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Everything posted by waffendennis

  1. waffendennis

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Now i Call that ART
  2. waffendennis

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Me want fokker!Me want fokker! Are you going to release it? Thats FW200s addon, there are legimate ways to acquire the beta, wont tell how yet. Hu so that Beta link on IRC was not public? Slaps for head
  3. waffendennis

    Desert 5t truck pack.

    I say Do it... And hey why dont you bind up with people to make the pack bigger? ( i can help with it ) Like adding guns to the trucks
  4. waffendennis

    Challenger 2 beta released

    I agree on evry thing except the Crazy part: They are not crazy: They got the guts to do it
  5. waffendennis

    Challenger 2 beta released

    Those tanks Are GREAT But this is for the Driver bug: Window Bug
  6. waffendennis

    Challenger 2 beta released

    Thats your Own PC i think ( you are infected with the virus ) Or else...Let DKM awnser it.
  7. waffendennis

    Animations software

    I saugest you: Try to begin with OFPANIM If you start with Maya first time you wont know how it works.
  8. waffendennis

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

  9. waffendennis

    How about a forum night?

    Lol lets do ViceVersa: This time the normal players will be the Admins ( mods ) and will kick the FP85 MOD forums their asses and if they dont like it we give them a Kick or Bann
  10. waffendennis

    How about a forum night?

    Lol lets do ViceVersa: This time the normal players will be the Admins ( mods ) and will kick the FP85 MOD forums their asses and if they dont like it we give them a Kick or Bann
  11. waffendennis

    Mystery plane

    This is the plane from the G8 Urban mod: I gues you have their planes? And they create those WEST/AIR/PLANE
  12. waffendennis

    Ask a mod

    Sorry Ralph but i dident know who i needed to PM. And thnxs to: Placebo (for enabeling PHP ) and Gadger ( for the PHP script ) I got a working Avatar now PS: I wont happen again.
  13. waffendennis


    And if modelling skill qualifies you for P3Dedit, then I think that Federalist deserves a copy . From what I've seen, bmgarcangel is a reasonably good modeller, but there are much more talented people that haven't received P3Dedit . Kind of bizarre. He not gained the tool offical some kind of person sended him wich is illigal. So brendan dont breg about it. You dont have it legal. Thnxs and now lets stop this: I want p3dedit stuff.
  14. waffendennis

    Most wanted (bis) models thread

    Well I like to help But: Isent there a reason why the files are secured?
  15. waffendennis

    Ask a mod

    If you pay me enough, I will enable PHP avatars Paying a? Il pay you with: Friendship Accept it or uhm? hmm let me thing about the "OR" part. But any way: DO IT PLEASE ENABLE PLEASE PLEASE Dont do it and il keep on begging till they must take you to the nuts house
  16. waffendennis

    Ask a mod

    OK. Got the script working now but: the forums doesent support .php Avatar so how van i fix that?
  17. waffendennis

    Ask a mod

    Uh? Care to make me one?
  18. waffendennis

    Ask a mod

    Hey can some one help me with a Random avatar that shows up a new avatar evry time you refresh the page? Thnxs.
  19. waffendennis

    Game like ofp

    and how did you tested that?
  20. waffendennis


    [] I cant say any thing or some one got comments about it. []
  21. waffendennis


    Thnxs for the mirror.
  22. waffendennis

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Rangers Lead the way:
  23. waffendennis


    Here you go:
  24. waffendennis

    Hunter anims big pack

    English only!!! And you have to get along with it right? I edited my post nicely and still you need to continue? I dont call it fair: I call it: Make people angry and then cry out loud at the mods.
  25. waffendennis

    Hunter anims big pack

    Showed off my emotions: Emotions done Edited post ok now lets get on.... But still Hunter: Watch it!