than in the example: example) This,â€usa_vlajka.pacâ€,â€\Flags\NATO.jpgâ€] Exec “\MAP_MilObj-Pack\Flag_Script.sqs†. In my line only changes the names of the flags; what i do wrong?, or what could i do to make work the 2 flags in a pole?. Let's cu
  19. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well... i think that this weapons will look good in the hands of alot units; BAS de/ra, LSR De/ra (there could almost... make u forget the nose model), HYK GI's, de/ra, ab/whatever; the E&S USMC Addon Pack 1.0, the Suchey USMCBeta3 re-retextured, the HK Pack 1.0 units, the SJB_Jackal326 seals, BAS tonal sf's, EDGE Guerrilas, MAAC & MARFY 82AB Div. , UKF units, Blackblood (D)-DPM units, ADF units... and some others. The day that we end this pack, i hope that every OFP player can have access to it, and that have fun over all, with it. It'll fit into the hands of rebel forces, OPFORs too; but i was thinking in the LSR Deltas 0.9 or 1.0 when i began with this. Anyway, i make this for the OFP players that may like this weapons pack. Let's cu P.D: Looks like that there don't gonna be any Holosight, or at least no one has told me nothing about; so sorry for those who was specting that sights in this pack. Let's cu
  20. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well... i think that this weapons will look good in the hands of alot units; BAS de/ra, LSR De/ra (there could almost... make u forget the nose model), HYK GI's, de/ra, ab/whatever; the E&S USMC Addon Pack 1.0, the Suchey USMCBeta3 re-retextured, the HK Pack 1.0 units, the SJB_Jackal326 seals, BAS tonal sf's, EDGE Guerrilas, MAAC & MARFY 82AB Div. , UKF units, Blackblood (D)-DPM units, ADF units... and some others. The day that we end this pack, i hope that every OFP player can have access to it, and that have fun over all, with it. It'll fit into the hands of rebel forces, OPFORs too; but i was thinking in the LSR Deltas 0.9 or 1.0 when i began with this. Anyway, i make this for the OFP players that may like this weapons pack. Let's cu P.D: Looks like that there don't gonna be any Holosight, or at least no one has told me nothing about; so sorry for those who was specting that sights in this pack. Let's cu
  21. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

  22. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

  23. wipman

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    Hi, about the weapons of the units... what about the hand guns?; was a bit weird to check that no UKF unit used any hand gun. I thug that i was for keep the addon dependencies to the minime... but what about too of sniper riffles?, the whole JAM_Mag2 sounds suck in my opinion; if i'll had to choose i'll chose all this to fill those emty fields: Shypboy SIG-P226 v1.1 , ADF Troops & Weapons v1.1 & the Kabal's Sniper Rifles , using the ADF weapons, this units will be ADF weapons compatible, JAM_Mag2 & they'r equipment will fit the real SASR/SAS weaponry. But yes, the addons list and the Mb size will shoot straight to the roof using all that.
  24. wipman

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Hi, i don't know what kind of squad marks or signs this C130's gonna use; but i think that all the OFP players will be very if some of 'em will display the kind of squad markings that some of the fanzy UK C130's diplay; like this one: UK Hercules C-130E let's cu
  25. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i've already repathed all the M4's (woodland, scratched & desert) i've made some small changes, like add the clipped mags to the short M68 sighted M4's (SD & not SD, there's no ACOG version of those) make the m4scope use the 20rdns mag and have a Harris bipod. What remains?, remain me to put the laser beam of the LAM in the viewpilot LOD on those few versions that are equiped with it. Take side pics of the scratched (aka black) M4's to make the black M4's distance LODs; end the last 3 remaining textures that still not made yet for the black M4's so we could complete all the black M4's LODs. I should ask our modeler for if he can remap the back lense of all the M68 sighted M4's for a much better texture & then, send 'em to config writter that should make 'em use the STGM M4's ballistic values and the TACTevens smoke effects. Also remains to fix (make from zero) some of the sights, to make 'em shine by night, like the E&S M68 red dot of his sight, the DanM1 cross (the same than in his DanM14's Pack, M25 sniper riffle) and i think that that's all. Now... some pics for those who still waiting for this weapons. M4A1(D) Scope: M4A1(W) M203 ACOG-SD: M4A1 Short M68-SD: Last thing... i've found out there a very very closer sound to how a M4A1 sounds when shoot; i've try to contact that addon maker, but he don't accept "unrequested mails"; in case that i can't get a reply from him... we gonna use that sound file and put his name in the credits. Let's cu