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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. Well Done that helps alot now I am off to the editor!!:bounce3:
  2. I second that! would be much appreciated.
  3. Mine is working but the F16 now shows up under GLTF16 not Air if that helps. :bounce3: Nice work Myke!
  4. Just to confirm this is updated from the last @Eng102? Thanks for all your hard work.
  5. vengeance1


    This is very exciting news, it is no doubt complicated and time consuming and we very much appreciate the effort. ARMA 2 really lacks the vehicle selection we had in ARMA 1, this would be huge for ARMA 2. Thanks
  6. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    No reason to apoligize that is what Beta means, TESTING. Nice work NORRIN, getting better all the time.
  7. vengeance1

    ILS Pro II

    UPDATE: Figured it out, just changed Game Logic name, landed F16 perfect works great! Also figured out have to pass through last Game Logic to turn off. :bounce3:
  8. vengeance1

    ILS Pro II

    Really liking this script. Couple of questions. 1. To have two different airports supported would I have to create a whole new script named sqf? Want to use LHD. 2. How do I turn OFF the ILS once I have landed? It seems to stay on even after getting out. Thanks!
  9. vengeance1

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Awesome! thanks Xeno, can't wait to get it back on my Server (maybe a few edits with mods:) I don't see TT Two Teams? Any Plans?
  10. Nice job Myke much appreciated by the community!:bounce3:
  11. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Group had just all got wasted in vehilces by a KA52, Yes I was in the middle of Reviving a unit and it revived correctly the others were timing out and respawning at closest base "Mobile". Sound: as I put just below 44100 sound errors "I was using the @VopSound_2.0". There was great LAG for a while during the process.
  12. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Hmm, wonder if that is something the editor can get at? Anyway I ran into several errors in that same mission I sent you tonight. I was reviving an AI and others were respawning timed out. I lost all voice commands to AI and had several ReVive and Drag Addactions that would not go away. Tried leaving and rejoining server but still no voices for AI command. I checked the Server Report and had tons of sound errors Error: sample ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\hmmwv\ext\engine_on1.wss with unsupported sample frequency: 44100 I was using the @VopSound_2.0 I will test again without using it. only a few of these; Error: sample mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\revive_sqf\sound\univ_v10.ogg with unsupported sample frequency: 16000
  13. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Norrin, Only weapon loss I ran across was this: _respawn_at_base_addWeapons = 0; //array no.11 - unit respawns with waepons it commenced the mission with When all of us died in Water I respawned using Menu after washing ashore and had my weapons, all my AI timed out and respawned without weapons. Not sure if it was like that before or not in ARMA1. Also may want to consider a word change on call out for "@##damit Out of Ammo";)
  14. vengeance1

    AAN - ArmA Naval Units

    Hi GNat, hey just thought I let you know(you probably already do) that your Subs and Ships look great in ARMA2. Of course Mando is not there but hey the models look great!
  15. Myke, Appreicate all your hard work on this, would have been a real shame to see it die due to permission issues. I do remember that the F-16 in the Dedi Server Rpt from ARMA 1 had tons of errors so I didn't want to use it in missions, be happy to run this on my ARMA2 Dedi Server and see what it reports unless you already have. Keep up the great work!
  16. S7-Mega, great recap I was in the USAF myself. Well Done! Great Model Myke, can't wait for your update.
  17. Dedi Server Results: This is using nothing but your ADDON's, DBE1, XEH. I have matching RKSL AddOns on both Client and Server, I double checked them. Here is the Mission and Arma.rpt and Server.rpt http://files.filefront.com/RKSLrar/;13895893;/fileinfo.html Below is the error I got by removing the F15 and replacing it with the F35; Have I done something wrong?
  18. vengeance1

    New Version of GCAADST available

    Thanks nice work I'll give it a try on the Server.
  19. Thanks UNN, I will begin with removing the F15 and check results. The good news I have a ton of Addons in my mission to test against, the bad news, it will take some time to remove them one at a time but I will give it some time between testing for NORRIN this weekend.
  20. Nice Work keep it up we love the F16! :bounce3:
  21. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Good Job Norrin, don't forget the Respawn Vehicle if you can and controllable Respawn Points based on Mission Objectives met.
  22. Legislator, If it helps Xeno uses an ARTI in his ARMA2 Mission (co50_AirCavA2.Chernarus.pbo), download that and have a look at how it did it. Hope that helps.
  23. Well said Yoma, voted and posted! check out the pole results. Speaks for itself.
  24. I agree, been playing/editing/mission making ARMA for years, love the game but this gives me a headache. It's not a matter of FPS or PC power for me got plenty of that, it's about choice.