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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    co20 =RTY= Eve of destruction

    Shark, NORRIN has 0.02O out with a lot of fixes I saw in your mission, you may want to include it in your next release. Thanks
  2. vengeance1

    co20 =RTY= Eve of destruction

    Hey Shark, can't wait to try your updated mission. Are you waiting for NORRIN next release?
  3. Eble, can we get a config fix only so we can use the Kiowa on a Dedi Server without errors? Or is it a deeper issue than that, love to use this in my BlackOps missions.
  4. Finally some Ships for ARMA2! Very Nice Surprise got to get this on Armaholic Front Page!
  5. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    WOW, I didn't know you could use DAC in ARMA2? You must have modified it a great deal? What kind of Error Rpt do you get if you run the NORRIN Test Mission?
  6. vengeance1

    Joystick Troubles

    I am using Extreme 3D Pro and some things didn't work either, they have added several new functions and I had to remap some of my buttons.
  7. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    Have you tried using this Option in the Revive_init.sqf? _mission_end_function = 0; //array no.0 - mission ends when all players are unconscious Explained on page 3 of the pdf.
  8. vengeance1

    Revive Script

    WOW, good to hear your ok Norrin! Get Well Soon!
  9. vengeance1

    co20 =RTY= Eve of destruction

    Shark, If someone has already reported my apoligize. 1. Gun_1 soldier at OP does not MoveinGunner because wrong gun defined. 2. I cleared OP and called ReInforcements but "Could Not Get There" until I said Disembark then they went 5000m west to shore. Wierd. 3. One of the Reinforcements got killed and did not respawn??? Was he suppose to? Vengeance
  10. Oh RATS! was hoping for Black oh well. ERROR: I get this error when loading ONS Troops: (Download from your website) no entry bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierWG.scope ???
  11. Does it include the Black Chinook? Or is that a later addition?
  12. vengeance1

    RAF Chinook

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, I don't have them talent so ......
  13. vengeance1

    A way to remove profanity II

    I totally agree and quite frankly it not something I want my kids listening to or playing. Make it selectable at the very least. Turning off Radio is not the Answer.
  14. Awesome we could really use your talented Scripts! :bounce3:
  15. Fantastic Script! Really covers all the bases. ;) Thanks
  16. Thanks for the follow up, I'll give it some work. ;)
  17. vengeance1

    RAF Chinook

    Has anyone made an All Black Chinook to go with the BlackOps Mod? If not then what do I need to make one? Thanks
  18. Could you post the script you used to do this? Way Cool! :)
  19. It's a great start Eric, nice addon to have. Thanks!
  20. Much Appreicated! Thanks. By the way I find this works much better for multiple vehicles. Run this in Init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "script\FLIR_function.sqf"; Run this in each vehicle init you want to have FLIR. nul=[this] execVM "script\FLIR_init.sqf"; Perhaps you have a better way but this works with my limited script skills:rolleyes:
  21. Maybe I am mistaken but if you are standing outside the Helo FLIR AddAction comes up and works even though you are NOT GUNNER? How do I code this to disable? :confused:
  22. Eble, Looking forward to getting the Kiowa back in my MP Mission when Config gets updated also looking foward to using it with that new FLIR Script!
  23. I tried getting the Init to work like this but it errors I was able to get it to work like this? res=[this] execVM "c130cargo.sqf"; Great Script however lots of uses.
  24. vengeance1

    Vehicle drop from C130

    That works fine but how would you get more than one Parachute on the vehilce when it drops, 1 is not appropriate for a large vehicle. :confused: